HPV has the following functions—
(a) to supply or facilitate access to the supply of goods and services to public hospitals and other health or related services on best value terms;
(b) in relation to the supply of goods and services to public hospitals and the management and disposal of goods by public hospitals—
(i) to develop, implement and review policies and practices to promote best value and probity; and
(ii) to provide advice, staff training and consultancy services;
(c) to provide advice, staff training and consultancy services in relation to the supply of goods and services to, and the management and disposal of goods by, health or related services other than public hospitals;
(d) to monitor compliance by public hospitals with purchasing policies and HPV directions and to report irregularities to the Minister;
(e) to foster improvements in the use and application of purchasing systems and trading by electronic transactions by health or related services;
(f) to establish and maintain a database of purchasing data of public hospitals and supply markets for access by public hospitals;
(g) to ensure that probity is maintained in purchasing, tendering and contracting activities in public hospitals;
(h) any other functions conferred on HPV by this or any other Act.
New s. 132
inserted by No. 18/2001 s. 8.