For the purposes of Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 of the Commonwealth and the Competition Code within the meaning of the Competition Policy Reform (Victoria) Act 1995 , the following conduct is authorised—
(a) anything done by HPV in carrying out its functions or exercising its powers under this Part, including, but not limited to, the conduct of HPV in negotiating, entering into or performing agreements or arrangements, for the supply, or in facilitating access to the supply, of goods or services to a public hospital or other health or related service; and
(b) anything done by a public hospital, a board of a public hospital or a person engaged or employed by a public hospital—
(i) in complying with a HPV direction or a purchasing policy; or
(ii) in negotiating, entering into or performing an agreement or arrangement for the supply of goods or services facilitated by HPV in accordance with this Part; and
(c) anything done by a health or related service in negotiating, entering into or performing an agreement or arrangement for the supply of goods or services facilitated by HPV in accordance with this Part; and
(d) the conduct of any other prescribed activity by a person specified in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) or by a prescribed person.
Pt 6A (Heading and ss 134P–134U) inserted by No. 17/2011 s. 4, amended by Nos 22/2016 s. 236, 52/2017 ss 60– 66, repealed by No. 4/2022 s. 9.
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Pt 6B (Heading and ss 134V– 134ZD) inserted by No. 34/2019 s. 85.
Part 6B—Information sharing for quality and safety purposes
S. 134V inserted by No. 34/2019 s. 85.