(1) Despite the change of the name of the Health Innovation and Reform Council to the Better Care Victoria Board, the Better Care Victoria Board is the same body as the Health Innovation and Reform Council in existence immediately before the commencement of section 61 of the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Act 2017 .
(2) On and from the commencement of section 61 of the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Act 2017 , a reference in any Act (other than the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Act 2017 ), subordinate instrument or other document, unless the context otherwise requires, to the Health Innovation and Reform Council is to be construed as a reference to the Better Care Victoria Board.
(3) On and from the commencement of section 61 of the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety) Act 2017 , the members and the chairperson of the Health Innovation and Reform Council in office immediately before that commencement continue in office as a member or as chairperson of the Better Care Victoria Board, as the case may be, on the same terms and conditions as those on which they were originally appointed for the remainder of their original terms.
(4) On and from the commencement of
section 61 of the Health Legislation Amendment (Quality and Safety)
Act 2017 , a committee of the Health Innovation and Reform Council
appointed immediately before that commencement continues in existence and is
taken to be a committee appointed by the Better Care Victoria Board.
Pt 9
(Heading and ss 176–186) amended by No. 1/1989 s. 4(g) (as
amended by No. 42/1993 s. 67), repealed by No. 42/1993
s. 23(3), new Pt 9 (Heading and ss 179 – 229)
inserted by No. 39/2000 s. 11.
Part 9—Transitional provisions relating to metropolitan health services
Division 1—Preliminary
New s. 179 inserted by No. 39/2000 s. 11.