(1) A case mix auditor may, at any reasonable time, enter the premises of a public hospital or denominational hospital for the purposes of ascertaining that the case mix funding system is being correctly implemented and may—
(a) inspect any relevant patient medical records or other relevant documents; and
(b) extract or copy information that does not identify individuals; and
(c) ask questions of any person employed in the public hospital or denominational hospital to determine whether case mix data are being correctly reported.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to any information or document relating to the proceedings of or prepared for the purposes of an approved quality assurance body declared under section 139 unless that information or document does not identify, either expressly or by implication, a particular individual or particular individuals.
(3) A case mix auditor must produce a copy of his or her authorisation to act as a case mix auditor if requested to do so.
S. 18E inserted by No. 112/1993 s. 6.