TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title PART 1 -- Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Commencement 3. Terms used 4. Designated officers 5. Delegation by designated officers 5A. Delegation by Minister PART 2 -- Donations of tissue by living persons Division 1 -- Exclusion of certain tissue 6. Interpretation Division 2 -- Donations by adults 7. Blood transfusions not subject to this Division 8. Consent to removal of regenerative tissue 9. Consent to removal of non-regenerative tissue Division 3 -- Donations from children 10. Blood transfusions not subject to this Division 11. References to parents 12. General prohibition of removal of tissue from children 13. Parent may consent to removal of regenerative tissue from a child 14. Revocation of consent Division 4 -- Effect of consents and authorities 15. Consents under section 16. Consents under section 17. Consents under section Division 5 -- Blood transfusions 18. Consent by adult to removal of blood 19. Parent may consent to removal of blood from child 20. Consent is sufficient authority for removal of blood 21. Blood transfusions upon children without parental consent PART 3 -- Donations of tissue after death 21A. No application to Anatomy Act 1930 22. Designated officer may authorise removal of tissue from bodies in hospital 23. Coroner’s consent to removal of tissue required in some cases 24. Effect of authority under this Part 24A. Appointment of authorised persons PART 4 -- Post-mortem examinations 25. Designated officer may authorise post-mortems of bodies in hospital 26. Next of kin may authorise post-mortem of body not in hospital 27. Coroner’s consent to post-mortem required in some cases 28. Effect of authority under this Part PART 5 -- Trading in tissue 29. Part does not apply to trading regulated under Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 29A. Unauthorised trading in tissue prohibited 29B. Recovery of certain costs by authorised suppliers 29C. Recovery of certain costs by authorised school of anatomy 29D. Minister may make order as to application of section 29A 29E. Minister may approve certain contracts 29F. Human Tissue Advisory Body 30. Advertisements relating to buying human tissue prohibited PART 6 -- Prohibition on the use of embryonic stem cell lines 30A. Terms used 30B. Restriction on use of human embryonic stem cells lines PART 7 -- Miscellaneous 31. Exclusion of liability of persons acting in pursuance of consent, etc. 32. Act does not prevent specified removals of tissue etc. 32A. Codes of practice 32B. Enforcement of directions contained in a code of practice 33. Offences in relation to removal of tissue 34. Disclosure of information 35. Regulations 37. Regulations may adopt codes or legislation Defined terms[Heading amended: No. 41 of 2022 s. 5.]