(1) This section
applies if the Board suspects on reasonable grounds that a person has —
committed an offence under this Act; or
committed an offence against the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA) or
contravened a civil penalty provision, other than an offence or civil penalty
provision in Part 4.2 of the Law.
(2) The Board may
appoint a person to investigate the suspected commission of the offence or
contravention of the penalty provision.
Note for this subsection:
See the Legal
Profession Uniform Law (WA) section 469.
(3) The Legal
Profession Uniform Law (WA) Chapter 7 applies in relation to the investigation
carried out under this section as if a reference in Chapter 7 to —
(a) a
trust records investigation were a reference to the investigation carried out
under this section; and
(b) an
investigator were a reference to a person appointed under subsection (2).
(4) The Legal
Profession Uniform Law (WA) sections 462, 465 and 467 apply to a person
appointed under subsection (2) as if they were a relevant person for the
purposes of those sections of the Law.