(1) This section
applies to a WA government lawyer within the meaning of section 36(1) of the
old Act engaged before commencement day in government work within the meaning
of section 36(2) of the old Act and who does not, immediately before
commencement day, hold an Australian practising certificate under the old Act.
(2) The WA government
lawyer is taken to hold a current Australian practising certificate granted
under the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA) authorising the holder to engage
in legal practice as a government legal practitioner for the period beginning
on commencement day and ending on the earlier of the following —
(a) if
local regulations are made under section 127 exempting WA government lawyers
from the requirement to hold Australian practising certificates in respect of
their official functions as government lawyers — the day on which the
regulations come into operation;
(b) the
day on which the WA government lawyer’s Australian practising
certificate granted under the Law comes into operation;
(c) the
expiry of the period of 6 months beginning on commencement day.