(1) The Legal Services
and Complaints Committee has the functions conferred on it by this Act, the
Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA) or another Act.
(2) Without limiting
subsection (1), it is a function of the Legal Services and Complaints
Committee —
(a) to
carry out a Chapter 5 function delegated to the Committee by the Board under
section 37(a)(i); and
(b) to
supervise and direct the Legal Services and Complaints Officer in the
performance of the functions of that office; and
(c) to
comment on, and make recommendations in respect of, this Act and the Legal
Profession Uniform Law (WA) to the extent that they may affect the functions
of the Legal Services and Complaints Committee.
(3) A community
representative may also report independently, as an individual, to the
Attorney General on any aspect of —
(a) a
complaint under consideration by the Legal Services and Complaints Committee
under functions delegated under section 37(a)(i); or
(b) the
Uniform Rules (WA) as they relate to disciplinary matters or the conduct of
legal practice; or
(c) the
activities of the Legal Services and Complaints Officer or the Legal Services
and Complaints Committee.
(4) The Board must not
direct or impose any requirement on the Legal Services and Complaints
Committee as to the performance of its functions, unless directing or imposing
the requirement is permitted by the Legal Profession Uniform Law (WA)
section 408 or 411.