Warren v Chief Executive Officer, Services Australia [2024] FCAFC 73 (7 June 2024) [100%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 7 June 2024; 230 KB)
Rex Patrick and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Freedom of information) [2024] AICmr 150 (29 July 2024) [5%]
(From Australian Information Commissioner; 29 July 2024; 134 KB)
Indara Inbuilding Solutions Pty Ltd v Australian Communications and Media Authority [2024] FCAFC 117 (6 September 2024) [5%]
(From Federal Court of Australia - Full Court; 6 September 2024; 163 KB)
Patrick v Department of Premier and Cabinet [2024] SACAT 51 (12 August 2024) [3%]
(From South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; 12 August 2024; 64 KB)