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AustLII Databases - Documents found: 342 for (" nsw consol act nerl291")

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  1. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - As at 9 August 2024 - Act 37a of 2012 - NOTES [100%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 1 January 2024; 36 KB)   

  2. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 2 Interpretation [32%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 44 KB)   

  3. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 4 Meaning of civil penalty provision and conduct provision [24%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 7 KB)   

  4. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 235 Definitions [18%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 6 KB)   

    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 15 KB)   

  6. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 122 Definitions [17%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 11 KB)   

  7. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 234 Confidentiality of information [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 3 KB)   

  8. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 252A Publication of final Rule determination for trial Rule [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 2 KB)   

  9. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 256 Draft Rule determinations [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 6 KB)   

  10. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 218 AER Guidelines [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 2 KB)   

  11. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 262D Special provision for revocation of trial Rule [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 2 KB)   

  12. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 316A Additional provisions relating to immunity of distributors [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 3 KB)   

  13. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 258 Pre-final Rule determination hearings [13%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 4 KB)   

  14. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 306 Tribunal review of information disclosure decision [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 2 KB)   

  15. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 94 Notice of decision to grant application [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 3 KB)   

  16. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 267 AEMC may extend period of time for making of final Rule determination for further consultation [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 4 KB)   

  17. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 252 Publication of non-controversial or urgent final Rule determination [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 4 KB)   

  18. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 214 Disclosure of protected information authorised if detriment does not outweigh public benefit [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 7 KB)   

  19. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 278 Cost of compliance audits [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 2 KB)   

  20. NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW (NSW) - SECT 317 Distributor--retailer mutual indemnity [12%]
    (From New South Wales Consolidated Acts; 3 KB)   

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