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Editors --- "Notes for Contributors" [2002] AUYrBkIntLaw 16; (2002) 22 Australian Year Book of International Law 423

Notes for Contributors

Preparation and Submission of Manuscript

The Australian Year Book of International Law is a refereed publication. Manuscripts submitted to the Australian Year Book of International Law are sent to two referees without identification of the author. For this reason, please ensure that your name is on a sheet that can be detached from the rest of the manuscript.

1 Please submit both typewritten and electronic copy of the manuscript indicating the operating system and word processing package used.

2 Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations, proper names and references.

3 Page proofs are returned to the author so that any changes made during editing can be checked. Alterations of substance cannot be made at this stage, once the page layout has been finalised.

4 Please provide a brief autobiographical note which should be starred (*) and appear as the first footnote.

Notes on Style


Headings and subheadings within the article should be indicated as follows (using numbers and letters only if necessary): Level 1 Title Centred, Title Case, Bold Level 2 I., II., III... Centred, Title Case, Bold Level 3 (a), (b), (c)... Left margin, sentence case, bold Level 4 (i), (ii), (iii)... Left margin, sentence case, italics Level 5 a., b., c. Left margin, a full sentence, bold, first line of andrunning into paragraph


Use a colon to introduce a run-in list set off from the text, and semicolons at the end of each item, as following:

1 make a neat list, easily changed to suit the page margins, setting the text off from the numbers by tabs, not spaces on the spacebar;

2 arabic numerals are best used so that the numbering will not clash with any headings; and

3 note that there is no need to use capitals at the beginning of each part of the list if it is part of the one sentence — such as this.


Do not use ‘etc’, ‘ie’ or ‘eg’ within the text. Short forms should, however, be used in the footnotes. The first time a full name, which will later be indicated by a short form, is used, give the full name followed by the short form in brackets, as follows: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).


In general, proper names should be capitalised. For example: national, religious or ethnic groups; organisations; geographical names; historical events; and commercial names. Do not capitalise generic or plural references to proper names; ‘government’ and ‘state’ are always lower case. Use capitals when referring, to a specified Chapter, Section, or Appendix of this or any other text.


Numbers up to and including ten should be in words, while figures should be used for 11 and greater; however, figures should be used for all measurements except where the figure appears at the beginning of a sentence. Money amounts should be clearly identified by currency. Commas, not full stops or spaces should be used in large numbers (4,325,687 sq km). Spans of figures use two digits after a non-breaking hyphen: 25-29. Other examples: 1986-88, mid-1970; 1990s; 21 May 1995; twentieth century. ‘First’, ‘second’, ‘third’ is preferred to ‘firstly’, ‘secondly’, ‘thirdly’.


Italics should be used for case names (the Reservations Case); Book Titles; Journal Titles and languages other than English including Latin, for example: inter alia, jus cogens, pacta sunt servanda.


Use single quotation marks for quotes within the text, double quotation marks for a quotation within a quotation. A direct quotation is introduced with a comma and begins with a capital letter if it is a complete sentence. Long quotations running to four or more lines of text — exceeding approximately 30 words — should be indented from the margins, and no quotation marks should be used.

Alterations/additions to quotes

Words added by you to a quote should be enclosed in square brackets.

Indicate any obvious errors in the quoted passage by placing [sic] immediately after the error. Exceptions to this are typing errors, which should be changed but not indicated.

Do not use square brackets at the beginning of a quotation unless it is enclosed within a sentence and the original punctuation cannot be used.

Do not change the style of the text being quoted, especially spelling or capitalisation, to suit the style of this book: reproduce the original exactly.


An ellipsis ‘…’ marks the omission of words in quoted matter. Use only three stops — even at the end of a sentence where an additional full stop would be expected. Do not use at the beginning of a quoted section. Only use at the end of a quoted section if the final sentence is incomplete.

Some preferred spelling

Generally -ise endings are preferred to -ize (authorise, legalise, recognise). acknowledgment inquiry law-making program Bosnia-Herzegovina in so far lodgment treaty-making cooperation interstate no-one focused judgment per cent


All references should appear as footnotes, not in the text. The footnote number should be inserted after the punctuation mark. If a footnote contains several references they should be separated by a semicolon. Abbreviations in the footnotes should contain no full stops, and a space should follow the abbreviation.

ch 1 chapter n 1, nn 3–7 footnote(s) in this text vol, vols volume(s) except at the fn 2, fns 4 footnote(s) in any other beginning of a sentence and 5 text See below for cross references.


Articles and periodicals

Initial(s) (no punctuation) Surname, ‘Title of Article’ (in title case) (year) volume number Title of Journal in Full page number for starting page of article followed by exact citation if necessary.

D A Bell, ‘The East Asian Challenge to Human Rights: Reflections on an

East-West Dialogue’ (1996) 18 Human Rights Quarterly 641, 649. Exception: Australian Year Book of International Law is abbreviated to Aust YBIL.

If you wish to refer to more than one exact place, use ‘114, 161–64, 186’.

Books: Note: Place of publication and publisher details are not required. Initial(s) Surname, Title: including Subtitle after Colon (edition, volume, year) page(s) cited if necessary: I Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law (5th ed, 1998) 10. For essays in collective works: Initial(s) Surname, ‘Title of Essay’ in Initial(s) Surname (ed[s]), Title of Book (edition, year) page number of first page of essay followed by exact citation if necessary. A F Bayefsky, ‘Making the Human Rights Treaties Work’ in L Henkin and J L Hargrove (eds), Human Rights: An Agenda for the Next Century (1994) 229, 235.


Citation should be to an authorised reference. The first time a case is mentioned the names of the parties must appear in full with the details of the law report series. Subsequent references by case name can use an abbreviated name: Mabo v Queensland (No 2) [1992] HCA 23; (1992) 175 CLR 1, 15, 31−32 may later be referred to as the Mabo Case.

Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (1992) 177 CLR 106, 140 (Mason CJ), 154−55 (Brennan J), 211 (Gaudron J), cf 240 (McHugh J).

Note: Law Reports should be abbreviated and not italicised: CLR (High Court); FCR (Federal Court); NSWLR, VR, SASR, WAR (authorised state reports); ILC, ECHR, FLR, A Crim R, LGRA, ICJ Plead, ICJ Rep, PCIJ.

International Court cases should be cited as they appear in the official citation except ICJ Report is abbreviated to ICJ Rep. When citing ICJ Rep use case style as shown in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation.

Corfu Channel (UK v Albania) (Merits) [1949] ICJ Rep 4.

Note: Use ‘Re’ not ‘re’. Do not use ‘The’, ‘and Anor’, ‘and others’,

‘and another’, ‘The King v’‘The Queen v’ in case names.

Conference Papers, Proceedings

Initial(s) Surname, [or name of organisation if no author indicated] ‘Title of

Conference Paper’ Title of Conference, Place of Conference, Date of Conference. A Orford, ‘A Radical Agenda for Reforming the Security Council’ Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Third Annual Meeting, Canberra, 7–9 July 1995.

Published as proceedings:

A Orford, ‘A Radical Agenda for Collective Security Reform’

Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting (1995) 71.


House of Representatives, Debates, vol 188 (1993) 396.

Senate, Debates, vol 160 (1993) 3170.

Newspapers and magazines

Retain ‘The’ in the title only if a single-word title would otherwise result: The Age, The Bulletin, The Times, but International Herald Tribune, Sydney Morning Herald. Place of publication is not required.

A Kent, ‘Power play makes light of diplomacy’ The Australian (20 April 1997) 11.


No italics for names of Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Rules or Bills. Commonwealth legislation indicated by (Cth) as follows: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth)

State and territory legislation should be followed by (NSW), (Vic.), (SA) etc.

Use ‘sections’ in full in text and s, ss in footnotes.

International instruments


No italics for international treaties, conventions or protocols. The first time a treaty is mentioned the title must appear in full. Name of Treaty/Agreement year adopted, source where full text can be found.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (23 May 1969), 1155

UNTS 331.

United Nations Resolutions

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, GA Res 217A (1948).

SC Res 780, reprinted in (1992) 31 ILM 1476.

Other international instruments

Supplement to An Agenda for Peace, 1 January 1995, UN Doc



Use ‘n’ and ‘nn’ (or the full word ‘Note’ if it is the first word of the footnote), ‘above’ and ‘below’ to indicate cross-references to other footnotes. Use ‘See text n 34’ rather than an internal page number for a reference to text. Use ‘ibid 35’ in place of the immediately preceding full reference. If there are several references in a footnote, use surname and cross-reference, for example, ‘Brownlie, above n 34, 2’ to identify the particular cross-reference.

Further information

Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc, Australian Guide to Legal Citation (1998) and the Macquarie Dictionary. Inquiries should be referred to the:

Assistant Editor

Australian Year Book of International Law

Telephone: 61 2 6125 3090 Centre for International and Public Law Facsimile: 61 2 6125 0150

Faculty of Law

Electronic mail: The Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200

December 2002

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