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[1989] AboriginalLawB 24
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Maddock, Ken --- "Update: NT Aboriginal Areas Protection Bill" [1989] AboriginalLawB 24; (1989) 1(38) Aboriginal Law Bulletin 2
NT Aboriginal Areas Protection Bill
The NT Government's Aboriginal Areas Protection Bill (see [1989] AboriginalLB 13;
2(37)pg2) was extensively amended as it passed through the Legislative Assembly
late in May. It goes on the statute books as the
Sacred Sites Act 1989 -
a significant cosmetic victory for opponents of the bill - but the Aboriginal
Sacred Sites Protection Authority will become
the Aboriginal Areas Protection
Authority, as originally planned.
Under the new legislation:
- The Authority will continue to keep and extend a register of sites, but
registration will now be prima facie evidence that a site
is sacred.
- The Authority will now have a right of access to sites on pastoral
- Interested persons may apply for a sites clearance from the Authority; if
refused, they may apply to the Minister who will be able,
after reviewing the
material on which the Authority based its
decision to issue a clearance, but he will have
to give reasons.
- The post of Director will be abolished and replaced by a Chief Executive
Officer appointed by the Minister (the Director was appointed
by and answerable
to the Authority).
- Site declarations, as distinct from registrations, will no longer be
Ken Mattock
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