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Aboriginal Law Bulletin |
The International Summer Institute on Cultural Restoration will be held at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada between 27 June and 7 July 1996.
The theme of the Institute will be 'Cultural Restoration of Oppressed Indigenous Peoples in the Post-colonial State'. Its aims include exploring current methodologies and information available concerning cultural restoration for survivors of colonisation, promoting inter-disciplinary research and publications around the topic, and the establishment of a legal network.
The Institute anticipates the involvement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars from nations in every continent. Further information is available from:
Marie Battiste, Ed D
Director of Summer Institute
College of Education
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 0X1
Phone: 0011-1-306-966 7576
Fax: 0011-1-306-966 7020
E-mail: battistm@duke.usask.ca
The Chiefs of Ontario, on behalf of the Canadian Assembly of First Nations (which represents 640 First Nations in that country), has commenced establishment of the First Nations' International Court of Justice. The Court will hear disputes between Indigenous peoples and their settler governments. The Court's first sitting occurred on the 2, 3 and 4 April 1996 at the Radisson Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Further information can be obtained by contacting:
The Chiefs of Ontario
22 College Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON MSG 1K2
Phone: 0011-1-416-972 0212
Fax: 0011-1-416-972 0217
See also the report by Irene Watson on page 9 of this Bulletin. [1996] ALB 16; 3(79)pg9.
The NSW Department of juvenile Justice (Western Sydney) is seeking reliable and committed adults to take part in its new Aboriginal Mentor Program.
The Program aims to provide guidance and support to Aboriginal juvenile offenders on bail and other court orders, through the involvement of positive role models from local Aboriginal communities. It is intended that this Program will help reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal young people in the juvenile justice system. Mentors will be employed on a fee-for-service basis.
Further information may be obtained through contacting:
Kay Elphick
Program Development Officer
Phone: (02) 8318088
The Australian Hall (now the Cyprus-Hellene Club) on Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, Sydney, was the site of the first Australian Indigenous civil rights protest, the first 'National Day of Mourning', held on 26 January 1938. As such, it is the birthplace of modern Indigenous Australian political consciousness and activism.
This important site is faced with the prospect of demolition once the interim conservation order which currently lies on it is lifted. The Aboriginal History Committee requests Australians urgently write to the Premier of NSW, Mr Bob Can (at Parliament House, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000), and the NSW Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning, Mr Craig Knowles (at Level 33, Governor Macquarie Tower, I Fairer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000), in support of placing a Permanent Conservation Order on the Cyprus-Hellene Club. Writers are requested to send a copy of their letters to the Aboriginal History Committee, PO Box A765, SYDNEY SOUTH NSW 2000. Alternatively supporters may wish to fill in the Open Letter on page 12 of this Bulletin and send it to the Aboriginal History Committee.
Donations to support the campaign to save the Cyprus-Hellene Club may be deposited into the Aboriginal History Committee's bank account at the NSW State Bank, Account No. 110858-00, BSB No. 402107.
The Aboriginal Law Bulletin is going monthly! We have decided this in order to keep our readers even more up to date with the latest in legal issues affecting local Indigenous peoples. Subscription costs however will remain the same.
This means that the May issue of the Bulletin will contain the special on Indigenous women. The June Bulletin will be an ordinary issue, and the July issue a special on Indigenous intellectual and cultural property and copyright. Submission dates for those interested in contributing are: May - 29 April; June - 10 May; July - 31 May.
After many years of happy association, the Bulletin and the Alternative Law Journal are to part company. Those with current subscriptions to the Journal will still receive the Bulletin as a free insert. New subscriptions to the journal, or resubscriptions, will no longer get the Bulletin as an insert. However, all Journal subscribers will be able to subscribe to the Bulletin for a reduction of $10.00.
There is no doubt about the unfailing high level of support Liz Boulton and the rest of the team at the journal have always given us, nor about the high quality of the Journal itself. It is not possible to describe in a short space just how important their support has been in bringing the Bulletin to where it is today. They truly exemplify the best aspects of an alternative consciousness: generous, broadminded, questioning, consultative and empowering.
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URL: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/AboriginalLawB/1996/14.html