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Aboriginal Law Bulletin (ALB)
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Aboriginal Law Bulletin --- "Update: History and Heritage Forum" [1996] AboriginalLawB 36; (1996) 3(81) Aboriginal Law Bulletin 3

History and Heritage Forum

The Aboriginal History Committee is proud to present the National Aboriginal History and Heritage Forum, on Tuesday 9 July and Wednesday 10 July 1996.

The Forum will be held at Turner Hall in the Sydney Institute of Technology, Mary Ann Street, Sydney. It aim will be to establish a national Aboriginal history and heritage organisation. Deliberations will focus on areas such as family history, intellectual property rights, archives and records, education, local government responsibilities, and other issues.

There will also be a discussion panel on heritage law, with papers to be presented by Tony McAvoy of the Cultural Heritage, Environment, Land and Development Division of the NSW Department of Aboriginal Affairs, and Gavin Andrews of the National Parks and Wildlife Service. It is also expected that a representative from the Australian Heritage Commission will be on the panel.

Registration is through CMS Indigenous Consulting, GPO Box 1135, CANBERRA ACT 2601, or phone (06) 253 4955, fax (06) 253 4954, and mobile 015-786 541.

Costs of registration for the Forum are as follows (two days/ one day):

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