(1) The director-general may, in writing, direct that a young detainee be taken from a detention place to another place in the ACT for any purpose the director-general considers appropriate.
a direction that a young detainee be taken to a place to assist the young detainee's education and training
Note Power given under an Act to make a statutory instrument (including a direction) includes power to amend or revoke the instrument (see Legislation Act
, s 46 (1)).
(2) In making a decision under subsection (1), the director-general must consider the young detainee's best interests.
(3) A direction is subject to the following conditions:
(a) any condition prescribed by regulation;
(b) any other condition, consistent with the conditions (if any) prescribed by regulation, that—
(i) the director-general believes on reasonable grounds is necessary and reasonable; and
(ii) is stated in the direction.
Example—condition stated in direction
a condition that an escort officer escorts the detainee