(1) If the director-general gives a young detainee a local leave direction under section 240, the director-general must give the young detainee a written permit (a local leave permit ) to be absent from the detention place for the purpose for which the direction was given.
(2) The director-general may give a young detainee a written permit (also a local leave permit ) to be absent from a detention place, and to be in another place in the ACT, for any other purpose the director-general considers appropriate.
1 to attend an education or training program
2 to attend a health or rehabilitation service
3 for compassionate reasons
4 to attend employment or an interview for employment
Note 1 If a form is approved under s 886 for this provision, the form must be used.
Note 2 Power given under an Act to make a statutory instrument (including a direction) includes power to amend or revoke the instrument (see Legislation Act
, s 46 (1)).
(3) In making a decision under subsection (2), the director-general must consider the young detainee's best interests.
(4) A local leave permit must state the following:
(a) the purpose for which the leave is granted;
(b) for a permit to attend an educational or training program—the place where the program is being undertaken, and the period for which the leave is granted;
(c) for a permit to attend employment—the place of the employment, and the period for which the leave is granted;
(d) for a permit (other than a permit mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c))—the period, not longer than 7 days, for which the leave is granted;
(e) any conditions to which the leave is subject.
(5) A local leave permit is subject to the following conditions:
(a) any condition prescribed by regulation;
(b) any other condition, consistent with the conditions (if any) prescribed by regulation, that—
(i) the director-general believes on reasonable grounds is necessary and reasonable; and
(ii) is stated in the permit.
Example—condition stated in leave permit
a condition prohibiting association with a particular person or being near a particular place
(6) A local leave permit authorises the young detainee to be absent from the detention place in accordance with the permit—
(a) unescorted; or
(b) if the permit is subject to a condition that an escort officer escort the young detainee—while under escort in accordance with the condition.