(1) The operating entity for an intensive therapy place must keep a register (an intensive therapy register ) in relation to children or young people for whom the Childrens Court makes an interim intensive therapy order or an intensive therapy order and who are confined at the intensive therapy place.
(2) The intensive therapy register must include the following details for each child or young person for whom the Childrens Court makes an interim intensive therapy order or an intensive therapy order:
(a) name, sex and date of birth;
(b) details of the intensive therapy order;
(c) the therapy plan for each proposed period of confinement;
(d) the intensive therapy history (if any) for each period of confinement;
(e) if the child or young person is searched during a period of confinement—
(i) the reason for the search; and
(ii) when and where the search was conducted; and
(iii) the name of each person present at any time during the search; and
(iv) details of anything seized during the search; and
(v) details of any force used for conducting the search, and why force was used;
(f) if force was used on the child or young person, other than as part of a search, during the period of confinement—
(i) the reason force was used; and
(ii) details of the force used; and
(iii) the name of each person present when force was used;
(g) where and with whom the child or young person lived before the period of confinement;
(h) anything else prescribed by regulation.
Note Information in the intensive therapy register is protected information (see ch 25).
(3) The register may contain anything else the operating entity considers relevant.