(1) In this Act:
"family day care scheme" means a scheme that organises, coordinates and monitors home-based care for children.
(2) In this section:
"home-based care", for a child, means care provided by a person for the child if—
(a) the care is provided at a home that is not the child's home; and
(b) the care is provided for payment or other material benefit; and
(c) the person does not have—
(i) daily care responsibility for the child; or
(ii) long-term care responsibility for the child.
Examples—schemes that are not family day care schemes
1 a scheme that organises, coordinates and monitors nannies
2 a scheme that organises, coordinates and monitors babysitters
Daily care responsibility is dealt with in s 19.
Long-term care
responsibility is dealt with in s 20.