(1) This section applies if a place or object includes or is likely to include—
(a) the habitat of—
(i) a threatened native species; or
(ii) a threatened ecological community; or
(b) a key threatening process.
(2) The council may register the place or object only if the place or object also has—
(a) cultural heritage significance; or
(b) natural heritage significance of a kind not protected under the Nature Conservation Act 2014
The council registers a homestead and its surrounding property that includes a threatened ecological community because of either of the following:
(a) the homestead and surrounding property have cultural heritage significance because of the homestead's special association with the ACT community;
(b) the surrounding property on which the homestead is located contains an unusual geological formation (the Nature Conservation Act 2014
is principally concerned with the protection of flora and fauna).
(3) In this section:
"habitat"—see the Nature Conservation Act 2014
, dictionary.
"key threatening process"—see the Nature Conservation Act 2014
"threatened ecological community"—see the Nature Conservation Act 2014
"threatened native species"—see the Nature Conservation Act 2014