(1) If the Regulator grants a heavy vehicle accreditation under this Law to an operator of a heavy vehicle, the Regulator must give the operator—
(a) an accreditation certificate in the approved form; and
(b) if prescribed circumstances apply to the grant of the accreditation—an information notice for the prescribed circumstances.
(2) An accreditation certificate for a heavy vehicle accreditation must state the following—
(a) the name of the operator who has been granted the accreditation;
(b) the number identifying the accreditation;
(c) any conditions imposed on the accreditation by the Regulator;
(d) for an AFM accreditation, the maximum work times and minimum rest times that apply to drivers of fatigue-regulated heavy vehicles operating under the accreditation;
(e) the period for which the accreditation applies.
(3) In this section—
"prescribed circumstances", for a heavy vehicle accreditation, means the Regulator has—
(a) imposed a condition on the accreditation that was not sought by the applicant for the accreditation; or
(b) granted the accreditation for a period less than the period of not more than 3 years sought by the applicant for the accreditation; or
(c) for AFM accreditation, granted the AFM accreditation setting maximum work times and minimum rest times different to the maximum work times and minimum rest times sought by the applicant for the accreditation.