(1) A person must not represent—
(a) that the person has been granted a heavy vehicle authority the person has not been granted; or
(b) that a heavy vehicle authority has been granted in relation to a thing for which it has not been granted; or
(c) that the person is operating under a heavy vehicle authority that the person is not entitled to operate under; or
(d) that a thing is operating under a heavy vehicle authority that the thing is not authorised to operate under.
Maximum penalty—$10000.
(2) A person must not represent that the person or a thing is operating under a heavy vehicle authority if the authority is no longer in force.
Maximum penalty—$10000.
(3) A person must not possess a document that falsely purports to be—
(a) an accreditation certificate for a heavy vehicle accreditation; or
(b) a document mentioned in section 468(1)(b) or (c); or
(c) a document evidencing the grant of an electronic recording system approval, exemption, authorisation, permit or other authority under this Law; or
a Commonwealth Gazette notice, a permit
(d) a copy of a document mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
Maximum penalty—$10000.
(4) In this section—
"heavy vehicle authority" means—
(a) a heavy vehicle accreditation; or
an electronic recording system approval, exemption,
authorisation, permit or other authority under this Law.