(1) The responsible Minister for a participating jurisdiction is to refer any adverse report about a national regulation from a legislation scrutiny body for that jurisdiction to the responsible Ministers for consideration and advice.
(2) The responsible Ministers are to prepare advice on the adverse report and provide a report to the relevant responsible Minister about the issues raised.
(3) The report by the responsible Ministers is to be provided to the responsible Minister in sufficient time to ensure the responsible Minister can provide the response to the relevant scrutiny body within a period that is appropriate in the circumstances.
(4) Subsections (1) to (3) do not affect any legislative or other arrangements regarding scrutiny and disallowance in jurisdictions and do not limit a responsible Minister's ability to respond independently to any issues raised by a legislation scrutiny body.
(5) In this section—
"legislation scrutiny body" means a parliamentary committee (or other
parliamentary body) whose functions include the scrutiny of regulations and
other subordinate legislation.