Australian Capital Territory Current Acts

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(see s 2)

Note 1     The Legislation Act

contains definitions and other provisions relevant to this Act.

Note 2     For example, the Legislation Act

, dict, pt 1, defines the following terms:

              •     ACT

              •     Commonwealth

              •     Corporations Act

              •     home address

              •     instrument (see s 14)

              •     interest

              •     under.

"action" includes any proceeding in a court.

"administrator"—see the Administration and Probate Act 1929

, dictionary.

"cause of action" means the fact or combination of facts that gives rise to a right to bring a civil proceeding.

"deed" includes—

        (a)     an instrument having the effect of a deed under a law in force in the ACT; or

        (b)     for an instrument executed under the law of any of the following jurisdictions—an instrument having the effect of a deed under the law under which it is executed:

              (i)     the Commonwealth;

              (ii)     a State;

              (iii)     another Territory;

              (iv)     the United Kingdom;

              (v)     New Zealand.

"defendant" means a person against whom a cause of action lies, whether or not a proceeding has been started for the cause of action.

"government"—see the Legislation Act 2001

, section 121 (Binding effect of Acts).

"income" includes interest on a judgment and other interest, rent, annuities and dividends, but does not include arrears of interest secured by a mortgage and lawfully treated as principal.

"judgment" includes a judgment of a court of the ACT and of any other place.

"land"—see the Land Titles Act 1925

, section 6 (1).

"mortgage" includes—

        (a)     a charge or lien on any property for securing money or money's worth, other than a possessory lien on goods or any binding effect on property arising under an enforcement order of a court; and

        (b)     for land registered under the Land Titles Act 1925

—a charge within the meaning of that Act.

"mortgagee" includes a person claiming a mortgage through an original mortgagee.

"mortgagor" includes a person claiming property subject to a mortgage through an original mortgagor.

"personal injury" includes any disease and any impairment of the physical or mental condition of a person.

"personal representative"—see the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002

, dictionary.

"plaintiff" means a person who has a cause of action, whether or not a proceeding has been started for the cause of action.

"principal money", for a mortgage, means all money secured by the mortgage, including arrears of interest lawfully treated as principal, but does not include other interest.

"successor", for a person liable on a cause of action, means someone on whom the person's liability devolves, whether or not—

        (a)     as personal representative or otherwise on death; or

        (b)     bankruptcy, disposition of property, or ending of a limited interest in property.


        (a)     includes—

              (i)     an express, implied and constructive trust, whether or not the trustee has a beneficial interest in the trust property, and whether or not the trust arises only because of a transaction impeached; and

              (ii)     the duties incident to the office of personal representative; but

        (b)     does not include the duties incident to the estate or interests of a mortgagee in mortgaged property.

"under a disability"—a person is under a disability

        (a)     while the person is under 18 years old; or

        (b)     while the person is, for a continuous period of 28 days or longer, incapable of, or substantially impeded in, the management of his or her affairs in relation to the cause of action in relation to the limitation period for which the question of disability arises because of—

              (i)     intellectual retardation or disability, mental illness or disorder, brain damage, senility or physical disability; or

              (ii)     war or warlike operations; or

              (iii)     circumstances arising out of war or warlike operations.


1     About the endnotes

Amending and modifying laws are annotated in the legislation history and the amendment history. Current modifications are not included in the republished law but are set out in the endnotes.

Not all editorial amendments made under the Legislation Act 2001

, part 11.3 are annotated in the amendment history. Full details of any amendments can be obtained from the Parliamentary Counsel's Office.

Uncommenced amending laws are not included in the republished law. The details of these laws are underlined in the legislation history. Uncommenced expiries are underlined in the legislation history and amendment history.

If all the provisions of the law have been renumbered, a table of renumbered provisions gives details of previous and current numbering.

The endnotes also include a table of earlier republications.

2     Abbreviation key

A = Act

NI = Notifiable instrument

AF = Approved form

o = order

am = amended

om = omitted/repealed

amdt = amendment

ord = ordinance

AR = Assembly resolution

orig = original

ch = chapter

par = paragraph/subparagraph

CN = Commencement notice

pres = present

def = definition

prev = previous

DI = Disallowable instrument

(prev...) = previously

dict = dictionary

pt = part

disallowed = disallowed by the Legislative

r = rule/subrule


reloc = relocated

div = division

renum = renumbered

exp = expires/expired

R[X] = Republication No

Gaz = gazette

RI = reissue

hdg = heading

s = section/subsection

IA = Interpretation Act 1967

sch = schedule

ins = inserted/added

sdiv = subdivision

LA = Legislation Act 2001

SL = Subordinate law

LR = legislation register

sub = substituted

LRA = Legislation (Republication) Act 1996

underlining = whole or part not commenced

mod = modified/modification

or to be expired

3     Legislation history

This Act was originally a Commonwealth ordinance—the Limitation Ordinance 1985

Ord1985-66 (Cwlth).

The ACT Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988

A1988-109 (Cwlth), s 12) converted some former Commonwealth ordinances in force in the ACT into ACT enactments. This allowed the ACT Legislative Assembly to amend and repeal the laws. This Act was converted into an ACT enactment on 1 July 1990.

As with most ordinances in force in the ACT, the name was changed from Ordinance to Act by the Self-Government (Citation of Laws) Act 1989

A1989-21, s 5 on its conversion to an ACT enactment on 1 July 1990.

Before 11 May 1989, ordinances commenced on their notification day unless otherwise stated (see Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910

(Cwlth), s 12).

After 11 May 1989 and before 10 November 1999, Acts commenced on notification day unless otherwise stated (see Seat of Government (Administration) Act 1910

(Cwlth), s 25).

    Commonwealth legislation

Limitation Act 1985 A1985-66

notified 19 December 1985

commenced 19 December 1985

as amended by

    Legislation after becoming Territory enactment

Self-Government (Consequential Amendments) Ordinance 1990

Ord1990-5 sch 1

notified 27 June 1990 (Gaz 1990 No 25)

s 1, s 2 commenced 27 June 1990 (s 2 (1))

sch 1 commenced 1 July 1990 (s 2 (2))

Commercial Arbitration (Amendment) Act 1990

A1990-32 s 6

notified 2 October 1990 (Gaz 1990 No S69)

s 1, s 2, s 6 commenced 2 October 1990 (s 2 (1))

Statute Law Revision (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1992

A1992-23 sch 1

notified 4 June 1992 (Gaz 1992 No S71)

commenced 4 June 1992

Statute Law Revision (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993

A1993-1 sch 1

notified 1 March 1993 (Gaz 1993 No S23)

commenced 1 March 1993

Acts Revision (Position of Crown) Act 1993

A1993-44 sch 1

notified 27 August 1993 (Gaz 1993 No S165)

commenced 27 August 1993 (s 2)

Limitation (Amendment) Act 1993

A1993-82 (as am by A1994-91


notified 30 November 1993 (Gaz 1993 No S242)

commenced 30 November 1993 (s 2)

Mental Health (Consequential Provisions) Act 1994

A1994-45 sch

notified 7 September 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S177)

s 1, s 2 commenced 7 September 1994 (s 2 (1))

sch commenced 6 February 1995 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1995 No S33)

Limitation (Amendment) Act 1994


notified 15 December 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S280)

commenced 15 December 1994 (s 2)

Note     This Act only amends the Limitation (Amendment) Act 1993

No 82.

Land Titles (Consequential Amendments) Act 1995

A1995-54 sch

notified 20 December 1995 (Gaz 1995 No S313)

s 1, s 2 commenced 20 December 1995 (s 2 (1))

sch commenced 20 June 1996 (s 2 (3))

Limitation (Amendment) Act 1998


notified 27 November 1998 (Gaz 1998 No S207)

commenced 27 November 1998 (s 2)

Legislation (Consequential Amendments) Act 2001

A2001-44 pt 223

notified 26 July 2001 (Gaz 2001 No 30)

s 1, s 2 commenced 26 July 2001 (IA s 10B)

pt 223 commenced 12 September 2001 (s 2 and see Gaz 2001 No S65)

Workers Compensation Amendment Act 2001

A2001-81 s 35

notified LR 28 September 2001

s 1, s 2 commenced 28 September 2001 (LA s 75)

s 35 commenced 1 July 2002 (s 2 (1))

Legislation Amendment Act 2002

A2002-11 pt 2.33

notified LR 27 May 2002

s 1, s 2 commenced 27 May 2002 (LA s 75)

pt 2.33 commenced 28 May 2002 (s 2 (1))

Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002

A2002-40 sch 3 div 3.2.9

notified LR 10 October 2002

s 1, s 2 commenced 10 October 2002 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 3 div 3.2.9 commenced 1 November 2002 (s 2 (2) and CN2002-13


Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2003 (No 2)

A2003-35 pt 4

notified LR 8 September 2003

s 1, s 2 commenced 8 September 2003 (LA s 75 (1))

pt 4 commenced 9 September 2003 (s 2 (1))

Workers Compensation Amendment Act 2003 (No 2)

A2003-49 s 33

notified LR 3 December 2003

s 1, s 2 commenced 3 December 2003 (LA s 75 (1))

s 33 commenced 5 April 2004 (s 2 and CN2004-7


Statute Law Amendment Act 2004

A2004-42 sch 3 pt 3.14

notified LR 11 August 2004

s 1, s 2 commenced 11 August 2004 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 3 pt 3.14 commenced 25 August 2004 (s 2 (1))

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Act 2005


sch 1 pt 1.9 (as am by A2006-3

amdt 1.3)

notified LR 1 September 2005

s 1, s 2 commenced 1 September 2005 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 pt 1.9 commenced 1 November 2006 (s 2 (3) (as am by A2006-3

amdt 1.3) and see Human Rights Commission Act 2005

A2005-40, s 2 (as am by A2006-3

s 4) and CN2006-21


Limitation Amendment Act 2005


notified LR 22 December 2005

s 1, s 2 commenced 22 December 2005 (LA s 75 (1))

remainder commenced 23 December 2005 (s 2)

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2006

A2006-1 sch 1 pt 1.2

notified LR 22 February 2006

s 1, s 2 commenced 22 February 2006 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 pt 1.2 commenced 23 February 2006 (s 2)

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Act 2006

A2006-3 amdt 1.3

notified LR 22 February 2006

s 1, s 2 commenced 22 February 2006 (LA s 75 (1))

amdt 1.3 commenced 23 February 2006 (s 2)

Note     This Act only amends the Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Act 2005


Statute Law Amendment Act 2006

A2006-42 sch 3 pt 3.15

notified LR 26 October 2006
s 1, s 2 taken to have commenced 12 November 2005 (LA s 75 (2))

sch 3 pt 3.15 commenced 16 November 2006 (s 2 (1))

Statute Law Amendment Act 2007

A2007-3 sch 3 pt 3.60

notified LR 22 March 2007

s 1, s 2 taken to have commenced 1 July 2006 (LA s 75 (2))

sch 3 pt 3.60 commenced 12 April 2007 (s 2 (1))

Statute Law Amendment Act 2009 (No 2)

 A2009-49 sch 3 pt 3.45

notified LR 26 November 2009

s 1, s 2 commenced 26 November 2009 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 3 pt 3.45 commenced 17 December 2009 (s 2)

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (No 2)

A2016-53 pt 3

notified LR 25 August 2016

s 1, s 2 taken to have commenced 23 June 2016 (LA s 75 (2))

pt 3 commenced 26 August 2016 (s 2 (1))

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2017 (No 2)

A2017-14 pt 13

notified LR 17 May 2017

s 1, s 2 commenced 17 May 2017 (LA s 75 (1))

pt 13 commenced 24 May 2017 (s 2 (1))

Road Transport Reform (Light Rail) Legislation Amendment Act 2017

A2017-21 sch 1 pt 1.10

notified LR 8 August 2017

s 1, s 2 commenced 8 August 2017 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 pt 1.10 commenced 15 August 2017 (s 2)

Motor Accident Injuries Act 2019

A2019-12 sch 3 pt 3.6

notified LR 31 May 2019

s 1, s 2 commenced 31 May 2019 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 3 pt 3.6 commenced 1 February 2020 (s 2 (1) and CN2019-13


Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2021

A2021-15 sch 1

notified LR 30 June 2021

s 1, s 2 commenced 30 June 2021 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 commenced 1 July 2021 (s 2)

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2022

A2022-21 pt 7

notified LR 9 December 2022

s 1, s 2 commenced 9 December 2022 (LA s 75 (1))

pt 7 commenced 10 December 2022 (s 2)

4     Amendment history

s 2     om A2001-44

amdt 1.2649
    ins A2006-42

amdt 3.119

s 3     om A2001-44

amdt 1.2649
    ins A2006-42

amdt 3.119

Other limitations
s 4     am A2002-11

amdt 2.67; A2006-42

amdt 3.120

Stolen property or interest in land
s 5     am A2006-42

amdt 3.121

Application of Act to governments
s 7     am A1993-44

sch 1; ss renum R5 LA; A2002-11

amdt 2.68; A2006-42

amdt 3.122

Derived rights and agency
s 8     am Ord1990-5

s 6
    sub A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def action om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def administrator om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def cause of action am A1992-23

sch 1
    om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def Crown om A2002-11

amdt 2.69
    def deed om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def defendant om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def government ins A2002-11

amdt 2.70
    om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def income om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def judgment om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def land am Ord1990-5

sch 1; A1995-54

    om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def mineral om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def mortgage am Ord1990-5

sch 1; A1995-54

    om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def mortgagee om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def mortgagor om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def personal injury om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def personal representative am Ord1990-5

sch 1
    sub A2002-40

amdt 3.30
    om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def plaintiff om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def principal money om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def successor om A2006-42

amdt 3.123
    def trust om A2006-42

amdt 3.123

Application of provisions relating to accrual date
s 8A     ins A2006-42

amdt 3.123

div 2.1 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 1 hdg) renum R5 LA

div 2.2 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 2 hdg) renum R5 LA

s 11     am Ord1990-5

s 6

s 13     am Ord1990-5

s 6

s 14     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Penalty and forfeiture
s 15     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Compensation to relatives
s 16     am Ord1990-5

sch 1; A2002-40

amdt 3.31

Claims for common law compensation for workers compensation
s 16A     ins A2001-81

s 35

Motor accident claims
s 16AA     ins A2019-12

amdt 3.69

Other claims for damages for personal injury
s 16B     ins A2003-35

s 58
    am A2005-64

s 4; A2019-12

amdt 3.70

Arbitral award
s 17     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Successive wrongs to goods
s 18     am Ord1990-5

s 6

s 19     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2006-42

amdt 3.124, amdt 3.125

Contribution between tortfeasors
s 21     am Ord1990-5

s 6, sch 1; A2002-40

amdt 3.32; A2006-42

amdt 3.126

Tax, licence fee or duty or penalty tax
s 21A     ins A1993-82

s 4
    am A2006-42

amdt 3.127

Defamation proceedings generally to be commenced within 1 year
s 21B     ins A1998-58

s 4
    sub A2006-1

amdt 1.3
    am A2021-15

amdt 1.1

Defamation—single publication rule
s 21BA     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.2

Extension of limitation period
s 21BB     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.2

Defamation—effect of limitation law concerning electronic defamatory publications on other laws
s 21BC     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.2

No limitation period
div 2.2A hdg     ins A2016-53

s 8

Personal injury resulting from child abuse
s 21C hdg     sub A2017-14

s 38; A2022-21

s 17
s 21C     ins A2016-53

s 8
    am A2017-14

s 39, s 40; A2022-21

s 18, s 19

div 2.3 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 3 hdg) renum R5 LA

Mortgage under Land Titles Act 1925
s 22     am Ord1990-5

sch 1; A1995-54


s 23     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Action for principal, possession or foreclosure
s 24     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Action for interest
s 25     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Adjustment of interest
s 26     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Fraud and conversion—trust property
s 27     am Ord1990-5

s 6

div 2.4 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 4 hdg) renum R5 LA

Beneficiaries other than plaintiff
s 29     am Ord1990-5

s 6

div 3.1 hdg     (prev pt 3 div 1 hdg) renum R5 LA

s 30     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2003-35

s 59

Special provision for injuries to children
s 30A     ins A2003-35

s 60
    (9)-(13) exp 9 September 2008 (s 30A (12))
    am A2016-53

s 9; A2017-21

amdt 1.26, amdt 1.27; A2019-12

amdt 3.71

Special provision in relation to children—claims relating to health services
s 30B     ins A2003-35

s 61
    am A2005-64

s 5; A2005-41

amdt 1.114; A2016-53

s 10; A2017-14

s 41; A2022-21

s 20

Notice to proceed
s 31     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A1994-45


s 32     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Fraud and concealment
s 33     am Ord1990-5

s 6, sch 1

s 34     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Personal injuries, latent damage to property and economic loss
div 3.2 hdg     (prev pt 3 div 2 hdg) renum R5 LA

Application of div 3.2
s 35     am A2003-49

s 33

Personal injuries
s 36     am Ord1990-5

s 6, sch 1; A2002-40

amdt 3.33;

s 62; A2004-42

amdt 3.80; A2006-42

amdt 3.128, amdt 3.129; A2019-12

amdt 3.72

Action against estate of deceased person
s 37     am Ord1990-5

sch 1

Action by estate of deceased person
s 38     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2006-42

amdt 3.130, amdt 3.131

Action for compensation to relatives
s 39     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2006-42

amdts 3.132-3.134

Latent damage to property and economic loss
s 40     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2006-42

amdt 3.135, amdt 3.136

pt 4 hdg     (prev pt 5 hdg) renum A1993-82

s 5

Extinction of right and title
div 4.1 hdg     (prev pt 4 div 1 hdg) renum R5 LA

Possessory lien
s 44     am Ord1990-5

s 6

Extinction of right or title must be alleged in proceedings
s 45     am Ord1990-5

s 6

div 4.2 hdg     (prev pt 4 div 2 hdg) renum R5 LA

Application of Act to arbitration
s 47 hdg     am Ord1990-5


Commencement of arbitration
s 49     am Ord1990-5

s 6; A2006-42

amdt 3.137; A2009-49

amdt 3.106

Extension of limitation period
s 50     om A1990-32

s 6

Set-off etc
s 51     am Ord1990-5

s 6

div 4.3 hdg     (prev pt 4 div 3 hdg) renum R5 LA

Recovery of State or Territory revenue amounts
s 54     orig s 54 om A1993-1

sch 1
    ins A1993-82

s 6
    am A2006-42

amdt 3.138

Choice of law
div 4.4 hdg     (prev pt 4 div 4 hdg) ins A1993-82

s 6
    renum R5 LA

Definitions for div 4.4
s 55     ins A1993-82

s 6

Characterisation of limitation laws
s 56     ins A1993-82

s 6

Exercise of discretion under limitation law
s 57     ins A1993-82

s 6

Other provisions
div 4.5 hdg     ins A2003-35

s 63

Approved forms
s 58     ins A2003-35

s 63
    am A2006-42

amdt 3.139

Regulation-making power
s 59     ins A2003-35

s 63

pt 5 hdg     ins A2005-64

s 6

Application of s 21B—Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2005
s 60     renum as s 101

Application of amendments made by Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2003 (No 2)
s 100     ins A2005-64

s 6
    exp 23 December 2010 (s 100 (2) (LA s 88 declaration applies))

Application of s 21B—Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2005
s 101     (prev s 60) ins A2006-1

amdt 1.4
    renum as s 101 R13 LA
    exp 23 February 2009 (s 101 (6) (LA s 88 declaration applies))

Transitional—Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2021
pt 6 hdg     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.3
    exp 1 July 2024 (s 103)

Application of amendments made by Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Act 2021 to publication of defamatory matter
s 102     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.3
    exp 1 July 2024 (s 103)

Expiry—pt 6
s 103     ins A2021-15

amdt 1.3
    exp 1 July 2024 (s 103)

Amendments of Acts
sch     om A2001-44

amdt 1.2649

dict     ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    am A2009-49

amdt 3.107; A2021-15

amdt 1.4
    def action ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def administrator ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    sub A2007-3

amdt 3.333
    def cause of action ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def deed ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def defendant ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def government ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def income ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def judgment ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def land ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def mortgage ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def mortgagee ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def mortgagor ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def personal injury ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def personal representative ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def plaintiff ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def principal money ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def successor ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def trust ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140
    def under a disability ins A2006-42

amdt 3.140

5     Earlier republications

Some earlier republications were not numbered. The number in column 1 refers to the publication order.

Since 12 September 2001 every authorised republication has been published in electronic pdf format on the ACT legislation register. A selection of authorised republications have also been published in printed format. These republications are marked with an asterisk (*) in column 1. Electronic and printed versions of an authorised republication are identical.

Republication No

Amendments to

Republication date



31 May 1991



31 August 1993



6 February 1995



31 March 1999



11 January 2002



31 May 2002



1 July 2002



1 November 2002



9 September 2003

9 (RI)


18 September 2003



5 April 2004



25 August 2004



23 December 2005



23 February 2006



1 November 2006



16 November 2006



12 April 2007



10 September 2008



24 February 2009



Arial" size="2">17 December 2009



24 December 2010



26 August 2016



24 May 2017



15 August 2017



1 February 2020



1 July 2021



10 December 2022

† Reissue includes additional editorial amendments under Legislation Act

and textual correction

6     Expired transitional or validating provisions

This Act may be affected by transitional or validating provisions that have expired. The expiry does not affect any continuing operation of the provisions (see Legislation Act 2001, s 88 (1)).

Expired provisions are removed from the republished law when the expiry takes effect and are listed in the amendment history using the abbreviation ‘exp' followed by the date of the expiry.

To find the expired provisions see the version of this Act before the expiry took effect. The ACT legislation register has point-in-time versions of this Act.

© Australian Capital Territory 2024

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Australian Capital Territory


Republication No 27

Effective: 2 July 2024

Republication date: 2 July 2024

Last amendment made by A2022-21

(republication for expiry of provisions (pt 6))

About this republication

The republished law

This is a republication of the Limitation Act 1985

(including any amendment made under the Legislation Act 2001

, part 11.3 (Editorial changes)) as in force on 2 July 2024

. It also includes any commencement, amendment, repeal or expiry affecting this republished law to 2 July 2024


The legislation history and amendment history of the republished law are set out in endnotes 3 and 4.

Kinds of republications

The Parliamentary Counsel's Office prepares 2 kinds of republications of ACT laws (see the ACT legislation register at


              • authorised republications to which the Legislation Act 2001


              • unauthorised republications.

The status of this republication appears on the bottom of each page.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2001

, part 11.3 authorises the Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial amendments and other changes of a formal nature when preparing a law for republication. Editorial changes do not change the effect of the law, but have effect as if they had been made by an Act commencing on the republication date (see Legislation Act 2001

, s 115 and s 117). The changes are made if the Parliamentary Counsel considers they are desirable to bring the law into line, or more closely into line, with current legislative drafting practice.

This republication includes amendments made under part 11.3 (see endnote 1).

Uncommenced provisions and amendments

If a provision of the republished law has not commenced, the symbol  U  appears immediately before the provision heading. Any uncommenced amendments that affect this republished law are accessible on the ACT legislation register (

). For more information, see the home page for this law on the register.


If a provision of the republished law is affected by a current modification, the symbol  M  appears immediately before the provision heading. The text of the modifying provision appears in the endnotes. For the legal status of modifications, see the Legislation Act 2001

, section 95.


At the republication date, the value of a penalty unit for an offence against this law is $160 for an individual and $810 for a corporation (see Legislation Act 2001

, s 133).

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Australian Capital Territory

Limitation Act 1985


Crest high res small
Australian Capital Territory

Limitation Act 1985

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