(1) This section applies if a law (the amending law ) amends another law (the amended law ) by inserting any of the following provisions, and does not exactly specify the position in the amended law where it is to be inserted:
(a) a chapter, part, division, subdivision, section or subsection (an inserted chapter, part, division, subdivision, section or subsection );
(b) a paragraph (an inserted paragraph );
(c) a subparagraph (an inserted subparagraph );
(d) a sub-subparagraph (an inserted sub-subparagraph );
(e) a definition (an inserted definition );
(f) any other provision (a miscellaneous inserted provision ).
(2) An inserted chapter, part, division, subdivision, section or subsection is inserted in the appropriate numerical or alphanumerical position in the amended law.
(3) An inserted paragraph is inserted in the appropriate alphabetical position in the amended law.
(4) An inserted subparagraph is inserted in the appropriate numerical or alphanumerical position in the amended law.
(5) An inserted sub-subparagraph is inserted in the appropriate alphabetical position in the amended law.
(6) An inserted definition is inserted in the appropriate alphabetical position (worked out on a letter-by-letter basis) in a series of definitions in the amended law.
(7) A miscellaneous inserted provision is inserted in the appropriate position in the amended law.
(8) In applying this section to a law that is divided otherwise than into sections, a reference to a section or subsection is a reference to a corresponding provision of the law.
(9) In working out the appropriate position where a provision is to be inserted in the amended law, regard may be had to the following:
(a) the provision number or letter;
(b) the heading of the relevant amending provision of the amending law;
(c) any other amendments in the amending law including the order of amendments;
(d) anything else in the amending law or amended law;
(e) current legislative drafting practice.
(10) This section is a determinative provision.
Note See s 5 for the meaning of determinative provisions, and s 6 for their displacement.
(11) In this section:
"insert "includes relocate.