(1) This section applies to each of the following species (an applicable species ):
(a) a critically endangered species;
(b) an endangered species;
(c) a vulnerable species;
(d) a regionally threatened species;
(e) a regionally conservation dependent species.
(2) Before an applicable species is included in, or transferred within, a list, the Minister must decide whether an action plan needs to be prepared for the species.
(3) In deciding whether an action plan needs to be prepared for an applicable species, the Minister must seek the advice of the scientific committee.
(4) The Minister may decide that an action plan does not need to be prepared for an item if satisfied that—
(a) the species does not occur in the ACT or occurs infrequently in the ACT; or
(b) having no plan will not increase the risk of extinction of the species.
(5) In this section:
"list"—see section 80.