(1) This Act does not apply to the exercise or purported exercise by a relevant person of a function under the Emergencies Act 2004
for the purpose of—
(a) protecting life or property; or
(b) controlling, extinguishing or preventing the spread of a fire.
(2) In this section:
"emergency controller"—see the Emergencies Act 2004
, dictionary.
"relevant person" means—
(a) an emergency controller; or
(b) a member of the ambulance service; or
(c) a member of the fire and rescue service; or
(d) a member of the rural fire service; or
(e) a member of the SES; or
(f) any other person under the control of—
(i) an emergency controller; or
(ii) the chief officer (ambulance service); or
(iii) the chief officer (fire and rescue service); or
(iv) the chief officer (rural fire service); or
(v) the chief officer (SES); or
(g) a police officer.