(1) On an application for approval under section 11, the commission must—
(a) approve the conduct of the game; or
(b) refuse to approve the conduct of the game.
(2) The commission must refuse to approve the conduct of the game unless satisfied that—
(a) the charitable organisation is a suitable organisation to hold an approval; and
(b) the rules of the game are fair and reasonable; and
(c) the rules and method of conduct of the game can be easily understood by participants; and
(d) the primary purpose of conducting the game is to raise funds for a stated entity for a stated charitable purpose; and
(e) the charitable organisation is to be responsible for the promotion and conduct of—
(i) the game; and
(ii) the event at which it is to be conducted; and
(f) the game is not to be conducted at a place that is a gambling facility of a licensee; and
(g) the approval would not result in the charitable organisation having approval to conduct games at 3 or more events in a 12-month period; and
(h) any other criteria prescribed by regulation are met in relation to the application.
(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the matters the commission may consider.
(4) The commission's approval may be given subject to conditions.
(5) In this section:
"gambling facility"—see the Gambling and Racing Control (Code of Practice) Regulation 2002
, dictionary.
"licensee"—see the Gambling and Racing Control (Code of Practice) Regulation 2002
, section 5, paragraphs (a) to (e).