(1) An inspector who enters premises under section 191 may—
(a) require any person on the premises to produce for inspection any document or thing relating to the employment of workers by the employer using the premises; and
(b) make copies of, or take extracts from a document mentioned in this subsection; and
(c) require anyone on the premises to produce information relating to a document or thing mentioned in this subsection, or information relating generally to the employment of workers by the employer using the premises; and
(d) require information from—
(i) the occupier of the premises; or
(ii) an employer who is on the premises; or
(iii) a person whom the inspector believes on reasonable grounds is an employer and who is on the premises.
(2) For subsection (1) (d), "information" means—
(a) the person's name and address; and
(b) the name under which the business carried on at the premises operates.
(3) An inspector who enters premises in accordance with this section must, if asked by the occupier of the premises or the employer who is on the premises, show the identity card issued to the inspector under section 189.
(4) If the inspector does not show the identity card to the occupier or employer when asked, the inspector must leave the premises immediately.
(5) A person must not contravene a requirement under this section.
Maximum penalty: 50 penalty units.
(6) An offence against subsection (5) is a strict liability offence.