The following rules do not apply to a family violence or personal violence proceeding:
(a) rule 6103 (1) (a) (i) (Documents—layout etc);
(b) rule 6120 (b) (Filing documents—number of copies);
(c) rule 6256 (Appeals from registrar's orders etc);
(d) division 6.8.3 (Service—Magistrates Court);
(e) rule 6430 (Service in Australia but outside ACT);
(f) rule 6435 (Service on children);
(g) rule 6436 (Service on people with mental disabilities);
(h) rule 6460 (Substituted service);
(i) rule 6464 (4) (Acceptance of service by solicitor);
(j) rule 6467 (2) (a) (iii) (Proof of service);
(k) rule 6469 (2) (b) (Change of address for service).