(1) The successful party to an arbitration or related proceeding is entitled to be paid party and party costs (including reasonable disbursements) by the unsuccessful party, unless the court otherwise orders.
(2) The court may make any order about costs between a third-party respondent and another party to an arbitration the court considers appropriate.
(3) However, the court must not award the costs of, or incidental to, an arbitration or related proceeding (including reasonable disbursements) against someone claiming compensation honestly in the arbitration or proceeding.
(4) The costs of, and incidental to, an arbitration or related proceeding are payable at 2 / 3 of the prescribed scale of costs, unless the court otherwise orders.
(5) Disbursements are payable in full.
(6) This rule is subject to rule 3962 (Arbitration—no prompt acceptance of submission or payment) and rule 3963 (Arbitration—award not greater than submission or payment).