(1) A person must not use an electronic device in a court room unless—
(a) the person is—
(i) a party to a proceeding before the court; or
(ii) a legal representative of a party to a proceeding before the court; or
(iii) a media representative; or
(b) the person is permitted by the presiding judicial officer to use the device.
(2) Unless permitted by the presiding judicial officer, a person mentioned in subrule (1) must not use an electronic device in a court room if use of the device—
(a) interferes with the court recording system or other technology; or
(b) in the opinion of the presiding judicial officer, interferes with courtroom behaviour, is inconsistent with the court's functions, or otherwise impedes the administration of justice; or
(c) generates sound or requires speaking into the device; or
(d) records a photograph or video image; or
(e) records or digitally transcribes the proceedings other than in accordance with this rule.
(3) If a sheriff's officer or another officer of the court reasonably believes that a person is using an electronic device in contravention of this rule, the officer may direct the person to—
(a) leave the courtroom; or
(b) give the electronic device to the officer until the person leaves the courtroom; or
(c) allow the officer and the presiding judicial officer access to the electronic device to view any images or listen to any recordings; or
(d) modify or delete the images or recordings on the electronic device as directed by the presiding judicial officer.
(4) A person who contravenes
this rule may be dealt with for contempt of court.