(1) The waste manager may give a person directions in relation to the following:
(a) stockpiling waste;
(b) delivering waste to a named waste facility;
(c) an activity prescribed by regulation.
(2) The waste manager may give a person a direction under subsection (1) (b) even though the direction is contrary to the person's obligation in relation to the delivery of the waste under a licence.
Note A decision under this section is a reviewable decision (see s 119).
(3) A direction must be in writing and state—
(a) the thing required to be done, or not done; and
(b) the period for compliance with the direction.
Note The power to make a direction includes the power to amend or repeal the direction. The power to amend or repeal the direction is exercisable in the same way, and subject to the same conditions, as the power to make the direction (see Legislation Act
, s 46).