(1) The integrity commissioner is a prescribed authority.
(2) Each of the following is a prescribed purpose:
(a) under the Integrity Commission Act 2018
(i) dealing with corruption reports (including carrying out preliminary inquiries mentioned in section 86 of that Act); and
(ii) investigating conduct that is alleged to be corrupt conduct; and
(iii) identifying, exposing and preventing corrupt conduct; and
(iv) referring suspected instances of criminality or wrongdoing to the appropriate authority for further investigation and action;
(b) under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
(i) assessing disclosures of disclosable conduct; and
(ii) investigating public interest disclosures; and
(iii) reviewing investigations of public interest disclosures.
(3) The integrity commissioner may give roll information to another person or entity if—
(a) the person or entity is authorised by the integrity commissioner to use the information for the following purposes only:
(i) investigating conduct that is alleged to be corrupt conduct as mentioned in subsection (2) (a) (ii);
(ii) investigating or taking action in relation to suspected criminality or wrongdoing as mentioned in subsection (2) (a) (iv); or
(b) the person or entity has power to require the production of documents or the answering of questions, and the information is given so that the integrity commission may fulfil a purpose mentioned in paragraph (a).
Example—par (b)
giving roll information to a magistrate when applying for a search warrant as part of an investigation of conduct that is alleged to be corrupt conduct
(4) A person or entity given roll information under subsection (3) (a) may use the information only as authorised.
(5) In this section:
"corrupt conduct"—see the Integrity Commission Act 2018
, section 9.
"disclosable conduct"—see the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
, section 8.
"public interest disclosure"—see the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012
, section 7.