(1) A lessee may apply to the territory planning authority for a reduction or waiver of a noncompliance fee if—
(a) the lessee is an individual; and
(b) any of the following reasons (a hardship reason ) apply:
(i) the lessee, or someone on whom the lessee is financially dependent, has a medical condition that prevents full-time employment;
(ii) the lessee, or someone on whom the lessee is financially dependent, is unemployed;
(iii) the lessee, or someone on whom the lessee is financially dependent, is bankrupt or personally insolvent;
(iv) someone on whom the lessee is financially dependent has died;
(v) an unforeseen major event outside the lessee's control happened after the lessee was granted the lease, and the event has had a demonstrable effect on the lessee's ability to develop the land described in the lease.
Examples—unforeseen major event
1 a bushfire
2 large increase in interest rates
(2) However, a lessee may not apply for a reduction or waiver of a noncompliance fee—
(a) in relation to multiple incomplete works at a time; or
(b) if the lessee has received a reduction or waiver of a noncompliance fee for a hardship reason in relation to another lease within 5 years of making the application.
(3) The application must be in writing and be accompanied by evidence of the hardship reason.
(4) In this section:
"medical condition" includes a physical or mental illness or disability.