Australian Capital Territory Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.



1     About the endnotes

Amending and modifying laws are annotated in the legislation history and the amendment history. Current modifications are not included in the republished law but are set out in the endnotes.

Not all editorial amendments made under the Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 are annotated in the amendment history. Full details of any amendments can be obtained from the Parliamentary Counsel's Office.

Uncommenced amending laws and expiries are listed in the legislation history and the amendment history. These details are underlined. Uncommenced provisions and amendments are not included in the republished law but are set out in the last endnote.

If all the provisions of the law have been renumbered, a table of renumbered provisions gives details of previous and current numbering.

The endnotes also include a table of earlier republications.

2     Abbreviation key

am = amended

ord = ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

ch = chapter

par = paragraph/subparagraph

def = definition

pres = present

dict = dictionary

prev = previous

disallowed = disallowed by the Legislative

(prev...) = previously


pt = part

div = division

r = rule/subrule

exp = expires/expired

renum = renumbered

Gaz = gazette

reloc = relocated

hdg = heading

R[X] = Republication No

IA = Interpretation Act 1967

RI = reissue

ins = inserted/added

s = section/subsection

LA = Legislation Act 2001

sch = schedule

LR = legislation register

sdiv = subdivision

LRA = Legislation (Republication) Act 1996

sub = substituted

mod = modified/modification

SL = Subordinate Law

o = order

underlining = whole or part not commenced

om = omitted/repealed

or to be expired

3     Legislation history

This Act was originally a Commonwealth ordinance—the Casino Control Ordinance 1988 No 72 (Cwlth).

The Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth), s 34 (4) converted most former Commonwealth ordinances in force in the ACT into ACT enactments. This allowed the ACT Legislative Assembly to amend and repeal the laws. This Act was converted into an ACT enactment on 11 May 1989 (self-government day).

As with most ordinances in force in the ACT, the name was changed from Ordinance to Act by the Self-Government (Citation of Laws) Act 1989 No 21, s 5 on 11 May 1989 (self-government day).

After 11 May 1989 and before 10 November 1999, Acts commenced on their notification day unless otherwise stated (see Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government) Act 1988 (Cwlth), s 25).

    Commonwealth legislation

Casino Control Act 1988 No 72

notified 23 September 1988

commenced 12 December 1988 (Cwlth Gaz 1988 No S383)

as amended by

    Legislation before becoming Territory enactment

Self-Government (Consequential Amendments) Ordinance 1989 No 38 sch 1

notified 10 May 1989 (Cwlth Gaz 1989 No S160)

s 1, s 2 commenced 10 May 1989 (s 2 (1))

sch 1 commenced 11 May 1989 (s 2 (2) and see Cwlth Gaz 1989 No S164)

    Legislation after becoming Territory enactment

Statutory Authorities (Audit Arrangements) Act 1990 No 25 pt 5

notified 22 June 1990 (Gaz 1990 No S29)

s 1, s 2 commenced 22 June 1990 (s 2 (1))

pt 5 remainder commenced 22 June 1990 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1990 No S35)    

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1991 No 117

notified 10 January 1992     (Gaz 1992 No S162)

commenced 10 January 1992    

Land (Planning and Environment) (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991 No 118 sch 1 pt 3

notified 15 January 1992 (Gaz 1992 No S3)

s 1, s 2 commenced 15 January 1992 (s 2 (1))

sch 1 pt 3 commenced 2 April 1992 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1992 No 13)

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1992 No 81

notified 22 December 1992 (Gaz 1992 No S240)

commenced 22 December 1992 (s 2)

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1993 No 34

notified 25 June 1993 (Gaz 1993 No S114)

commenced 25 June 1993 (s 2)

Public Sector Management (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 1994 No 38 sch 1 pt 13

notified 30 June 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S121)

s 1, s 2 commenced 30 June 1994 (s 2 (1))

remainder commenced 1 July 1994 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1994 No S142)

Administrative Appeals (Consequential Amendments) Act 1994 No 60 sch 1

notified     11 October 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S197)

s 1, s 2 commenced 11 October 1994 (s 2 (1))

sch 1 commenced 14 November 1994 (s 2 (2) and see Gaz 1994 No S250)

Statutory Offices (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994 No 97 sch pt 1

notified 15 December 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S280)

s 1, s 2 commenced 15 December 1994 (s 2 (1))

sch pt 1 commenced 15 December 1994 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1994 No S293)    

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1994 No 102 (as am by 1996 No 79)

notified 22 December 1994 (Gaz 1994 No S289)

s 1, s 2 commenced 22 December 1994 (s 2 (1))

ss 4-8 commenced 16 January 1995 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1995 No S21)

s 9 commenced 1 January 1997 (s 2 (4))

Financial Management and Audit (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 1996 No 26 sch pt 5

notified 1 July 1996 (Gaz 1996 No S130)

commenced 1 July 1996 (s 2)

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1996 No 79

notified 20 December 1996 (Gaz 1996 No S328)

ss 1-3 and 9 commenced 20 December 1996 (s 2 (1))

remainder commenced 1 January 1997 (s 2 (2))

Remuneration Tribunal (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 No 41 sch 1 (as am by Act 2002 No 49 amdt 3.222)

notified 19 September 1997 (Gaz 1997 No S264)

commenced 24 September 1997 (s 2 as am by Act 2002 No 49 amdt 3.222)

Financial Institutions (Removal of Discrimination) Act 1997 No 88 sch

notified 1 December 1997 (Gaz 1997 No S380)

s 1, s 2 commenced 1 December 1997 (s 2 (1))

sch commenced 31 December 1997 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1997 No S442)

Legal Practitioners (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997     No 96     sch 1

notified 1 December 1997 (Gaz 1997 No S380)

s 1, s 2 commenced 1 December 1997 (s 2 (1))

sch 1 commenced 1 June 1998 (see s 2 (2))

Statute Law Revision (Penalties) Act 1998 No 54 sch

notified 27 November 1998 (Gaz 1998 No S207)

s 1, s 2 commenced 27 November 1998 (s 2 (1))

sch commenced 9 December 1998 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1998 No 49)

Casino Control (Amendment) Act 1999 No 19

notified 14 April 1999 (1999 No S16)

commenced 14 April 1999 (s 2)

Gambling and Racing Control (Consequential Provisions) Act 1999 No 47 s 3 and sch

notified 17 September 1999 (Gaz 1999 No S54)

s 1, s 2 commenced 17 September 1999 (s 2 (1))

s 3, sch commenced 1 December 1999 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1999 No S63)

Gambling Legislation Amendment Act 1999 No 56     pt 2 and sch 1

notified 10 November 1999     (Gaz 1999 No 45)

s 1, s 2 commenced 10 November 1999 (s 2 (1))

pt 2 and sch 1 commenced 1 December 1999 (s 2 (2) and Gaz 1999 No S63)

Legislation (Consequential Amendments) Act 2001 No 44 pt 54

notified 26 July 2001 (Gaz 2001 No 30)

s 1, s 2 commenced 26 July 2001 (IA s 10B)

pt 54 commenced 12 September 2001 (s 2 and see Gaz 2001 No S65)

Legislation Amendment Act 2002 No 11 pt 2.5

notified LR 27 May 2002

s 1, s 2 commenced 27 May 2002 (LA s 75)

pt 2.5 commenced 28 May 2002 (s 2 (1))

Statute Law Amendment Act 2002 (No 2) No 49 pt 3.1, amdt 3.222

notified LR 20 December 2002

s 1, s 2 taken to have commenced 7 October 1994 (LA s 75 (2))

pt 3.1 commenced 17 January 2003 (s 2 (1))

amdt 3.222 commenced 24 September 1997 (s 2 (3))

Criminal Code 2002 No 51 pt 1.3

notified LR 20 December 2002

s 1, s 2 commenced 20 December 2002 (LA s 75 (1))

pt 1.3 commenced 1 January 2003 (s 2 (1))

Legislation (Gay, Lesbian and Transgender) Amendment Act 2003 A2003-14 sch 1 pt 1.3

notified LR 27 March 2003

s 1, s 2 commenced 27 March 2003 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 pt 1.3 commenced 28 March 2003 (s 2)

Sexuality Discrimination Legislation Amendment Act 2004 A2004-2 sch 1 pt 1.3

notified LR 18 February 2004
s 1, s 2 commenced 18 February 2004 (LA s 75 (1))
sch 1 pt 1.3 commenced 22 March 2004 (s 2 and CN2004-4)

Criminal Code (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Amendment Act 2004 A2004-15 sch 1 pt 1.2, sch 2 pt 2.13

notified LR 26 March 2004

s 1, s 2 commenced 26 March 2004 (LA s 75 (1))

sch 1 pt 1.2, sch 2 pt 2.13 commenced 9 April 2004 (s 2 (1))

as repealed by

Casino Control Act 2006 A2006-2 s 156 (1)

notified LR 22 February 2006
s 1, s 2 commenced 22 February 2006 (LA s 75 (1))

s 156 (1) commenced 1 May 2006 (s 2 and CN2006-6)

4     Amendment history

s 2     om 2001 No 44 amdt 1.535

Incorporation of Gambling and Racing Control Act
s 2A     ins 1999 No 56 s 4

Definitions for Act
s 3     am 1991 No 117 s 3; 1999 No 56 s 5
    def approved schedule of opening times ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def approved system ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def authorised person am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1999 No 47 sch
    def authorised police officer om 1999 No 56 s 5
    def authority om 1999 No 47 sch
    def casino sub 1991 No 117 s 3; 1999 No 56 s 5
    def casino lease am 1999 No 56 s 5
    def casino licensee sub 1999 No 56 s 5
    def casino operation agreement am 1999 No 56 s 5
    def censure ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def chairperson om 1999 No 47 sch
    def commission ins 1999 No 47 sch
    def commission-based gaming ins 1996 No 79 s 4
    def commission-based player scheme ins 1996 No 79 s 4
    def commission-based player tax ins 1996 No 79 s 4
    def control agreement sub 1999 No 56 s 5
    def determined fee om 2001 No 44 amdt 1.536
    def developer om 1999 No 56 s 5
    def development agreement om 1999 No 56 s 5
    def disciplinary action ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def excluded person ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def financial year sub 1993 No 34 s 4
    def general tax ins 1994 No 102 s 4
    def grounds for disciplinary action ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def group ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def influential person ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def inspector sub 1994 No 97 sch pt 1; 1999 No 56 s 5
    def investigator om 1999 No 56 s 5
    def involved person am 1999 No 56 s 5; pars renum R7 LA
    def junket om 1996 No 79 s 4
    def junket gaming ins 1994 No 102 s 4
    om 1996 No 79 s 4
    def junket tax ins 1994 No 102 s 4
    om 1996 No 79 s 4
    def member om 1999 No 47 sch
    def operation am 1999 No 56 s 5; pars renum R7 LA
    def operations employee am 2001 No 44 amdt 1.537
    def owner sub 1999 No 56 s 5
    def prescribed identity document ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def proprietor om 1999 No 56 s 5
    def respectable ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def suitable ins 1999 No 56 s 5
    def this Act om 2001 No 44 amdt 1.538

Determination of people who are not operations employees
s 3AA     ins 2001 No 44 amdt 1.539

s 3A     ins 1999 No 56 s 6

s 3B     ins 1999 No 56 s 6

s 3C     ins 1999 No 56 s 6

Influential persons
s 3D     ins 1999 No 56 s 6

Offences against Act—application of Criminal Code etc
s 3E     ins 1999 No 56 s 6
    om 2002 No 11 amdt 2.10
    ins A2004-2 amdt 1.12

div 2.1 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 1 hdg) renum R7 LA

Designation of casino
s 4     am 1991 No 117 s 4; 1999 No 19 s 4
    sub 1999 No 56 s 7; 2002 No 49 amdt 3.1

List of persons excluded from casino
s 6     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    om 1999 No 56 s 8

div 2.2 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 2 hdg) renum R7 LA

Chief casino inspector
s 8     am 1989 No 38 sch 1

Functions of chief casino inspector
s 9     am 1994 No 97 sch pt 1;1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 32 sch 1

Chief casino inspector—powers
s 10     sub 1994 No 97 sch pt 1

s 11     am 1989 No 38 sch 1
    sub 1994 No 97 sch pt 1

Identity card for chief casino inspector
s 12     sub 1994 No 97 sch pt 1
    am 1998 No 54 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 9

Powers of inspectors
s 14     am 1999 No 56 s 10; pars renum R7 LA

div 2.3 hdg     (prev pt 2 div 3 hdg) renum R7 LA

Casino licence fee
s 15     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.540-1.542

General tax
s 16     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 102 s 5; 1996 No 79 s 5; amdts 1.543-1.546

Commission-based player tax
s 16A     ins 1994 No 102 s 6
    am 1996 No 79 s 6; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.547-1.550

Liability for fee and taxes—suspension of licence
s 17     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 102 s 7; 1996 No 79 s 7; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 11

pt 2 div 4 hdg     om 1999 No 56 s 12

s 18     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    om 1999 No 56 s 12

s 19     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 38 sch 1 pt 13
    om 1999 No 56 s 12

s 20     am 1998 No 54 sch
    om 1999 No 56 s 12

Tabling of documents
s 21     am 1989 No 38 sch 1
    om 1999 No 56 s 12

Casino surveillance authority
pt 3 hdg     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Establishment of authority
s 22     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Functions of authority
s 23     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Powers of authority
s 24     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Membership of authority
s 25     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Appointment of members
s 26     am 1997 No 96 sch 1
    om 1999 No 47 s 3

Term of office
s 27     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Basis of holding office
s 28     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Remuneration and allowances
s 29     om 1997 No 41 sch 1

Leave of absence
s 30     om 1999 No 47 s 3

s 31     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Disclosure of interests
s 32     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Termination of appointment
s 33     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Terms and conditions of appointment not provided for by Act
s 34     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Acting appointments
s 35     om 1999 No 47 s 3

s 36     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Money of authority
s 37     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Application of authority
s 38     om 1999 No 47 s 3

Audit Act to apply
s 38A     ins 1990 No 25 s 7
    om 1996 No 26 sch pt 5

Development and control agreements
pt 4 hdg     sub 1999 No 56 s 13

Approval of developer
s 39     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    om 1999 No 56 s 13

Development agreement
s 40     om 1999 No 56 s 13

Owner of casino
s 41     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 13

Commission must make control agreement
s 42     sub 1999 No 56 s 13
    am 2001 No 44 amdt 1.551

Control agreement
s 43     sub 1999 No 56 s 13

Notification of agreements
s 44     om 1999 No 56 s 13

Grant of casino licence
s 45     am 1991 No 117 s 5; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 14; 2001 No 44 amdt 1.552; ss renum R7 LA

Casino licensee must comply with code of practice
s 45A     ins 1999 No 56 s 15

Surrender of casino licence
s 47     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 102 s 8; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Commission may take disciplinary action against casino licensee
s 48     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1991 No 117 s 6; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 16

Minister may suspend or cancel the casino licence in public interest
s 48A     ins 1991 No 117 s 7
    sub 1999 No 56 s 16

Grounds for disciplinary action
s 48B     ins 1999 No 56 s 16

Procedure for disciplinary action or Ministerial action
s 49     sub 1999 No 56 s 16

Assignment of casino licence
s 50     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 17; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.553-1.557

Appointment of administrator
s 51     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Lease of casino
s 52     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 18; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.558-1.561; ss renum R7 LA

Casino operation agreement
s 53     am 1999 No 56 s 19; 2001 NO 44 amdt 1.562

Scrutiny of supply contracts
s 55     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.563-1.565

Termination of supply contracts
s 56     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Effect of termination
s 57     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Facilities and operations
div 7.1 hdg     (prev pt 7 div 1 hdg) sub 1999 No 56 s 20
    renum R7 LA

Directions about operations
s 57A     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Maintenance of facilities
s 58     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Approval of layout
s 59     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Approval of gaming equipment and chips
s 60     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Approved system of controls and procedures must be implemented
s 60A     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Content of approved system
s 60B     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Operating times
div 7.2 hdg     (prev pt 7 div 2 hdg) sub 1999 No 56 s 20
    renum R7 LA

Application of Holidays Act
s 61     sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Casino must operate only at approved times
s 62     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Approved schedule of opening times
s 63     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Exclusion of persons from casino
div 7.3 hdg     (prev pt 7 div 3 hdg) sub 1999 No 56 s 20
    renum R7 LA

Excluded persons
s 64     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

No general right of entry to casino
s 65     sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Entry of inspectors
s 66     am 1998 No 54 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Entry of police
s 67     am 1998 No 54 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Exclusion of children
s 68     am 1998 No 54 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20; A2004-2 amdt 1.13

Casino licensee may notify persons of exclusion
s 69     am 1998 No 54 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 20
    am 2001 No 44 amdt 1.566

Casino licensee must notify certain persons of exclusion
s 70     sub 1999 No 56 s 20

Notification of exclusion by commissioner of police or commission
s 70A     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Requests for exclusion
s 70B     ins 1999 No 56 s 20
    am 2001 No 44 amdts 1.567-1.569

Requests for revocation of exclusion
s 70C     ins 1999 No 56 s 20
    am 2001 No 44 amdt 1.570

Casino licensee must exclude excluded persons
s 70D     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Excluded person must not enter casino
s 70E     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

s 70F     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Record of persons excluded from casino
s 70G     ins 1999 No 56 s 20

Gaming and related activities
div 7.4 hdg     (prev pt 7 div 4 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Authorised games
s 71     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 21; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.571-1.573

Rules for authorised games
s 72     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 22; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.575-1.580

Gaming equipment and chips
s 73     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Conduct of gaming
s 74     am 1998 No 54 sch

Gaming by certain persons prohibited
s 75     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1992 No 81 s 4; 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; ss renum R7 LA

Gaming machines
s 76     am 1998 No 54 sch

s 77     am 1998 No 54 sch

s 78     am 1998 No 54 sch

Provision of money for gaming
div 7.5 hdg     (prev pt 7 div 5 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Restriction on credit
s 79     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 23

s 80     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdt 1.581, amdt 1.582

Proceedings etc in relation to gaming
s 83     am 1998 No 54 sch

Employment of licence holders
div 8.1 hdg     (prev pt 8 div 1 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Key employees
s 84     am 1998 No 54 sch

Operations employees
s 85     am 1998 No 54 sch

Information relating to casino employees
s 86     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.583-1.585

Effect of suspension or cancellation of licence
s 87     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Application for licences
div 8.2 hdg     (prev pt 8 div 2 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Eligibility for issue of casino employees' licences
s 88     am 1991 No 117 s 8; pars renum R7 LA

Application for casino employee's licence
s 89     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 24; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.586-1.589

Destruction of prints and photographs
s 90     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 25

Change of particulars set out in application
s 91     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Requirement for further information
s 92     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Approval of application
s 93     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Issue of licences
div 8.3 hdg     (prev pt 8 div 3 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Issue of casino employee's licence
s 94     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdt 1.590, amdt 1.591

Conditions of casino employee's licence
s 95     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Provisional casino employee's licence
s 96     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.592-1.595

div 8.4 hdg     (prev pt 8 div 4 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Duration of casino employee's licence
s 97     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.596-1.603

Variation of casino employee's licence
s 98     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.604-1.607

Loss etc of casino employee's licence
s 99     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdt 1.608, amdt 1.609

Suspension and cancellation of casino employee's licence
s 100     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 32 sch 1
    am 2002 No 11 amdt 2.11; 2002 No 51 amdt 1.4

Powers of search, entry and seizure
div 9.1 hdg     (prev pt 9 div 1 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Interpretation for pt 9
s 101     am 1999 No 56 s 32 sch 1; A2004-15 amdt 2.30

Restrictions affecting search of persons
s 108     am A2003-14 amdt 1.9
    renum R11 LA (see A2003-14 amdt 1.10)

Disposal of gaming equipment etc after seizure
s 109     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

div 9.2 hdg     (prev pt 9 div 2 hdg)     renum R7 LA

Obstructing inspector
s 111     am 1998 No 54 sch
    om A2004-15 amdt 2.31

Compliance with requirement of inspector
s 112     am 1998 No 54 sch

False information
s 113     am 1998 No 54 sch
    om A2004-15 amdt 2.31

Impersonating licence holder etc
s 114 hdg     sub A2004-15 amdt 2.32
s 114     am 1998 No 54 sch; A2004-15 amdt 2.33

Failure to provide information
s 115     am 1998 No 54 sch

Conflict of interest
s 116     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

s 117     am 1998 No 54 sch
    om A2004-15 amdt 2.34

Acts and omissions of representatives
s 118     sub A2004-15 amdt 1.2

Banking accounts
s 119     sub 1997 No 88 sch
    am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    sub 1999 No 56 s 26

Access to banking records
s 120     am 1997 No 88 sch ; 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Statement of accounts
s 122     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

s 123     am 1996 No 26 sch pt 5; 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 27

Retention of records
s 124     am 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 56 s 28

Definitions for pt 11
s 125     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 29; 2001 No 44 amdt 1.610; pars renum R7 LA

Review of decisions
s 126     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 60 sch 1

Notification of decisions
s 127     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1994 No 60 sch 1; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 1999 No 56 s 30

Effect on Territory plan
s 127A     ins 1991 No 117 s 9
    am 1991 No 118 sch 1 pt 3; 1999 No 56 s 32 sch 1

Security related decisions
s 128     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Directions for management
s 129     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

Recommendations of commission
s 130     am 1999 No 47 s 5 sch

s 131     am 1999 No 56 s 32 sch 1

Determination of fees
s 132     sub 2001 No 44 amdt 1.611

Regulation-making power
s 133 hdg     sub 2001 No 44 amdt 1.612
s 133     am 1989 No 38 sch 1; 1996 No 79 s 8; 1998 No 54 sch; 1999 No 47 s 5 sch; 2001 No 44 amdts 1.613-1.619

Commission is successor in title to the authority
s 134     ins 1999 No 47 s 5 sch
    om R6 LRA

Transitional provision on control agreement
s 135     ins 1999 No 56 s 31

5     Earlier republications

Some earlier republications were not numbered. The number in column 1 refers to the publication order.

Since 12 September 2001 every authorised republication has been published in electronic pdf format on the ACT legislation register. A selection of authorised republications have also been published in printed format. These republications are marked with an asterisk (*) in column 1. Electronic and printed versions of an authorised republication are identical.

Republication No

Amendments to

Republication date


Act 1990 No 25

31 May 1991


Act 1992 No 81

31 December 1992


Act 1993 No 34

31 January 1994


Act 1994 No 102

31 January 1995


Act 1997 No 96

31 December 1997


Act 1999 No 56

9 June 2000


Act 2001 No 44

23 April 2002


Act 2002 No 11

30 May 2002


Act 2002 No 51

1 January 2003


Act 2002 No 51

17 January 2003

10 (RI)

Act 2002 No 51 ‡

6 February 2003



28 March 2003



22 March 2004



9 April 2004

‡ includes retrospective amendments by Act 2002 No 49

© Australian Capital Territory 2006

Australian Capital Territory


Republication No 14

Effective: 1 May 2006

Republication date: 1 May 2006

As repealed by A2006-2 s 156 (1)

Unauthorised version prepared by ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office

About this republication

The republished law

This is a republication of the Casino Control Act 1988 (repealed) (including any amendment made under the Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 (Editorial changes)). It also includes any commencement, amendment, repeal or expiry affecting the republished law to 1 May 2006.

The legislation history and amendment history of the republished law are set out in endnotes 3 and 4.

Kinds of republications

The Parliamentary Counsel's Office prepares 2 kinds of republications of ACT laws (see the ACT legislation register at

              • authorised republications to which the Legislation Act 2001 applies

              • unauthorised republications.

The status of this republication appears on the bottom of each page.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2001, part 11.3 authorises the Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial amendments and other changes of a formal nature when preparing a law for republication. Editorial changes do not change the effect of the law, but have effect as if they had been made by an Act commencing on the republication date (see Legislation Act 2001, s 115 and s 117). The changes are made if the Parliamentary Counsel considers they are desirable to bring the law into line, or more closely into line, with current legislative drafting practice.

This republication does not include amendments made under part 11.3 (see endnote 1).

Uncommenced provisions and amendments

If a provision of the republished law has not commenced or is affected by an uncommenced amendment, the symbol  U  appears immediately before the provision heading. The text of the uncommenced provision or amendment appears only in the last endnote.


If a provision of the republished law is affected by a current modification, the symbol  M  appears immediately before the provision heading. The text of the modifying provision appears in the endnotes. For the legal status of modifications, see Legislation Act 2001, section 95.


The value of a penalty unit for an offence against this republished law at the republication date is—

(a) if the person charged is an individual—$100; or

(b) if the person charged is a corporation—$500.

Australian Capital Territory

Casino Control Act 1988 (repealed)


Australian Capital Territory

Casino Control Act 1988 (repealed)

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