Australian Capital Territory Repealed Acts

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This legislation has been repealed.



1.     The Publications Control Act 1989 as shown in this reprint comprises Act No. 47, 1989 amended as indicated in the Tables below.

    Citation of Laws—The Self-Government (Citation of Laws) Act 1989 (No. 21, 1989) altered the citation of most Ordinances so that after Self-Government day they are to be cited as Acts. That Act also affects references in ACT laws to Commonwealth Acts.

Table 1

Table of Ordinances


and year

Date of
in Gazette

Date of

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Publications Control Ordinance 1989

47, 1989

10 May 1989

10 May 1989 (see Gazette 1989, No. S161)

Self-Government day 11 May 1989
Table 2

Table of Acts


and year

Date of
in Gazette

Date of

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Publications Control (Amendment) Act 1990

15, 1990

21 June 1990

Ss. 1 and 2: 21 June 1990
Remainder: 1 July 1990

S. 8

Self-Government (Consequential Amendments) Act 1991

53, 1991

2 Oct 1991

2 Oct 1991

S. 11

Publications Control (Amendment) Act 1991

72, 1991

7 Nov 1991

7 Nov 1991

Statute Law Revision (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993

1, 1993

1 Mar 1993

1 Mar 1993

Publications Control (Amendment) Act 1993

26, 1993

21 May 1993

Ss. 1-3: 21 May 1993
Remainder: 28 May 1993 (see Gazette 1993, No. S94, p. 2)

Publications Control (Amendment) Act 1994

62, 1994

11 Oct 1994

11 Oct 1994

as repealed by

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995

47, 1995

18 December 1995

Ss.1 and 2: 18 December 1995
Remainder: 1 January 1996 (s 2 and Gaz 1995 No S306)

Table of Amendments

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision     How affected

S. 3     am. Act No. 72, 1991; No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 3A     ad. Act No. 62, 1994

Ss. 4-10     am. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 12     am. Act No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

Ss. 12A, 12B     ad. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 13     am. Act No. 62, 1994

Ss. 15-17     am. Act No. 62, 1994

Div. 1A of Part II (ss. 17A     ad. Act No. 72, 1991


Ss. 17A-17G     ad. Act No. 72, 1991

S. 17H     ad. Act No. 72, 1991

    am. No. 1, 1993

S. 18     am. Act No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 18A     ad. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 19     am. Act No. 15, 1990; No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 19AA.     ad. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 19A     ad. Act No. 15, 1990

    am. No. 62, 1994

Ss. 20, 21     am. Act No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 22     am. Act No. 15, 1990; No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 22A     ad. Act No. 62, 1994

Ss. 23-26     am. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 27     am. Act No. 15, 1990; No. 62, 1994

S. 28     am. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 31     am. Act No. 62, 1994

Ss. 35, 36     am. Act No. 53, 1991

S. 37     am. Act No. 62, 1994

S. 38     am. Act No. 26, 1993; No. 62, 1994

S. 39     am. Act No. 53, 1991; No. 62, 1994

© Australian Capital Territory 2011


Australian Capital Territory


Republication No 3

Effective: 2 January 1996

Republication date: 12 January 2011

As repealed by A1995-47 s 69

Unauthorised version prepared by ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office

About this republication

The republished law

This is a republication of the Publications Control Act 1989 (repealed) effective 2 January 1996.

Kinds of republications

The Parliamentary Counsel's Office prepares 2 kinds of republications of ACT laws (see the ACT legislation register at

              • authorised republications to which the Legislation Act 2001 applies

              • unauthorised republications.

The status of this republication appears on the bottom of each page.


Australian Capital Territory


This consolidation has been prepared by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office

Repealed by No. 47, 1995 (in force on 1 January 1996)




Australian Capital Territory


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