Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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No. 6, 1959

Compilation No. 65

Compilation date: 20 March 2024

Includes amendments: Act No. 74, 2023

Registered: 27 March 2024

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Banking Act 1959 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 20 March 2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part I--Preliminary

1 Short title

2 Commencement

2A Main objects of this Act

4 Repeal

5 Interpretation

6 Application of Act

6A Cessation of application of Act to Territory

6B Application of Criminal Code

Part II--Provisions relating to the carrying on of banking business

Division 1--Authority to carry on banking business

7 Person other than a body corporate must not carry on banking business

8 Only the Reserve Bank and bodies corporate that are ADIs may carry on banking business

9 Authority to carry on banking business

9AA Conditions on an authority

9AB Breach of authority conditions

9A Revocation of authority etc.

9B Bodies that cease to exist or change their names

9C Publication of list of ADIs

9D Authority to carry on banking business for a limited time

9E Authority to carry on banking business in Australia for a limited time--extension

9F Authority to carry on banking business in Australia for a limited time--continuation after expiry

10 APRA to be supplied with certain documents

11 APRA may determine that provisions of this Act do not apply

Division 1AA--Authority to be a NOHC of an ADI

11AA Authority to be a NOHC

11AAA Conditions on an authority

11AAB Breach of authority conditions

11AB Revocation of authority etc.

11AC Bodies that cease to exist or change their names

11AD Publication of list of NOHCs

11AE APRA may give notice to ensure that ADI has an authorised NOHC

Division 1A--Prudential supervision and monitoring of ADIs and authorised NOHCs

Subdivision A--Prudential supervision and monitoring of ADIs and authorised NOHCs generally

11AF APRA may make prudential standards for ADIs and authorised NOHCs

11AG Obligation to comply with the prudential standards

11A Prudential requirements may also be prescribed by the regulations

11B APRA to monitor prudential matters

11C Division not to limit operation of other provisions

Subdivision B--Conversion and write-off provisions

11CAA Definitions

11CAB Conversion and write-off provisions

11CAC Conversion or write-off etc. not grounds for denial of obligations

Division 1BA--APRA's power to issue directions

Subdivision A--Directions other than to enforce certified industry support contracts

11CA APRA may give directions in certain circumstances

Subdivision B--Directions to enforce certified industry support contracts

11CB APRA may certify an industry support contract

11CC APRA may direct parties to an industry support contract to comply with the contract

Subdivision C--General provisions relating to all directions

11CD Direction not grounds for denial of obligations

11CE Supply of information about issue and revocation of directions

11CG Non-compliance with a direction

Subdivision D--Secrecy and disclosure provisions relating to all directions

11CH APRA may determine that a direction is covered by secrecy provision

11CI Secrecy relating to directions

11CJ Disclosure of publicly available information

11CK Disclosure allowed by APRA

11CL Disclosure to legal representative for purpose of seeking legal advice

11CM Disclosure allowed by APRA Act secrecy provision

11CN Disclosure in circumstances set out in the regulations

11CO Disclosure for purpose

11CP Exceptions operate independently

Division 1B--Provisions relating to certain ADIs

11E Limited application of Division 2 etc. to foreign ADIs

11EA APRA's power to apply for foreign ADI to be wound up

11F Assets of foreign ADIs

Division 2--Protection of depositors

Subdivision A--General provisions relating to depositor protection

12 APRA to protect depositors

13 ADI to supply information to APRA

13A Consequences of inability or failure of ADI etc. to meet certain requirements

13B Investigators--ADI must provide information and facilities

13BA Start of control of body corporate's business by Banking Act statutory manager

13C Banking Act statutory managers--termination of control

Subdivision AA--Recapitalisation directions by APRA

13D Who this Subdivision applies to

13E Recapitalisation direction by APRA

13F Additional contents of a recapitalisation direction

13G Compliance with a recapitalisation direction

13H APRA must obtain expert's report on the fair value of shares etc.

13J Determination of the fair value of shares by an expert

13K Determination of the fair value of rights by an expert

13L Ascertaining the fair value of other capital instruments

13M Contravention of certain provisions does not affect the validity of recapitalisation direction etc.

13N Recapitalisation direction not grounds for denial of obligations

13P Supply of information about issue and revocation of recapitalisation directions

13Q Non-compliance with a recapitalisation direction

13R Exceptions to Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Subdivision B--Provisions dealing with control of a body corporate's business by a Banking Act statutory manager

14A Banking Act statutory manager's powers and functions

14AAA Safeguards on exercise of Banking Act statutory manager's powers and functions

14AA Banking Act statutory manager's additional powers to facilitate recapitalisation

14AB Considering report before acting under section 14AA

14AC Act under section 14AA not ground for denial of obligations

14AD APRA may require a person to give information etc. for the purposes of this Division

14B Administrator in control--additional powers to recommend action by APRA

14C Banking Act statutory manager's liabilities and duties

14CA Transaction by Banking Act statutory manager not voidable under section 588FE of the Corporations Act 2001

14D Administrator in control--additional duties

14DAA Administrator in control--additional duties where action may affect financial system stability in Australia

14DA Administrator in control--additional duties where action may affect financial system stability in New Zealand

14E Termination of administrator's appointment

15 Effect on directors of Banking Act statutory manager taking control of a body corporate's business

15A Effect on external administrator of Banking Act statutory manager taking control of a body corporate's business

15B Moratorium--effect of Banking Act statutory management on court and tribunal proceedings

15BA Moratorium--effect of Banking Act statutory management on enforcement process regarding property

15BB Moratorium--effect of Banking Act statutory management on disposal of property

15BC Moratorium--restrictions on exercise of third party property rights

15BD Moratorium--effect of Banking Act statutory management on supply of essential services

15BE Moratorium--effect of Banking Act statutory management on annual general meeting

15C Certain circumstances not grounds for denial of obligations

15D Application of other provisions

16 Costs of statutory management

16A APRA must report to Treasurer and publish information about statutory management

16AA Exceptions to Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Subdivision C--APRA's powers to apply for ADI to be wound up

16AAA APRA's powers to apply for ADI to be wound up

Division 2AA--Financial claims scheme for account-holders with insolvent ADIs

Subdivision A--Preliminary

16AB Purpose of this Division

16AC APRA's functions relating to this Division

Subdivision B--Declaration of ADI

16AD Declaration that Subdivision C applies in relation to ADI

16AE Advice and information for decision on making declaration

Subdivision C--Payment of account-holders with declared ADI

16AF Payment of account-holders with declared ADI

16AG Limit on payments to account-holder with declared ADI

16AH Payment

16AHA Giving information about payments in a financial year

16AI Substitution of APRA for account-holder as ADI's creditor

16AIA APRA may make transferred liabilities determination where transfer of business

16AIB Payment amounts under transferred liabilities determination

16AIC Consequences of transferred liabilities determination once certificate of transfer issued

Subdivision D--Administration

16AJ Requiring assistance

16AK Obtaining information relevant to determining and paying entitlements

16AL Enforcing requirement for assistance or information

16AM Recovery of overpayments

16AN APRA may delegate functions and powers under this Division

16AO APRA's costs of administration

Subdivision E--Account-holder's claims against ADI remaining after entitlement

16AP When this Subdivision applies

16AQ Liquidator may admit debt or claim without normal proof

16AR How liquidator must pay distributions to account-holder

16AS APRA may disclose relevant personal information to liquidator

Subdivision F--Disclosure of information relating to new accounts

16AT APRA or liquidator to disclose information to ADI

Subdivision G--Exceptions to Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

16AU Exceptions to Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010

Division 2A--Auditors of ADIs and authorised NOHCs and their subsidiaries

16AV Appointed auditor's functions and duties

16B Auditors to give information to APRA on request

16BA Requirement for auditors to give information about ADIs

16C Auditor may provide information to APRA

16D Appointed auditor must notify APRA of attempts to unduly influence etc. the appointed auditor

16E Giving false or misleading information to auditor

Division 2B--Removal of auditors of ADIs

17 APRA may remove an auditor of an ADI

18 Referring matters to professional associations for auditors

Division 2C--Enforceable undertakings

18A Enforceable undertakings

Division 3--Governance

19 Disqualified persons must not act for ADIs or authorised NOHCs

20 Who is a disqualified person?

21 Court power of disqualification

22 Court power to revoke or vary a disqualification etc.

22A Privilege against exposure to penalty--disqualification under section 21

23 APRA may remove a director or senior manager of an ADI or authorised NOHC

Division 3A--Covered bonds

24 Guide to this Division

25 Application of Division

26 Covered bonds

27 Arrangements involving several ADIs

28 Restrictions on issuing covered bonds--8% rule

29 Restrictions on issuing covered bonds--APRA directions

30 Cover pool monitors

31 Assets that may be in cover pools

31A Maintenance of cover pools

31B Protection of certain contractual rights

31C Powers and obligations of Banking Act statutory manager or external administrator

31D Prudential standards--treatment of assets and liabilities

31E Prudential standards for covered bonds

31F APRA may direct covered bond special purpose vehicles to return certain assets

Division 4--Mobilization of foreign currency

32 Interpretation

33 Transfer of foreign currency to Reserve Bank

34 Payment for transferred foreign currency

35 Sale of foreign currency by Reserve Bank

Division 5--Advances

36 Advance policy

Part IIA--ADI mergers (operation of State and Territory laws)

38A Operation of certain State and Territory laws relating to ADI mergers

Part IIB--Provisions relating to the non-ADI lenders

Division 1--Main concepts

38B Meaning of non-ADI lender and Part IIB provision of finance

Division 2--Non-ADI lender rules

38C APRA may make non-ADI lender rules for non-ADI lenders

38D Non-ADI lender rules revoked after 2 years

38E Variation and revocation of non-ADI lender rules

38F Notification and consultation regarding non-ADI lender rules

38G Which non-ADI lender rules, etc., are legislative instruments

38H Review of decisions relating to non-ADI lender rules

38J Division not to limit operation of other provisions

Division 3--APRA's power to issue directions

38K APRA may give directions in certain circumstances

38L Non-compliance with a direction under section 38K

Part III--Foreign exchange, foreign investment etc.

39 Power to make regulations

39A Extra-territorial application of regulations

Part IV--Gold

40 Operation of Part

41 Transfer of gold out of Australia

42 Delivery of gold

43 Vesting of gold delivered

44 Payment for gold

45 Limitation of sale and purchase of gold

46 Limitation on working of gold

47 Application of Part

48 Exemptions

Part V--Interest rates

50 Control of interest rates

Part VI--Reconsideration and Review of decisions

51A Definitions

51B Reconsideration of decisions

51C Review of decisions

51D Statements to accompany notification of decisions

Part VIA--Protections in relation to information

52F Self-incrimination

Part VII--Financial records

60 Keeping of financial records

Part VIII--Powers of APRA

Division 1--Investigations

61 APRA may conduct investigations

61A Investigator may require production of books etc.

61B Concealing books, accounts or documents relevant to investigation

Division 2--Examinations

61C Notice requiring appearance for examination

61D Conduct of examinations

61E Who may be present at examinations

61F Record of examination

61G Offences

Division 3--Evidentiary use of certain material

61H Statements made at an examination--proceedings against examinee

61J Statements made at an examination--other proceedings

61K Weight of evidence under section 61J

61L Objection to admission of statements made at examination

61M Copies of, or extracts from, certain books, accounts and documents

61N Report under section 61

61P Exceptions to admissibility of report

61Q Material otherwise admissible

Division 4--Information

62 Supply of information

Division 5--Miscellaneous

62AA Legal professional privilege

62AB Powers of Court relating to non-compliance with this Act

Part IX--Miscellaneous

62A Notices to APRA

62B Involving APRA in proposed appointment of external administrators of ADIs and NOHCs

62C Involving APRA in applications by liquidator

62D Application by APRA for directions

62E APRA may request information from liquidator

63 Restructuring of ADIs

64 Conditions on consent to restructure an ADI

65 ADIs etc. may be directed to comply with Act

65A Injunctions

65B Civil penalties

66 Restriction on use of certain words and expressions

66AA Use of the word bank by ADIs

66A Restriction on use of expressions authorised deposit-taking institution and ADI

67 Restriction on establishment or maintenance of representative offices of overseas banks

68 Bank holidays

69 Unclaimed moneys

69A Disclosure of information relating to unclaimed moneys

69B Powers about money of depositors who have died

69BA Institution of offence proceedings no bar to winding up

69C Conduct of directors, employees and agents

69D Disclosure of information received under Act prohibited in certain circumstances

69E Compensation for acquisition of property

69F Severability

70A Protection from liability--general

70AA Protection from liability--directions and secrecy

70AB Protection from liability--provisions do not limit each other

70B Act has effect despite the Corporations Act

70C Authorising contracts etc. for protecting depositors' interests and financial system stability

70D Borrowing funds for payments under authorised contracts etc.

70E Financial System Stability Special Account

70F Credits to the Account

70G Purposes of the Account

70H Debits to reflect reduced amounts specified in authorisations

71 Regulations

Schedule 1--State and Territory laws relating to ADI mergers

Schedule 2--Civil penalties

Part 1--Contravention of a civil penalty provision

1 Federal Court may order person to pay pecuniary penalty for contravening civil penalty provision

2 Contravening a civil penalty provision is not an offence

3 Persons involved in contravening civil penalty provision

4 Recovery of a pecuniary penalty

5 Civil evidence and procedure rules for pecuniary penalty orders

Part 2--Civil penalty proceedings and criminal proceedings

6 Civil proceedings after criminal proceedings

7 Criminal proceedings during civil proceedings

8 Criminal proceedings after civil proceedings

9 Evidence given in proceedings for penalty not admissible in criminal proceedings


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history



Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section  15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Banking Act 1959

6, 1959

23 Apr 1959

14 Jan 1960 (gaz 1960, p. 47)


Banking Act 1965

127, 1965

18 Dec 1965

14 Feb 1966


Statute Law Revision (Decimal Currency) Act 1966

93, 1966

29 Oct 1966

1 Dec 1966


Banking Act 1967

84, 1967

8 Nov 1967

8 Nov 1967


Banking Act 1973

116, 1973

26 Oct 1973

s 1-3, 5, 6 and 11: 26 Oct 1973
Remainder: 1 Nov 1973


Banking Act (No. 2) 1973

193, 1973

17 Dec 1973

17 Dec 1973


Statute Law Revision Act 1973

216, 1973

19 Dec 1973

31 Dec 1973

s 9(1) and 10

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 1974

20, 1974

25 July 1974

31 Dec 1973


Banking Act 1974

132, 1974

9 Dec 1974

23 Dec 1974 (gaz 1974, No. 103D)

s 4-6

Australian Rural Bank Act 1977

156, 1977

10 Nov 1977

Pt III (s 12-19): 22 Sept 1978 (gaz 1978, No. S185)
Remainder: 10 Nov 1977


as amended by





Primary Industry Bank Amendment Act 1978

78, 1978

22 June 1978

22 June 1978


Jurisdiction of Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1979

19, 1979

28 Mar 1979

Pt II-XVII (s 3-123): 15 May 1979 (gaz 1979, No. S86)
Remainder: 28 Mar 1979

s 124

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1982

80, 1982

22 Sept 1982

Pt XII (s 31-33): 1 Oct 1982 (gaz 1982, No. S202) (s 2(4))


Commonwealth Banks Amendment Act 1984

76, 1984

25 June 1984

29 June 1984 (gaz 1984, No. S241)


Banking Legislation Amendment Act 1986

166, 1986

18 Dec 1986

s 9-11 and Part III (s 13-17): 30 Nov 1988 (gaz 1988, No. S362)
Remainder: 15 Jan 1987


Primary Industry Bank Repeal Act 1987

105, 1987

10 Nov 1987

10 Nov 1987


Banking Legislation Amendment Act 1989

129, 1989

7 Nov 1989

s 1-3, 26, 29-33, 35, 38 and 40: 7 Nov 1989
s 23(1): 4 May 1989
s 39: 23 Jan 1988
Remainder: 28 Dec 1989 (gaz 1989, No. S383)

s 5(2), 20(2)-(4), 27 and 28

Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990

118, 1990

28 Dec 1990

s 62: 31 Dec 1990 (gaz 1990, No. S346 and VIC gaz No. S73, 31.12.90) (s 2(3))

s 5

Bank Integration Act 1991

210, 1991

24 Dec 1991

s 32: 1 Jan 1993 (gaz 1992, No. GN36, p. 2415) (s 32)
Remainder: 24 Dec 1991


Banking Legislation Amendment Act 1992

193, 1992

21 Dec 1992

s 4(2), 5(1), 16, 17, 19-21 and 35: 5 Feb 1993 (s 2(2), (6) and gaz 1993, No. GN4, p. 359)
s 4(3) and 5(2): 1 July 1994 (gaz 1994, No. GN25)
Remainder: 21 Dec 1992

s 15-18

Banking (State Bank of South Australia and Other Matters) Act 1994

69, 1994

9 June 1994

s 3, 4, 5(1) and 6(1): 1 July 1994 (gaz 1994, No. GN25)
s 5(2) and 6(2): 22 June 1995 (gaz 1995, No. GN24)
Remainder: 9 June 1994

s 3, 58 and 61

Banking (Queensland Industry Development Corporation) Amendment Act 1995

99, 1995

15 Sept 1995

15 Sept 1995


Commonwealth Bank Sale Act 1995

161, 1995

16 Dec 1995

Sch (items 3-6): 19 July 1996 (s 2(2))


Statute Law Revision Act 1996

43, 1996

25 Oct 1992

Sch 2 (items 20, 21): 7 Nov 1989 (s 2(2))


Retirement Savings Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997

62, 1997

28 May 1997

2 June 1997 (s 2 and gaz 1997, No. S202)


Financial Laws Amendment Act 1997

107, 1997

30 June 1997

Sch 1: 30 June 1997 (s 2(1))


Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1998

54, 1998

29 June 1998

Sch 2 (items 1-85, 87-159): 1 July 1998 (gaz 1998, No. S316) (s 2(2)(b))
Sch 2 (item 86): 1 July 1999 (gaz 1999, No. S289) (s 2(3), (4))
Sch 19 (items 1-19): 29 June 1998

Sch 19 (items 1-19)

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 2006

9, 2006

23 Mar 2006

Sch 2 (item 18): 1 July 1998 (s 2(1) item 33)


Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1999

44, 1999

17 June 1999

Sch 2 and 8: 17 June 1999 (s 3(1))

Sch 8 (items 7-9, 22, 23)

Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1) 2000

24, 2000

3 Apr2000

Sch 2: 3 Apr 2000 (s 2(1))
Sch 12 (items 1-3): 3 Apr 2000 (s 2(12, (13))

Sch 12 (items 1-3)

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2000

160, 2000

21 Dec 2000

Sch 1 (item 21): 21 Dec 2000
Remainder: 18 Jan 2001

Sch 1 (item 19)

Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001

55, 2001

28 June 2001

s 4-14 and Sch 3 (items 69-78): 15 July 2001 (gaz 2001, No. S285) (s 2(3))

s 4-14

Financial Sector (Collection of Data--Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2001

121, 2001

24 Sept 2001

s 1-3: 24 Sept 2001
Remainder: 1 July 2002 ( s 2(2) and gaz 2002, No. GN24)

Sch 2 (item 18) and Sch 3 (items 1-4)

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment Act 2003

42, 2003

24 June 2003

Sch 1-3: 1 July 2003 (gaz 2003, No. S230)
Remainder: 24 June 2003

Sch 3

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003

116, 2003

27 Nov 2003

Sch 2: 28 Nov 2003


Statute Law Revision Act 2006

9, 2006

23 Mar 2006

Sch 1 (item 7): 1 July 1998 (s 2(1) item 5)


Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Trans-Tasman Banking Supervision) Act 2006

147, 2006

6 Dec 2006

6 Dec 2006


Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Simplifying Regulation and Review) Act 2007

154, 2007

24 Sept 2007

Sch 1 (items 10-51, 291, 296) and Sch 4 (items 6-9): 24 Sept 2007
Sch 1 (items 158-166): 1 Jan 2008

Sch 1 (items 291, 296) and Sch 4 (item 9)

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Act 2008

25, 2008

26 May 2008

Sch 1 (items 1-9), Sch 2 (items 1-6) and Sch 4 (items  1-14, 43): 26 May 2008

Sch. 1 (item 9), Sch. 2 (item 6) and Sch. 4 (item  4

First Home Saver Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008

45, 2008

25 June 2008

Sch 3 (items 10-15): 26 June 2008


Statute Law Revision Act 2008

73, 2008

3 July 2008

Sch 4 (item 89): 4 July 2008


First Home Saver Accounts (Further Provisions) Amendment Act 2008

92, 2008

30 Sept 2008

Sch 2 (items 2, 3): 1 Oct 2008


Financial System Legislation Amendment (Financial Claims Scheme and Other Measures) Act 2008

105, 2008

17 Oct 2008

Sch 1 (items 1-17, 61, 62): 18 Oct 2008 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Sch 2 (items 1-23): 18 Oct 2008

Sch 1 (items 61, 62) and Sch 2 (items 6, 10, 13, 15, 19, 21)

Tax Laws Amendment (2009 Measures No. 2) Act 2009

42, 2009

23 June 2009

Sch 1 (items 1-3): 23 June 2009

Sch 1 (item 2)

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Supervision and Enforcement) Act 2009

75, 2009

27 Aug 2009

Sch 2 (items 1-6, 14): 28 Aug 2009

Sch 2 (item 14)

Tax Laws Amendment (2009 Measures No. 4) Act 2009

88, 2009

18 Sept 2009

Sch 5 (item 245): 18 Sept 2009


Statute Law Revision Act 2010

8, 2010

1 Mar 2010

Sch 1 (item 5): 1 Mar 2010


Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Prudential Refinements and Other Measures) Act 2010

82, 2010

29 June 2010

Sch 1 (items 1-25, 27-46) and Sch 6 (items 1-29): 27 July 2010
Sch 1 (item 26): 1 Jan 2011 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 1 (item 46)

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 2012

136, 2012

22 Sept 2012

Sch 2 (item 15): 27 July 2010 (s 2(1) item 15)


Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 2) 2010

103, 2010

13 July 2010

Sch 6 (items 1, 38, 39, 159): 1 Jan 2011


Statute Law Revision Act 2011

5, 2011

22 Mar 2011

Sch 7 (item 29): 19 Apr 2011


Acts Interpretation Amendment Act 2011

46, 2011

27 June 2011

Sch 2 (items 285-288) and Sch 3 (items 10, 11): 27 Dec 2011

Sch 3 (items 10, 11)

Banking Amendment (Covered Bonds) Act 2011

125, 2011

17 Oct 2011

17 Oct 2011


Tax Laws Amendment (2011 Measures No. 7) Act 2011

147, 2011

29 Nov 2011

Sch 5 (items 21-23): 29 Nov 2011

Sch 5 (item 23)

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Unclaimed Money and Other Measures) Act 2012

176, 2012

4 Dec 2012

Sch 1 (items 1-7): 1 July 2013
Sch 1 (item 8): 5 Dec 2012

Sch 1 (item 8)

Banking Amendment (Unclaimed Money) Act 2013

90, 2013

28 June 2013

Sch 1: 1 July 2013 (s 2(1) item 2)
Remainder: 28 June 2013

Sch 1 (items 8-10)

Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2014

31, 2014

27 May 2014

Sch 8 (item 8): 24 June 2014


Tax Laws Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Act 2014

34, 2014

30 May 2014

Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 30 May 2014


Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2014

62, 2014

30 June 2014

Sch 8 (items 1-9) and Sch 14: 1 July 2014 (s 2(1) items 6, 14)

Sch 14

as amended by





Public Governance and Resources Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2015

36, 2015

13 Apr 2015

Sch 2 (item 7) and Sch 7: 14 Apr 2015 (s 2)

Sch 7

as amended by





Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (item 486): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (item 495): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2015

5, 2015

25 Feb 2015

Sch 3 (items 43-46): 25 Mar 2015 (s 2(1) item 10)


Norfolk Island Legislation Amendment Act 2015

59, 2015

26 May 2015

Sch 2 (item 75): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 5)
Sch 2 (items 356-396): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 2 (items 356-396)

as amended by





Territories Legislation Amendment Act 2016

33, 2016

23 Mar 2016

Sch 2: 24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2015 Measures No. 1) Act 2015

70, 2015

25 June 2015

Sch 1 (items 18-26, 195-205): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) items 3, 6)

Sch 1 (items 195-205)

Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (items 69-79): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)


Banking Laws Amendment (Unclaimed Money) Act 2015

129, 2015

16 Sept 2015

Sch 1 (items 1-7): 31 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 1)


Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2016

4, 2016

11 Feb 2016

Sch 4 (items 1, 28): 10 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 6)


Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016

11, 2016

29 Feb 2016

Sch 2 (items 33-35): 1 Mar 2017 (s 2(1) item 3)


Financial System Legislation Amendment (Resilience and Collateral Protection) Act 2016

43, 2016

4 May 2016

Sch 1 (items 36-39, 48): 1 June 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 48)

Treasury Laws Amendment (Banking Executive Accountability and Related Measures) Act 2018

5, 2018

20 Feb 2018

Sch 1 (items 1, 7-13, 15-17) and Sch 2: 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) items 2-6, 8, 9)
Sch 1 (item 14): 1 July 2023 (s 2(1) item 7)
Sch 1 (item 18): 20 Feb 2018 (s 2(1) item 1)

Sch 1 (items 15-18) and Sch 2 (item 12)

Treasury Laws Amendment (Banking Measures No. 1) Act 2018

9, 2018

5 Mar 2018

Sch 1 and Sch 4 (item 1): 5 Mar 2018 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 3 (items 1-5): 5 May 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)


Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Act 2018

10, 2018

5 Mar 2018

Sch 1: 5 Mar 2018 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (items 253-263)

Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Sector Regulation) Act 2018

142, 2018

29 Nov 2018

Sch 2: 30 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)


Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019

10, 2019

12 Mar 2019

Sch 1 (items 17-20): 1 July 2019 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 20)

Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Act 2019

49, 2019

5 Apr 2019

Sch 4 (items 3-5, 65): 6 Apr 2019 (s 2(1) item 11)

Sch 4 (item 65)

Treasury Laws Amendment (Combating Illegal Phoenixing) Act 2020

6, 2020

17 Feb 2020

Sch 1 (items 79, 80): 18 Feb 2019 (s 2(1) item 2)


Treasury Laws Amendment (2019 Measures No. 3) Act 2020

64, 2020

22 June 2020

Sch 3 (items 157-159, 325, 326): 1 Oct 2020 (s 2(1) item 6)

Sch 3 (items 325, 326)

Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Act 2020

130, 2020

15 Dec 2020

Sch 1 (item 2): 1 Jan 2021 (s 2(1) item 2)


Financial Regulator Assessment Authority (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2021

64, 2021

29 June 2021

Sch 1 (items 9, 14): 1 July 2021 (s 2(1) item 2)

Sch 1 (item 14)

Treasury Laws Amendment (2021 Measures No. 5) Act 2021

127, 2021

7 Dec 2021

Sch 2 (items 3, 4): 8 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 3)


Financial Accountability Regime (Consequential Amendments) Act 2023

68, 2023

14 Sept 2023

Sch 1 (items 21-30) and Sch 2 (items 1, 3-6, 9, 10, 12-21, 29): 15 Sept 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 1 (items 99-107): 15 Mar 2024 (s 2(1) item 3)

Sch 2 (items 1, 3-6, 9, 10, 12-21, 29)

Statute Law Amendment (Prescribed Forms and Other Updates) Act 2023

74, 2023

20 Sept 2023

Sch 1 (items 10, 11): 20 Mar 2024 (s 2(1) item 2)


Treasury Laws Amendment (2023 Law Improvement Package No. 1) Act 2023

76, 2023

20 Sept 2023

Sch 2 (items 626-630): 20 Oct 2023 (s 2(1) item 2)




FRLI registration or gazettal


Application, saving and transitional provisions

Banking (Statistics) Regulations (SR No. 92, 1962)

11 Oct 1962

11 Oct 1962



Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part I


s 2A....................

ad No 9, 2018


am No 5, 2018; No 68, 2023

s 3.....................

rep No 116, 1973

s 5.....................

am No 84, 1967; No 116, 1973; No 156, 1977 (as am by No 78, 1978); No  76, 1984; No 105, 1987; No 129, 1989; No 118, 1990; No 210, 1991; No  193, 1992; No 69, 1994; No 99, 1995; No 161, 1995; No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 24, 2000; No  55, 2001; No 42, 2003; No 116, 2003; No 147, 2006; No 154, 2007; No 105, 2008; No 82, 2010; No  125, 2011; No 31, 2014; No 62, 2014; No 126, 2015; No 5, 2018; No 9, 2018; No 10, 2018


ed C55


am No 130, 2020; No 127, 2021; No 68, 2023; No 76, 2023

s 6.....................

am No 116, 1973; No 193, 1992; No 69, 1994; No 99, 1995; No 54, 1998

s 6A....................

ad No 116, 1973


am No 129, 1989; No 46, 2011; No 64, 2020

s 6B....................

ad No 44, 1999

Part II


Division 1


s 7.....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989


rs No 44, 1999


am No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 8.....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989


rs No 44, 1999


am No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 9.....................

am No 93, 1966; No 116, 1973; No 129, 1989; No 193, 1992; No 69, 1994; No  54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 9, 2018; No 10, 2018

s 9AA...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 9AB...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 9A....................

ad No 84, 1967


am No 116, 1973


rep No 193, 1992


ad No 54, 1998


am No 121, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 147, 2006; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010; No  125, 2011; No 10, 2018; No 142, 2018; No 68, 2023

s 9B....................

ad No 54, 1998

s 9C....................

ad No 54, 1998

s 9D....................

ad No 142, 2018

s 9E....................

ad No 142, 2018

s 9F....................

ad No 142, 2018

s. 10....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 84, 1967; No. 156, 1977 (as am. by No. 78, 1978); No.  105, 1987; No. 129, 1989; No. 193, 1992; No. 54, 1998; No. 44, 1999; No.  154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s. 11....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998; No. 44, 1999; No.  154, 2007; No. 25, 2008; No. 8, 2010; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

Division 1AA


Division 1AA..............

ad No 54, 1998

s 11AA..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 10, 2018

s 11AAA.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11AAB.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11AB..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 121, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 147, 2006; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010; No 10, 2018; No 68, 2023

s 11AC..................

ad No 54, 1998

s 11AD..................

ad No 54, 1998

s 11AE..................

ad No 10, 2018

Division 1A


Division 1A heading.........

rs No 54, 1998

Division 1A...............

ad No 129, 1989

Subdivision A


Subdivision A heading........

ad No 10, 2018

s 11AF..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 116, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010; No 126, 2015; No 5, 2018; No 10, 2018; No 142, 2018; No 68, 2023

s 11AG..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11A...................

ad No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998; No 10, 2018

s 11B...................

ad No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998

s 11C...................

ad No 129, 1989

Subdivision B


Subdivision B..............

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CAA.................

ad No 10, 2018


am No 76, 2023

s 11CAB.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CAC.................

ad No 10, 2018

Division 1BA


Division 1BA..............

ad. No. 54, 1998

Subdivision A


Subdivision A heading........

rs. No. 44, 1999

s 11CA..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 160, 2000; No 55, 2001; No 121, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 147, 2006; No  25, 2008; No 45, 2008; No 82, 2010; No 125, 2011; No 70, 2015; No 10, 2018

Subdivision B


Subdivision B heading........

rs No 44, 1999

s. 11CB..................

ad. No. 54, 1998


am. No. 44, 1999; No. 25, 2008

s. 11CC..................

ad. No. 54, 1998


am. No. 44, 1999; No. 25, 2008

Subdivision C


s 11CD..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 116, 2003; No 105, 2008; No 125, 2011; No 43, 2016; No 10, 2018

s 11CE..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 125, 2011; No 10, 2018

s 11CF..................

ad No 54, 1998


rep No 10, 2018

s 11CG..................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 55, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 125, 2011; No 4, 2016; No 5, 2018; No 10, 2018; No 68, 2023

Subdivision D


Subdivision D.............

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CH..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CI...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CJ...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CK..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CL..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CM..................

ad No 10, 2018


am No 49, 2019; No 64, 2021

s 11CN..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CO..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11CP..................

ad No 10, 2018

Division 1B


Division 1B heading.........

rs. No. 54, 1998

Division 1B...............

ad. No. 193, 1992

s. 11D...................

ad. No. 193, 1992


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 82, 2010

s 11E...................

ad No 193, 1992


am No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 10, 2018; No 49, 2019

s 11EA..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 11F...................

ad No 193, 1992


am No 54, 1998; No 10, 2018

Division 2


Subdivision A


Subdivision A heading........

ad No 54, 1998

s. 12....................

am. No. 54, 1998; No. 147, 2006

s. 13....................

am. No. 116, 1973; No. 129, 1989


rs. No. 54, 1998


am. No. 44, 1999; No. 160, 2000; No. 154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No.  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 11, 2016

s 13A...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 160, 2000; No 154, 2007; No 105, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 125, 2011; No 4, 2016; No 11, 2016; No 10, 2018

s. 13B...................

ad. No. 54, 1998


am. No. 44, 1999; No. 160, 2000; No. 154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No.  136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 13BA..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 13C...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001; No 10, 2018

Subdivision AA


Subdivision AA............

ad No 82, 2010

s 13D...................

ad No 82, 2010


rs No 10, 2018

s 13E...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 13F...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 13G...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 13H...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 13J....................

ad No 82, 2010

s 13K...................

ad No 82, 2010

s 13L...................

ad No 82, 2010

s 13M...................

ad No 82, 2010

s 13N...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 43, 2016


rs No 10, 2018

s 13P...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 13Q...................

ad No 82, 2010

s 13R...................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 82, 2010

s 14....................

am No 93, 1966; No 116, 1973; No 19, 1979; No 129, 1989


rep No 54, 1998

Subdivision B


Subdivision B heading........

rs No 10, 2018

Subdivision B..............

ad No 54, 1998

s 14A...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 116, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 105, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 10, 2018; No 49, 2019

s 14AAA.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 14AA..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 14AB..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 14AC..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 43, 2016


rs No 10, 2018

s 14AD..................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 14B...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 125, 2011; No 10, 2018

s 14C...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001; No 10, 2018; No 6, 2020

s 14CA..................

ad No 10, 2018


am No 6, 2020

s 14D...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 10, 2018

s 14DAA.................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 14DA..................

ad No 147, 2006


am No 10, 2018

s 14E...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 10, 2018

s 14F...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001; No 105, 2008; No 82, 2010


rep No 10, 2018

s 15....................

am No 129, 1989


rs No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001; No 10, 2018

s 15A...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001; No 105, 2008; No 10, 2018

s 15B...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 105, 2008


rs No 10, 2018

s 15BA..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 15BB..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 15BC..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 15BD..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 15BE..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 15C...................

ad No 54, 1998


rs No 105, 2008


am No 43, 2016


rs No 10, 2018

s 15D...................

ad No 105, 2008


rs No 10, 2018


am No 68, 2023

s 16....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989


rs No 54, 1998


am No 10, 2018

s 16A...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 10, 2018

s 16AA..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 103, 2010; No 10, 2018

Subdivision C


Subdivision C..............

ad No 10, 2018

s 16AAA.................

ad No 10, 2018

Division 2AA


Division 2AA..............

ad No 105, 2008

Subdivision A


s 16AB..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 16AC..................

ad No 105, 2008

Subdivision B


s 16AD..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 126, 2015; No 10, 2018

s 16AE..................

ad. No. 105, 2008

Subdivision C


s 16AF..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 82, 2010

s 16AG..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 46, 2011

s 16AH..................

ad No 105, 2008

s 16AHA.................

ad No 42, 2009


am No 10, 2018

s 16AI...................

ad No 105, 2008

s 16AIA.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 16AIB.................

ad No 10, 2018

s 16AIC.................

ad No 10, 2018

Subdivision D


s 16AJ..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 82, 2010; No 10, 2018

s 16AK..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 42, 2009; No 82, 2010; No 10, 2018

s 16AL..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 16AM..................

ad No 105, 2008

s 16AN..................

ad No 105, 2008

s 16AO..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 82, 2010

Subdivision E


ss. 16AP-16AS.............

ad. No. 105, 2008

Subdivision F


s 16AT..................

ad No 105, 2008

Subdivision G


Subdivision G heading........

rs No 103, 2010

s 16AU..................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 103, 2010

Division 2A


Division 2A...............

ad No 54, 1998

s 16AV..................

ad No 82, 2010


am No 10, 2018

s 16B...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 121, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 68, 2023

s 16BA..................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 82, 2010; No 125, 2011; No 10, 2018


ed C50


am No 68, 2023

s 16C...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 121, 2001


rs No 116, 2003


am No 68, 2023

s 16D...................

ad No 82, 2010

s 16E...................

ad No 82, 2010

Division 2B


Division 2B...............

ad No 116, 2003

s 17....................

am No 84, 1967; No 116, 1973; No 156, 1977 (as am by No 78, 1978); No  105, 1987


rs No 129, 1989


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 116, 2003


am No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010; No 68, 2023

s 18....................

rs No 129, 1989


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 116, 2003


rs No 154, 2007


am No 11, 2016

Division 2C


Division 2C...............

ad No 154, 2007

s 18A...................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 45, 2008; No 70, 2015

Division 3


Division 3................

rs No 129, 1989


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 116, 2003

s 19....................

rs No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 116, 2003


am No 25, 2008

s 20....................

rs No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 116, 2003


am No 25, 2008; No 68, 2023

s. 21....................

rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 54, 1998


ad. No. 116, 2003


rs. No. 25, 2008

s. 22....................

am. No. 116, 1973


rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 54, 1998


ad. No. 116, 2003


rs. No. 25, 2008

s. 22A...................

ad. No. 82, 2010

s. 23....................

rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998; No. 44, 1999


rep. No. 54, 1998


ad. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 25, 2008

Division 3A


Division 3A...............

ad No 125, 2011

s. 24....................

rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 54, 1998


ad. No. 125, 2011

s. 25....................

am. No. 116, 1973; No. 216, 1973 (as am. by No. 20, 1974)


rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 54, 1998


ad. No. 125, 2011

s. 26....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 116, 1973


rep. No. 129, 1989


ad. No. 125, 2011

s. 27....................

am. No. 127, 1965


rep. No. 129, 1989


ad. No. 125, 2011

s 28....................

rep No 129, 1989


ad No 125, 2011

s 29....................

rep No 129, 1989


ad No 125, 2011


am No 10, 2018

ss. 30, 31.................

am. No. 116, 1973


rep. No. 129, 1989


ad. No. 125, 2011

s 31A...................

ad No 125, 2011

s 31B...................

ad No 125, 2011


am No 10, 2018

s 31C...................

ad No 125, 2011


am No 10, 2018

s 31D...................

ad No 125, 2011

s 31E...................

ad No 125, 2011

s 31F...................

ad No 125, 2011


am No 10, 2018

Division 4


s. 32....................

am. No. 54, 1998

s. 33....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 116, 1973; No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998 (as am. by No.  9, 2006); No. 44, 1999; No. 9, 2006; No. 154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No.  136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s. 34....................

am. No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998

s. 35....................

am. No. 54, 1998

Division 5


s. 36....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 84, 1967; No. 116, 1973; No. 156, 1977 (as am. by No.  78, 1978); No. 105, 1987; No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998; No. 44, 1999; No.  154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

Division 6................

rep No 129, 1989

s. 37....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 116, 1973


rep. No. 129, 1989

s. 38....................

rep. No. 129, 1989

Part IIAA................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37....................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37A...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37AA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37B...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37BA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37BB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37BC..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37C...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37CA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37CB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37D...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37DA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37DB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37E...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37EA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37EB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37EC..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37ED..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37F...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37FA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37FB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37FC..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37G...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37H...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37HA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37J....................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37JA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37JB...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37JC...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37K...................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37KA..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37KB..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 68, 2023

s 37KC..................

ad No 5, 2018


rep No 5, 2018

Part IIA


Part IIA heading............

rs. No. 54, 1998

Part IIA..................

ad. No. 80, 1982

s. 38A...................

ad. No. 80, 1982


am. No. 107, 1997; No. 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 59, 2015

Part IIB


Part IIB..................

ad No 9, 2018

Division 1


s 38B...................

ad No 9, 2018


am No 76, 2023

Division 2


s 38C...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38D...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38E...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38F...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38G...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38H...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38J....................

ad No 9, 2018

Division 3


s 38K...................

ad No 9, 2018

s 38L...................

ad No 9, 2018

Part III


Part III..................

rs. No. 132, 1974

s. 39....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 193, 1973


rs. No. 132, 1974


am. No. 129, 1989; No. 107, 1997

s. 39A...................

ad. No. 132, 1974


am. No. 129, 1989

s. 39B...................

ad. No. 132, 1974


am. No. 129, 1989


rep. No. 88, 2009

Part IV


Part IV..................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)

s 40....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 129, 1989

s 41....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 42....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 129, 1989; No 43, 1996; No 107, 1997; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No  82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 43....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 129, 1989

s 44....................

am No 116, 1973


exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)

s 45....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 129, 1989; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 46....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


am No 129, 1989; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 47....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)

s 48....................

exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)

s 49....................

am No 93, 1966; No 116, 1973


exp 30 Jan 1976 (s 40(3) and gaz 1976, No S17)


rep No 129, 1989

Part V


s. 50....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998

Part VI


Part VI heading.............

rs No 44, 1999


rep No 121, 2001


ad No 116, 2003

Part VI..................

rs. No. 129, 1989


rep. No. 121, 2001


ad. No. 116, 2003

s. 51A...................

ad. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 45, 2008; No 70, 2015

s. 51B...................

ad. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012)

s. 51C...................

ad. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 25, 2008

s. 51D...................

ad. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012)

s. 51....................

am. No. 84, 1967; No. 116, 1973; No. 156, 1977 (as am. by No. 78, 1978); No.  105, 1987


rs. No. 129, 1989


am. No. 54, 1998


rep. No. 121, 2001

s. 52....................

am. Statutory Rules 1962 No. 92; No. 93, 1966; No. 166, 1986


rs. No. 129, 1989


rep. No. 54, 1998

Part VIA


Part VIA.................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 10, 2019

Division 1................

rep No 10, 2019

s 52A...................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 82, 2010; No 10, 2018


rep No 10, 2019

s 52B...................

ad No 154, 2007


rep No 10, 2019

s 52C...................

rep No 10, 2019

s 52D...................

rep No 10, 2019

s 52E...................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 82, 2010; No 10, 2018


rep No 10, 2019

Division 2 heading..........

rep No 10, 2019

s 52F...................

ad No 154, 2007


am No 5, 2018

s. 53....................

am. Statutory Rules 1962 No. 92; No. 93, 1966; No. 116, 1973


rep. No. 129, 1989

s. 54....................

am. No. 93, 1966; No. 166, 1986


rep. No. 129, 1989

s. 55....................

am. No. 166, 1986


rep. No. 129, 1989

ss. 56, 57.................

rep. No. 129, 1989

s. 58....................

am. No. 166, 1986


rep. No. 129, 1989

s. 59....................

rep. No. 129, 1989

Part VII


Part VII heading............

rs No 5, 2018

s. 60....................

rep. No. 129, 1989


ad. No. 82, 2010



Part VIII heading...........

ad No 5, 2018

Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad No 5, 2018

s. 61....................

am. No. 93, 1966


rs. No. 129, 1989; No. 54, 1998


am. No. 44, 1999


rs. No. 116, 2003


am. No. 154, 2007; No. 82, 2010 (as am. by No. 136, 2012); No 11, 2016

s 61A...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61B...................

ad No 5, 2018

Division 2


Division 2................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61C...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61D...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61E...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61F...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61G...................

ad No 5, 2018

Division 3


Division 3................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61H...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61J....................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61K...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61L...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61M...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61N...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61P...................

ad No 5, 2018

s 61Q...................

ad No 5, 2018

Division 4


Division 4 heading..........

ad No 5, 2018

s 62....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989


rs No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 160, 2000; No 121, 2001; No 116, 2003; No 154, 2007; No  82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 11, 2016

Division 5


Division 5................

ad No 5, 2018

s 62AA..................

ad No 5, 2018


ed C52

s 62AB..................

ad No 5, 2018

Part IX


Part IX heading.............

ad No 5, 2018

s 62A...................

ad No 116, 2003


am No 154, 2007; No 45, 2008; No 82, 2010; No 125, 2011; No 70, 2015

s 62B...................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 62C...................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 10, 2018

s 62D...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 62E...................

ad No 10, 2018

s 63....................

am No 93, 1966; No 116, 1973; No 129, 1989; No 69, 1994; No 54, 1998; No  44, 1999; No 24, 2000; No 160, 2000; No 55, 2001; No 42, 2003; No 154, 2007; No 73, 2008; No  82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 63A...................

ad No 84, 1967


am No 129, 1989


rep No 193, 1992

s 63B...................

ad No 156, 1977 (as am by No 78, 1978)


rep No 105, 1987

s 64....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989


rep No 54, 1998


ad No 160, 2000

s 65....................

am No 116, 1973; No 19, 1979; No 129, 1989; No 54, 1998; No 10, 2018

s 65A...................

ad No 160, 2000


am No 75, 2009; No 9, 2018

s 65B...................

ad No 105, 2008

s 66....................

am No 93, 1966


rs No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016; No 9, 2018

s 66AA..................

ad No 9, 2018

s 66A...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 67....................

am No 93, 1966


rs No 129, 1989


am No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999; No 154, 2007; No 25, 2008; No 82, 2010 (as am by No  136, 2012); No 4, 2016

s 68....................

am No 116, 1973; No 44, 1999

s 69....................

am No 93, 1966; No 84, 1967; No 116, 1973; No 156, 1977 (as am by No  78, 1978); No 19, 1979; No 105, 1987; No 129, 1989; No 193, 1992; No  62, 1997; No 44, 1999; No 160, 2000; No 154, 2007; No 92, 2008; No  82, 2010 (as am by No 136, 2012); No 5, 2011; No 147, 2011; No 176, 2012; No 90, 2013; No 34, 2014; No 62, 2014; No 70, 2015; No 126, 2015; No 129, 2015; No 4, 2016; No 74, 2023

s 69AA..................

ad No 54, 1998

s 69A...................

ad No 129, 1989


am No 193, 1992; No 107, 1997; No 54, 1998


rep No 44, 1999


ad No 129, 2015

s 69B...................

ad No 129, 1989


rep No 107, 1997

s 69B (prev s 69AA).........

renum No 129, 2015

s 69BA..................

ad No 10, 2018


ed C50


am No 68, 2023

s 69C...................

ad No 129, 1989


am No 44, 1999, No 5, 2015

s 69D...................

ad No 193, 1992


rs No 107, 1997


am No 54, 1998

s 69E...................

ad No 54, 1998

s 69F...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 116, 2003; No 10, 2018

s 70....................

am No 116, 1973; No 129, 1989


rep No 69, 1994

s 70A...................

ad No 129, 1989


rs No 54, 1998; No 116, 2003


am No 10, 2018

s 70AA..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 70AB..................

ad No 10, 2018

s 70B...................

ad No 54, 1998


am No 55, 2001

s 70C...................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 62, 2014; No 126, 2015

s 70D...................

ad No 105, 2008

s 70E...................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 62, 2014

s 70F...................

ad No 105, 2008


am No 62, 2014

s 70G...................

ad No 105, 2008


rs No 62, 2014

s 70H...................

ad No 105, 2008

s 71....................

am No 93, 1966; No 129, 1989; No 107, 1997; No 54, 1998; No 44, 1999

The Schedules


First Schedule.............

am. No. 216, 1973 (as am. by No. 20, 1974)


rs. No. 129, 1989; No. 193, 1992


rep. No. 54, 1998

Second Schedule............

am. Statutory Rules 1962 No. 92; No. 127, 1965; No. 93, 1966; No.  84, 1967; No. 116, 1973; No.  span>76, 1984


rep. No. 129, 1989

Schedule 1


Heading to Third

rep. No. 54, 1998

Heading to Schedule 1........

ad. No. 54, 1998


rs. No. 44, 1999

Third Schedule.............

ad. No. 80, 1982

Schedule 2


Schedule 2................

ad. No. 105, 2008

Part 1


cc. 1-5..................

ad. No. 105, 2008

Part 2


cc. 6-9..................

ad. No. 105, 2008


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