No. 12, 1914
Compilation No. 156
Compilation date: 24 November 2024
Includes amendments: Act No. 93, 2024
This compilation is in 2 volumes
Each volume has its own contents
About this compilation
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Crimes Act 1914 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 24 November 2024 (the compilation date).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self-repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Part I--Preliminary
1 Short title
3 Interpretation
3AA State offences that have a federal aspect
3A Operation of Act
3B Arrangements with States, Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory
3BA Application of the Criminal Code
Part IAA--Search, information gathering, arrest and related powers (other than powers under delayed notification search warrants)
Division 1--Preliminary
3C Interpretation
3CAA Account-based data
3CA Nature of functions of magistrate
3D Application of Part
Division 2--Search warrants
3E When search warrants can be issued
3F The things authorised by a search warrant--general
3FA The things authorised by a search warrant--additional things for digital assets
3G Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a warrant
3H Details of warrant to be given to occupier etc.
3J Specific powers available to constables executing warrant
3JA Extension of time to re-enter premises in emergency situations
3K Use of equipment to examine or process things
3L Use of electronic equipment at premises
3LAA Use of electronic equipment at other place
3LA Person with knowledge of a computer or a computer system to assist access etc.
3LB Accessing data held on certain premises--notification to occupier of that premises
3M Compensation for damage to equipment
3N Copies of seized things to be provided
3P Occupier entitled to be present during search
3Q Receipts for things seized under warrant or moved
3R Warrants by telephone or other electronic means
3S Restrictions on personal searches
3SA Relationship of this Division to parliamentary privileges and immunities
Division 3--Stopping and searching conveyances
3T Searches without warrant in emergency situations
3U How a constable exercises a power under section 3T
Division 3A--Powers in relation to terrorist acts and terrorism offences
Subdivision A--Definitions
3UA Definitions
Subdivision B--Powers
3UB Application of Subdivision
3UC Requirement to provide name etc.
3UD Stopping and searching
3UE Seizure of terrorism related items and serious offence related items
3UEA Emergency entry to premises without warrant
3UEB Emergency entry to premises without warrant--post-entry warrants
3UF Seizure notices
3UH Relationship of Subdivision to other laws
Subdivision C--Prescribed security zones
3UI Applications for declarations
3UJ Minister may make declarations
Subdivision CA--Reporting on exercise of powers under this Division
3UJA Report after powers are exercised
3UJB Annual report on exercise of powers
Subdivision CB--Matters relating to post-entry warrants
3UJC Assessment officers
3UJD Consent of Judges
3UJE Nominated ART members
Subdivision D--Sunset provision
3UK Sunset provision
Division 3B--Identity information requirements, and move-on powers, at airports
3UL Definitions--Division 3B
3UM Meaning of major airport
3UN Meaning of public order and safe operation
3UO Determination of airports
3UP Identity information at airports
3UQ Move-on directions at airports
3UR Move-on directions at airports--alternative constitutional scope
3US Stop and directions powers at airports
3UT Constables' and protective service officers' duties at airports
3UU Directions at airports--offences
3UV Review of Division
Division 4--Arrest and related matters
3V Requirement to furnish name etc.
3W Power of arrest without warrant by constables
3WA Constables' power of arrest without warrant for a terrorism offence or offence of advocating terrorism
3X Arrest of prisoner unlawfully at large
3Y Power of arrest without warrant of person on bail
3Z Power of arrest without warrant by other persons
3ZA Warrants for arrest
3ZB Power to enter premises to arrest offender
3ZC Use of force in making arrest
3ZD Persons to be informed of grounds of arrest
3ZE Power to conduct a frisk search of an arrested person
3ZF Power to conduct an ordinary search of an arrested person
3ZG Power to conduct search of arrested person's premises
3ZH Power to conduct an ordinary search or a strip search
3ZI Rules for conduct of strip search
3ZJ Taking fingerprints, recordings, samples of handwriting or photographs
3ZK Destruction of identification material
3ZL Offence of refusing to allow identification material to be taken
3ZM Identification parades
3ZN Identification parades for suspects under 18 etc.
3ZO Identification by means of photographs
3ZP Identification procedures where there is more than one suspect
3ZQ Descriptions
Division 4A--Determining a person's age
Subdivision A--Preliminary
3ZQA Definitions
Subdivision B--Determination of age during investigation
3ZQB Circumstances where investigating official may seek authority to carry out a prescribed procedure
3ZQC Obtaining of consents for the carrying out of a prescribed procedure
3ZQD Withdrawal of consent
3ZQE Recording of giving of information about carrying out a prescribed procedure and relevant responses
Subdivision C--Determination of age during proceedings
3ZQF Circumstances where judge or magistrate may order carrying out of a prescribed procedure on own initiative
Subdivision D--Communication of orders by judges or magistrates
3ZQG Orders made by judges or magistrates concerning carrying out of a prescribed procedure
Subdivision E--Matters relating to the carrying out of prescribed procedures
3ZQH Appropriate medical or other standards to be applied
3ZQI Reasonable and necessary force
Subdivision F--Disclosure and destruction of age determination information
3ZQJ Disclosure of age determination information
3ZQK Destruction of age determination information
Division 4B--Power to obtain information and documents
Subdivision A--Definitions
3ZQL Definition
Subdivision B--Power to request information or documents about terrorist acts from operators of aircraft or ships
3ZQM Power to request information or documents about terrorist acts from operators of aircraft or ships
Subdivision C--Power to obtain documents relating to serious terrorism and non-terrorism offences
3ZQN Power to obtain documents relating to serious terrorism offences
3ZQO Power to obtain documents relating to serious offences
3ZQP Matters to which documents must relate
3ZQQ Powers conferred on Judges of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) in their personal capacity
3ZQR Documents must be produced
3ZQS Offence for failure to comply with notice under section 3ZQN or 3ZQO
3ZQT Offence for disclosing existence or nature of notice
Division 4C--Using, sharing and returning things seized and documents produced
Subdivision A--Using and sharing things seized and documents produced
3ZQU Purposes for which things and documents may be used and shared
3ZQV Operating seized electronic equipment
3ZQW Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
Subdivision B--Returning things seized and documents produced
3ZQX When things seized or documents produced under Division 2, 4 or 4B must be returned
3ZQY When things seized under Division 3 must be returned
3ZQZA When things seized under Division 3A must be returned
3ZQZB Magistrate may permit a thing seized or document produced under this Part to be retained, forfeited etc.
Division 5--General
3ZR Conduct of ordinary searches and frisk searches
3ZS Announcement before entry
3ZT Offence for making false statements in warrants
3ZU Offences relating to telephone warrants
3ZW Delegation by Commissioner
3ZX Law relating to legal professional privilege not affected
Part IAAA--Delayed notification search warrants
Division 1--Preliminary
3ZZAA Object of this Part
3ZZAB Application of Part
3ZZAC Definitions
3ZZAD Eligible issuing officers
3ZZAE Consent of Judges
3ZZAF Nominated ART members
Division 2--Issue of delayed notification search warrants
Subdivision A--The normal process for applying for and issuing delayed notification search warrants
3ZZBA Eligible officer may seek authorisation to apply for a delayed notification search warrant
3ZZBB Authorisation to apply for a delayed notification search warrant
3ZZBC Applying for a delayed notification search warrant
3ZZBD Issuing a delayed notification search warrant
3ZZBE Contents of a delayed notification search warrant
Subdivision B--Delayed notification search warrants by telephone, fax etc.
3ZZBF Delayed notification search warrants by telephone, fax etc.
3ZZBG Authority of delayed notification search warrant by telephone, fax etc.
Subdivision C--Offences relating to applying for warrants etc.
3ZZBH Offence for making false statement in application for delayed notification search warrant
3ZZBI Offence relating to delayed notification search warrant by telephone, fax etc.
Subdivision D--Interaction with other provisions under which search warrants may be issued
3ZZBJ Issue of warrants under other provisions as well as or instead of delayed notification search warrants
Division 3--Exercise of powers under delayed notification search warrants
3ZZCA What is authorised by a delayed notification search warrant
3ZZCB Specific powers available to person executing warrant
3ZZCC Extension of time to re-enter premises left in emergency situation or to avoid discovery of law enforcement officer
3ZZCD Executing a warrant--assistance, use of force and related matters
3ZZCE Use of equipment to examine or process things
3ZZCF Use of electronic equipment at warrant premises
3ZZCG Use of moved electronic equipment at other place
3ZZCH Operating seized or moved electronic equipment
3ZZCI Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
Division 4--Notice to occupiers
3ZZDA Warrant premises occupier's notice must be prepared and given
3ZZDB Adjoining premises occupier's notice must be prepared and given
3ZZDC Time for giving warrant premises occupier's notice or adjoining premises occupier's notice
Division 5--Using, sharing and returning things seized
Subdivision A--Using and sharing things seized
3ZZEA Purposes for which things may be used and shared
Subdivision B--Returning things seized
3ZZEB When things seized must be returned
3ZZEC Eligible issuing officer may permit a thing seized to be retained, forfeited etc.
Division 6--Reporting and record-keeping
3ZZFA Reporting on delayed notification search warrants
3ZZFB Annual reports to Minister
3ZZFC Regular reports to Ombudsman
3ZZFD Keeping documents connected with delayed notification search warrants
3ZZFE Register of delayed notification search warrants
Division 7--Inspections by Ombudsman
3ZZGA Appointment of inspecting officers
3ZZGB Inspection of records by the Ombudsman
3ZZGC Power to obtain relevant information
3ZZGD Offence
3ZZGE Ombudsman to be given information etc. despite other laws
3ZZGF Exchange of information between Ombudsman and State or Territory inspecting authorities
3ZZGG Ombudsman not to be sued
3ZZGH Report on inspection
Division 8--Unauthorised disclosure of information
3ZZHA Unauthorised disclosure of information
Division 9--Other matters
3ZZIA Delegation
3ZZIB Law relating to legal professional privilege not affected
Part IAAB--Monitoring of compliance with Part 5.3 supervisory orders etc.
Division 1--Introduction
3ZZJA Simplified outline of this Part
3ZZJB Definitions
3ZZJC Prescribed connection with premises
3ZZJD Privileges not abrogated
3ZZJE Application of Part
Division 2--Powers of constables in relation to premises
Subdivision A--Monitoring powers
3ZZKA Entering premises by consent or under a warrant
3ZZKB General monitoring powers
3ZZKC Operating electronic equipment
3ZZKD Securing electronic equipment to obtain expert assistance
Subdivision B--Powers to ask questions and seek production of documents
3ZZKE Asking questions and seeking production of documents
Subdivision C--Other powers
3ZZKF Other powers
3ZZKG Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a warrant
Division 3--Powers of constables in relation to persons subject to Part 5.3 supervisory orders
3ZZLA Searching a person by consent or under a warrant
3ZZLB Monitoring powers
3ZZLC Seizure powers
3ZZLD Availability of assistance and use of force in executing a warrant
Division 4--Obligations and incidental powers of constables
3ZZNA Consent of occupier of premises
3ZZNB Consent to search of a person
3ZZNC Announcement before entry under warrant
3ZZND Constable to be in possession of warrant
3ZZNE Details of warrant etc. to be given to occupier
3ZZNF Compensation for damage to electronic equipment
3ZZNG Occupier entitled to be present during search
3ZZNH Person subject to a Part 5.3 supervisory order is entitled to be present during search
Division 5--Monitoring warrants
3ZZOA Monitoring warrant in relation to premises
3ZZOB Monitoring warrant in relation to a person
3ZZOC Restrictions on personal searches
3ZZOD Monitoring warrant must not be executed if the relevant Part 5.3 supervisory order is revoked etc.
Division 6--Monitoring warrants by telephone or other electronic means
3ZZPA Monitoring warrants by telephone or other electronic means
3ZZPB Offences relating to telephone warrants
Division 7--Extension of periods in which things secured
3ZZQA Extension of periods in which things secured
Division 8--Things seized, documents produced, and answers given, under this Part
3ZZRA Receipts for things seized under this Part
3ZZRB Using, sharing and returning things seized under this Part
3ZZRC Using, sharing and returning documents produced under section 3ZZKE
3ZZRD Answers to questions asked under section 3ZZKE
Division 9--Powers of issuing officers
3ZZSA Powers of issuing officers
Division 10--General
3ZZTA Conduct of ordinary searches and frisk searches
3ZZTB Protection of persons--control order declared to be void
3ZZTC Dealing with things, information or documents obtained under a monitoring warrant--control order declared to be void
3ZZTD Commissioner to keep documents connected with issue of monitoring warrants
3ZZTE Commissioner to notify Ombudsman in relation to monitoring warrants
Division 11--Inspections by Ombudsman
3ZZUA Appointment of inspecting officers
3ZZUB Inspection of records by the Ombudsman
3ZZUC Power to obtain relevant information
3ZZUD Offence
3ZZUE Ombudsman to be given information etc. despite other laws
3ZZUF Exchange of information between Ombudsman and State or Territory inspecting authorities
3ZZUG Ombudsman not to be sued
3ZZUH Annual report
Part IAABA--Monitoring of compliance with community safety supervision orders etc.
3ZZUHA Simplified outline of this Part
3ZZUHB Definitions
3ZZUHC Application of Part IAAB to community safety supervision orders
Part IAAC--Account takeover warrants
Division 1--Introduction
3ZZUJ Simplified outline of this Part
3ZZUK Definitions
3ZZUL When a person takes control of an online account
3ZZUM Appropriate authorising officer
Division 2--Account takeover warrants
3ZZUMA Sunsetting
3ZZUN Application for account takeover warrant
3ZZUP Determining the application
3ZZUQ What must an account takeover warrant contain?
3ZZUR What an account takeover warrant authorises
3ZZUS Variation of account takeover warrant
3ZZUT Revocation of account takeover warrant
3ZZUU Discontinuance of execution of account takeover warrant
3ZZUV Restoration of online account
3ZZUW Relationship of this Division to parliamentary privileges and immunities
Division 3--Emergency authorisations
3ZZUWA Sunsetting
3ZZUX Emergency authorisation--serious risks to person or property
3ZZUY Record of emergency authorisations to be made
3ZZUZ Attributes of emergency authorisations
3ZZVA Application for approval of emergency authorisation
3ZZVB Consideration of application
3ZZVC Magistrate may approve giving of an emergency authorisation
3ZZVD Admissibility of evidence
3ZZVE Restoration of online account
3ZZVF Relationship of this Division to parliamentary privileges and immunities
Division 4--Assistance orders
3ZZVG Person with knowledge of an online account to provide assistance
Division 5--Restrictions on use and disclosure of information
3ZZVH Unauthorised use or disclosure of protected information
3ZZVJ Dealing with records obtained under, or relating to, account takeover warrants etc.
3ZZVK Protection of account takeover technologies and methods
Division 6--Reporting and record keeping
3ZZVL Chief officers' annual reports to the Minister and the Ombudsman
3ZZVM Chief officers' annual reports to the Minister
3ZZVN Keeping documents connected with account takeover warrants
3ZZVP Register of applications for account takeover warrants and emergency authorisations
Division 7--Inspections
3ZZVQ Appointment of inspecting officers
3ZZVR Inspection of records by the Ombudsman
3ZZVS Power to obtain relevant information
3ZZVT Offence
3ZZVU Ombudsman to be given information and access despite other laws
3ZZVV Delegation by Ombudsman
3ZZVW Ombudsman not to be sued
3ZZVX Report on inspection
Division 8--Miscellaneous
3ZZVY Minor defects in connection with account takeover warrant
3ZZVZ Evidentiary certificates
3ZZWA Compensation for property loss or serious damage
Part IA--General
4AAA Commonwealth laws conferring non-judicial functions and powers on officers
4AAB Arrangements for conferral of non-judicial functions and powers
4A Meaning of certain words
4AA Penalty units
4AB Conversion of pecuniary penalties expressed in dollar amounts to penalty units
4B Pecuniary penalties--natural persons and bodies corporate
4C Offences under 2 or more laws
4D Penalties
4E Pecuniary penalties
4F Effect of alterations in penalties
4H Summary offences
4J Certain indictable offences may be dealt with summarily
4JA Some indictable offences punishable by fine only may be dealt with summarily
4K Continuing and multiple offences
4L Specified defences not to preclude other defences
4M Children under 10
4N Children over 10 but under 14
6 Accessory after the fact
9 Seizure and condemnation of forfeitable goods
9A Forfeited articles to be dealt with by Official Trustee
9B Costs etc. payable to Official Trustee
13 Institution of proceedings in respect of offences
15 Remand of defendant
15AA Bail not to be granted in certain cases
15AAA Bail not to be granted to various persons charged with, or convicted of, certain Commonwealth child sex offences
15AB Matters to be considered in certain bail applications
15A Enforcement of fines etc.
15B Time for commencement of prosecutions
15C Form of indictments, information and summonses
15E Privilege of Parliament not affected
15F Civil rights not affected
Part IAB--Controlled operations
Division 1--Preliminary
15G Objects of Part
15GA Relationship to other laws and matters
15GB Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws
15GC Definitions
15GD Meaning of controlled operation and major controlled operation
15GE Meaning of serious Commonwealth offence and serious State offence that has a federal aspect
15GF Meaning of authorising officer etc.
15GG ART Minister may nominate ART members
Division 2--Authorisation of controlled operations
Subdivision A--Authorities to conduct controlled operations
15GH Applications for authorities to conduct controlled operations
15GI Determination of applications
15GJ Manner of granting authority
15GK Form of authority
15GL Written record of urgent authority must be issued
15GM Change of principal law enforcement officer
15GN Commencement and duration of authorities
Subdivision B--Variation of authorities by appropriate authorising officers
15GO Variation of authority by appropriate authorising officer
15GP Application to appropriate authorising officer
15GQ Requirements for variation of authority
15GR Manner of varying authority
15GS Form of variation of authority
Subdivision C--Variations of authorities by nominated Tribunal member: extensions beyond 3 months
15GT Variation of formal authority to extend period of effect beyond 3 months
15GU Application to nominated Tribunal member
15GV Determination of application
15GW Manner of varying formal authority
15GX Form of variation of formal authority
Subdivision D--Other matters
15GY Cancellation of authorities
15GZ Effect of authorities
15H Defect in authority
Division 3--Protection from criminal responsibility and related provisions
Subdivision A--Controlled operations under this Part
15HA Protection from criminal responsibility for controlled conduct during controlled operations
15HB Indemnification of participants against civil liability
15HC Effect of sections 15HA and 15HB on other laws relating to criminal investigation
15HD Effect of being unaware of variation or cancellation of authority
15HE Protection from criminal responsibility for certain ancillary conduct
15HF Compensation for property loss or serious damage
15HG Notification requirements
Subdivision B--Controlled operations under a corresponding State controlled operations law
15HH Protection from criminal responsibility for conduct under a corresponding State controlled operations law
15HI Effect of section 15HH on other laws relating to criminal investigation
15HJ Protection from criminal responsibility for certain ancillary conduct
Division 4--Compliance and monitoring
15HK Unauthorised disclosure of information
15HM Chief officers' 6 monthly reports to Ombudsman and Minister
15HN Chief officers' annual reports to Minister and Ombudsman
15HO Annual report by Ombudsman
15HP Keeping documents connected with controlled operations
15HQ General register
15HR Appointment of inspecting officers
15HS Inspection of records by the Ombudsman
15HT Power to obtain relevant information
15HU Offence
15HV Ombudsman to be given information and access despite other laws
15HW Exchange of information between Ombudsman and State inspecting authorities
15HX Delegation by Ombudsman
15HY Ombudsman not to be sued
Division 5--Miscellaneous
15HZ Evidence of authorities
15J Secretary of Immigration and Border Protection Department to be notified of certain authorities
Part IABA--Integrity testing
Division 1--Introduction
15JA Integrity testing--simplified outline
15JB Integrity testing--concurrent operation of State and Territory laws
15JC Integrity testing--definitions
15JD Integrity testing--meaning of integrity testing operation
Division 2--Integrity testing operations: authority
15JE Integrity testing authorities--circumstances in which applications may be made
15JF Integrity testing authorities--application
15JG Integrity testing authorities--grant
15JH Integrity testing authorities--form
15JI Integrity testing authorities--notice to National Anti-Corruption Commissioner
15JJ Integrity testing authorities--duration
15JK Integrity testing authorities--variation
15JL Integrity testing authorities--cancellation
15JM Integrity testing authorities--defects
Division 3--Integrity testing operations: protection of participants
15JN Integrity testing operations--authorised conduct
15JO Integrity testing operations--indemnity against civil liability
15JP Integrity testing operations--participants unaware of variation or cancellation of authority
Division 4--Integrity testing operations: disclosure of information
15JQ Integrity testing operations--disclosure
15JR Integrity testing operations--disclosure endangering safety etc.
Division 5--Integrity testing operations: reporting
15JS Integrity testing operations--annual reports
Division 6--Integrity testing operations: evidence
15JT Evidence of integrity testing authorities
Part IAC--Assumed Identities
Division 1--Preliminary
15K Definitions
Division 2--Authority for Assumed Identity
15KA Application for authority to acquire or use assumed identity
15KB Determination of applications
15KC Form of authority
15KD Period of authority
15KE Variation or cancellation of authority
15KF Yearly review of authority
15KG Making entries in register of births, deaths or marriages
15KH Effect of authority ceasing to be in force on register of births, deaths or marriages
Division 3--Evidence of Assumed Identity
15KI Request for evidence of assumed identity
15KJ Government issuing agencies to comply with request
15KK Non-government issuing agencies may comply with request
15KL Cancellation of evidence of assumed identity
15KM Return of evidence of assumed identity
15KN Protection from criminal liability--officers of issuing agencies
15KO Indemnity for issuing agencies and officers
Division 4--Effect of Authority
15KP Assumed identity may be acquired and used
15KQ Protection from criminal liability--authorised persons
15KR Protection from criminal liability--third parties
15KS Indemnity for authorised persons
15KT Particular qualifications
15KU Effect of being unaware of variation or cancellation of authority
15KV Transfer of control of authorities
15KW Consequences of transfer of control of authorities
Division 5--Mutual Recognition under Corresponding Laws
15KX Requests to a participating jurisdiction for evidence of assumed identity
15KY Requests from a participating jurisdiction for evidence of assumed identity
15KZ Directions from a participating jurisdiction to cancel evidence of assumed identity
15L Indemnity for issuing agencies and officers
15LA Application of this Part to authorities under corresponding laws
Division 6--Compliance and Monitoring
Subdivision A--Misuse of Assumed Identity and Information
15LB Misuse of assumed identity
15LC Disclosing information about assumed identity
Subdivision B--Reporting and record-keeping
15LD Reports about authorities for assumed identities etc.--law enforcement agencies
15LE Reports about authorities for assumed identities etc.--intelligence agencies
15LF Record keeping
15LG Audit of records
Division 7--General
15LH Delegation of chief officer's functions
Part IACA--Witness identity protection for operatives
Division 1--Preliminary
15M Definitions
15MA Meaning of criminal proceeding
15MB Meaning of civil proceeding
15MC When a charge is outstanding or pending
Division 2--Witness Identity Protection Certificates for Operatives
15MD Application of Part
15ME Witness identity protection certificate
15MF Statutory declaration by operative
15MG Form of witness identity protection certificate
15MH Filing and notification
15MI Leave for non-compliance
15MJ Effect of witness identity protection certificate
15MK Orders to protect operative's identity etc.
15ML Disclosure of operative's identity to presiding officer
15MM Disclosure of operative's identity etc. despite certificate
15MN Application for leave--joinder as respondent
15MO Directions to jury
15MP Appeals and adjournments
15MQ Witness identity protection certificate--cancellation
15MR Permission to give information disclosing operative's identity etc.
15MS Disclosure offences
15MT Evidentiary certificates
15MU Reports about witness identity protection certificates
Division 3--Mutual Recognition under Corresponding Laws
15MW Recognition of witness identity protection certificates under corresponding laws
Division 4--General
15MX Delegation
Part IAD--Protecting vulnerable persons
Division 1--Introduction
15Y Proceedings to which this Part applies
15YA Definitions
15YAA Vulnerable adult complainants
15YAB Special witnesses
Division 2--Admissibility of evidence
15YB Evidence of sexual reputation
15YC Evidence of sexual experience
15YD Leave under this Division
Division 3--Cross-examination
15YE Disallowing inappropriate or aggressive cross-examination
15YF Unrepresented defendants--cross-examination of child complainants
15YG Unrepresented defendants--cross-examination of vulnerable persons
15YH Represented defendants--cross-examination of vulnerable persons
15YHA Committal proceedings--cross-examination of vulnerable persons
Division 4--Special facilities for vulnerable persons to give evidence
15YI Closed-circuit television
15YJ Giving evidence by closed-circuit television
15YK Viewing evidence given by closed-circuit television
15YL Alternative arrangements for giving evidence
Division 5--Use of video recordings
15YM Use of video recordings
15YN Admissibility of evidence given using video recordings
Division 5A--Special rules for later trials
15YNA When this Division applies
15YNB Original evidence admissible in new proceeding
15YNC Vulnerable person not to be made to give further evidence
15YND Defendants' access to video recordings
15YNE Warnings etc. not to be given about vulnerable persons' evidence
15YNF Division applies despite other rules of evidence
Division 6--Miscellaneous
15YO Adults accompanying vulnerable persons
15YP Excluding people from the courtroom
15YQ Warnings etc. not to be given about vulnerable persons evidence
15YR Publication identifying child witnesses, child complainants or vulnerable adult complainants
15YS General powers of a court
15YT Other video link evidence provisions are unaffected
Part IAE--Video link evidence in proceedings for terrorism and related offences etc.
15YU Proceedings to which this Part applies
15YV When court may take evidence by video link
15YW Observers
15YX Adjournment after a section 15YV direction or order etc.
15YY Technical requirements for video link
15YZ Direction to jury
15YZA Application of laws about witnesses
15YZB Administration of oaths and affirmations
15YZC Expenses
15YZD Appeals against section 15YV directions or orders etc.
15YZE Other laws about evidence not affected
15YZF Saving of other laws
Part IB--Sentencing, imprisonment and release of federal offenders
Division 1--Interpretation
16 Interpretation
16AAAA Victim impact statements
Division 2--General sentencing principles
16A Matters to which court to have regard when passing sentence etc.--federal offences
16AA Matters to which court to have regard when passing sentence etc.--Northern Territory offences
16AAA Minimum penalties for certain offences
16AAB Second or subsequent offence
16AAC Exclusions and reductions--minimum penalties
16AB Matters relating to victim impact statements
16AC Reduction for cooperation with law enforcement agencies
16B Court to have regard to other periods of imprisonment required to be served
16BA Taking other offences into account
16C Fines
16D No corporal punishment
Division 3--Sentences of imprisonment
16E Commencement of sentences
16F Court to explain sentence
17A Restriction on imposing sentences
17B Restriction on imposing sentences for certain minor offences
18 Sentence of imprisonment
19 Cumulative, partly cumulative or concurrent sentences
19A Detention of person in State or Territory prisons
Division 4--The fixing of non-parole periods and the making of recognizance release orders
19AB When court must fix non-parole period
19AC When court must fix a recognizance release order
19AD Persons already subject to a non-parole period
19AE Persons already subject to recognizance release order
19AF Non-parole period or pre-release periods not to exceed sentence
19AG Non-parole periods for sentences for certain offences
19AH Failure to fix non-parole period or make recognizance release order
19AHA Rectification of errors etc. in sentences, non-parole periods and recognizance release orders
19AJ Court may only fix non-parole periods or make recognizance release orders for federal sentences of imprisonment
19AK Possible deportation no impediment to fixing non-parole period
Division 5--Conditional release on parole or licence
Subdivision A--Release on parole or licence
19AKA Purposes of parole
19AL Release on parole--making of parole order
19ALA Matters that may be considered in decisions about parole orders
19ALB Decisions about parole orders--terrorism and control orders
19AM Release on parole--when is a person released
19AMA Release on parole--parole period
19AN Parole order is subject to conditions
19AP Release on licence
19APA Amendment of parole orders and licences
19APB Effect of parole order and licence on sentence
Subdivision B--Revocation of parole order or license
19AQ Parole order or licence revoked following further offence
19AR Fixing of non-parole period etc. where parole or licence taken to be revoked under section 19AQ
19AS Court to issue warrant of detention where person required to serve balance of sentence
19AT What happens when later conviction is quashed?
19AU Attorney-General may revoke parole order or licence
19AV Arrest of person whose parole order or licence revoked by Attorney-General
19AW Where person on parole or licence notified of revocation
19AX Where person on parole or licence not notified of revocation
19AY Appeals in respect of warrants issued under subsection 19AW(1) or that subsection as applied
19AZ Evidence before prescribed authority
19AZA Disobedience of summons etc.
19AZB Can person be released on parole or licence if earlier parole order or licence revoked?
Subdivision C--State and Territory laws providing for leave of absence, pre-release etc.
19AZD State and Territory laws providing for leave of absence, pre-release etc. to apply to federal offenders
Subdivision D--Discharge without conviction, conditional release and sentencing alternatives
19B Discharge of offenders without proceeding to conviction
20 Conditional release of offenders after conviction
20A Failure to comply with condition of discharge or release
20AA Power to discharge or vary conditions of recognizance
20AB Additional sentencing alternatives
20AC Failure to comply with sentence passed, or order made, under subsection 20AB(1)
Division 6--Unfitness to be tried
20B Consequences of preliminary finding that person unfit to be tried
20BA Upon determining prima facie case, court to dismiss charge or to determine fitness within 12 months
20BB Persons found by a court to be likely to be fit within 12 months
20BC Persons found by a court not to be likely to be fit within 12 months
20BD Review by Attorney-General
20BE Attorney-General may order release
20BF Release order may be revoked
20BG Attorney-General to review detention of persons taken back into detention
20BH State or Territory mental health authorities to be notified of certain releases
20BI Appeals against some Victorian jury findings of unfitness to be tried
Division 7--Acquittal because of mental illness
20BJ Acquittal where person mentally ill
20BK Review by Attorney-General
20BL Attorney-General may order release
20BM Release order may be revoked
20BN Attorney-General to review detention of persons taken back into detention
20BP State or Territory authorities to be notified of certain releases
Division 8--Summary disposition of persons suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability
20BQ Person suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability
20BR Means by which court may be informed
Division 9--Sentencing alternatives for persons suffering from mental illness or intellectual disability
20BS Hospital orders
20BT Lesser periods of imprisonment fixed under hospital orders
20BU Discharge of hospital orders
20BV Psychiatric probation orders
20BW Breach of psychiatric probation orders
20BX Enforcement of psychiatric probation orders
20BY Program probation orders
Division 9A--Sharing information relevant to federal offenders
20BZ Definitions
20BZA Authorised officers may request or require information relevant to federal offenders
20BZB Authorised officers may disclose federal offender information
20BZC Delegation
Division 10--Miscellaneous
20C Offences by children and young persons
21B Reparation for offences
21D Prerogative of mercy and other Commonwealth laws unaffected
21F Prescribed authorities and parole officers
22 Conditions etc. that a court may impose on certain offenders
22A State orders relating to Australian travel documents
Part IC--Investigation of Commonwealth offences
Division 1--Introduction
23 Outline of this Part
23A Application of Part
23AA How this Part applies to the Antarctic Territories
23B Definitions
Division 2--Powers of detention
Subdivision A--Non-terrorism offences
23C Period of investigation if arrested for a non-terrorism offence
23D Application may be made for extension of investigation period
23DA Magistrate may extend investigation period
Subdivision B--Terrorism offences
23DB Period of investigation if arrested for a terrorism offence
23DC Time during which suspension or delay of questioning may be disregarded--application
23DD Time during which suspension or delay of questioning may be disregarded--time specified by magistrate
23DE Application may be made for extension of investigation period
23DF Magistrate may extend investigation period
Subdivision C--Miscellaneous
23E Evidentiary provisions if application made by electronic means
Division 3--Obligations of investigating officials
23F Cautioning persons who are under arrest or protected suspects
23G Right to communicate with friend, relative and legal practitioner
23H Aboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders
23K Persons under 18
23L Exceptions
23M Providing information relating to persons who are under arrest or protected suspects
23N Right to interpreter
23P Right of non-Australian nationals to communicate with consular office
23Q Treatment of persons under arrest
23S Right to remain silent etc. not affected
23T Acts authorised under other laws
23U Tape recording of information required to be given to person under arrest
23V Tape recording of confessions and admissions
23W Proof of belief
The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.
The following endnotes are included in every compilation:
Endnote 1--About the endnotes
Endnote 2--Abbreviation key
Endnote 3--Legislation history
Endnote 4--Amendment history
Abbreviation key--Endnote 2
The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.
Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4
Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.
The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.
The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.
Editorial changes
The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.
If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Misdescribed amendments
A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section 15V of the Legislation Act 2003.
If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.
ad = added or inserted | o = order(s) |
am = amended | Ord = Ordinance |
amdt = amendment | orig = original |
c = clause(s) | par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s) |
C[x] = Compilation No. x | /sub-subparagraph(s) |
Ch = Chapter(s) | pres = present |
def = definition(s) | prev = previous |
Dict = Dictionary | (prev ... ) = previously |
disallowed = disallowed by Parliament | Pt = Part(s) |
Div = Division(s) | r = regulation(s)/rule(s) |
ed = editorial change | reloc = relocated |
exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have | renum = renumbered |
effect | rep = repealed |
F = Federal Register of Legislation | rs = repealed and substituted |
gaz = gazette | s = section(s)/subsection(s) |
LA = Legislation Act 2003 | Sch = Schedule(s) |
Sdiv = Subdivision(s) | |
(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given | SLI = Select Legislative Instrument |
effect | SR = Statutory Rules |
(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment | Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s) |
cannot be given effect | SubPt = Subpart(s) |
mod = modified/modification | underlining = whole or part not |
No. = Number(s) | commenced or to be commenced |
Endnote 3--Legislation history
Act | Number and year | Assent | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
12, 1914 | 29 Oct 1914 | 29 Oct 1914 |
| |
6, 1915 | 7 May 1915 | 29 Oct 1914 (s 3) | -- | |
War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920 | 54, 1920 | 2 Dec 1920 | 2 Dec 1920 | -- |
Crimes Act 1926 | 9, 1926 | 16 Mar 1926 | 29 Mar 1926 (gaz 1926, p 437) | -- |
13, 1928 | 22 June 1928 | 22 June 1928 | -- | |
Crimes Act 1932 | 30, 1932 | 30 May 1932 | 30 May 1932 | -- |
Judiciary Act 1937 | 5, 1937 | 3 July 1937 | 3 July 1937 | s 5 |
Crimes Act 1941 | 6, 1941 | 4 Apr 1941 | 3 Sept 1939 | -- |
Defence (Transitional Provisions) Act 1946 | 77, 1946 | 14 Dec 1946 | 1 Jan 1947 | -- |
Statute Law Revision Act 1950 | 80, 1950 | 16 Dec 1950 | 31 Dec 1950 | |
Crimes Act 1955 | 10, 1955 | 31 May 1955 | 31 May 1955 | -- |
Crimes Act 1959 | 11, 1959 | 23 Apr 1959 | s 4: 14 Jan 1960 (s 2 and gaz 1960, p 47) | -- |
Crimes Act 1960 | 84, 1960 | 13 Dec 1960 | 13 Dec 1960 | -- |
Statute Law Revision (Decimal Currency) Act 1966 | 93, 1966 | 29 Oct 1966 | 1 Dec 1966 | -- |
Crimes Act 1973 | 33, 1973 | 27 May 1973 | 27 May 1973 | -- |
Statute Law Revision Act 1973 | 216, 1973 | 19 Dec 1973 | 31 Dec 1973 | s 9(1) and 10 |
Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Act 1975 | 56, 1975 | 12 June 1975 | s 4 and 38: 1 July 1975 (s 2(1) and gaz 1975, No S122) | -- |
19, 1979 | 28 Mar 1979 | Parts II-XVII (s 3-123): 15 May 1979 (gaz 1979, No S86) Remainder: Royal Assent | s 124 | |
Australian Federal Police (Consequential Amendments) Act 1979 | 155, 1979 | 28 Nov 1979 | 19 Oct 1979 (s 2 and gaz 1979, No S206) | -- |
Australian Federal Police (Consequential Amendments) Act 1980 | 70, 1980 | 28 May 1980 | 28 May 1980 | -- |
122, 1981 | 17 Sept 1981 | -- | ||
as amended by |
193, 1985 | 16 Dec 1985 | |||
67, 1982 | 16 June 1982 | s 1, 2 and 14: Royal Assent | s 4(2), 5(2), 7(2), 8(2), (3), 10(2) and 13(2) | |
as amended by |
193, 1985 | 16 Dec 1985 | s 3: Royal Assent | ||
80, 1982 | 22 Sept 1982 | Part XXII (s 60-65): 16 Dec 1985 (s 2(6)) | -- | |
153, 1982 | 31 Dec 1982 | 3 July 1985 (s 2 and gaz 1985, No S255) | -- | |
91, 1983 | 22 Nov 1983 | s 3: Royal Assent | ||
Director of Public Prosecutions (Consequential Amendments) Act 1983 | 114, 1983 | 14 Dec 1983 | s 8: 16 Dec 1985 (s 2(2), (3)) Remainder: 5 Mar 1984 (s 2(1) and gaz 1984, No S55) | -- |
Radiocommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1983 | 136, 1983 | 22 Dec 1983 | 27 Aug 1985 (s 2 and gaz 1985, No S322) | s 5 |
Australian Government Solicitor (Consequential Amendments) Act 1984 | 10, 1984 | 10 Apr 1984 | s 4(1) and (3) | |
63, 1984 | 25 June 1984 | s 152(1): 20 July 1984 (gaz 1984, No S276) | -- | |
165, 1984 | 25 Oct 1984 | s 3: Royal Assent | s 2(32) and 6(1) | |
193, 1985 | 16 Dec 1985 | s 8 | ||
76, 1986 | 24 June 1986 | s 3 [in part]: 24 June 1986 (s 2(1)) | ||
Intelligence and Security (Consequential Amendments) Act 1986 | 102, 1986 | 17 Oct 1986 | 1 Feb 1987 (s 2 and gaz 1987, No S13) | -- |
168, 1986 | 18 Dec 1986 | s 3: Royal Assent | s 5(1) | |
73, 1987 | 5 June 1987 | 5 June 1987 (s 2) | -- | |
120, 1987 | 16 Dec 1987 | s 10, 12, 13 and 15: 13 Jan 1988 | -- | |
141, 1987 | 18 Dec 1987 | s 3: Royal Assent | s 5(1), (6) and (7) | |
63, 1989 | 19 June 1989 | -- | ||
108, 1989 | 30 June 1989 | s 10: 30 June 1990 (s 2(2)) | s 12 | |
4, 1990 | 17 Jan 1990 | s 3-19 and 23-35: 17 July 1990 (s 2(13), (14)) | ||
as amended by |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 2 (items 5, 6): 17 Jan 1990 (s 2(1) item 7) | -- | |
11, 1990 | 17 Jan 1990 | s 12 and 13: 17 Jan 1990 (s 2(5)(b)) | -- | |
75, 1990 | 22 Oct 1990 | Sch 3: 30 June 1990 (s 2(5)) | -- | |
28, 1991 | 4 Mar 1991 | s 24, 25, 27, 28 and 30(a), (c): 4 Mar 1991 (s 2(1)) | -- | |
Crimes (Investigation of Commonwealth Offences) Amendment Act 1991 | 59, 1991 | 9 May 1991 | s 1 and 2: Royal Assent | -- |
Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1991 | 99, 1991 | 27 June 1991 | Part 1 (s 1, 2): Royal Assent | -- |
as amended by |
145, 1991 | 21 Oct 1991 | (145, 1991 below) | -- | |
120, 1991 | 27 June 1991 | s 1 and 2: Royal Assent | -- | |
123, 1991 | 23 Aug 1991 | s 5-10, Parts 3-7 (s 11-34), Part 9 (s 38, 39) and s 40-50: 20 Sept 1991 | -- | |
140, 1991 | 27 Sept 1991 | 25 Oct 1991 | -- | |
145, 1991 | 21 Oct 1991 | Part 3 (s 8-12): 1 Feb 1992 (gaz 1992, No S46) | s 11(2) | |
164, 1992 | 11 Dec 1992 | -- | ||
98, 1993 | 22 Dec 1993 | Div 3 of Part 7 (s 62): 30 Mar 1994 (gaz 1994, No S104) | -- | |
Crimes (Search Warrants and Powers of Arrest) Amendment Act 1994 | 65, 1994 | 30 May 1994 | 30 Nov 1994 | -- |
as amended by |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 3 (item 5): 30 May 1994 (s 2(1) item 13) | Sch 3 (item 42) | |
105, 1994 | 5 July 1994 | 5 July 1994 | -- | |
141, 1994 | 28 Nov 1994 | s 3 (items8pt"> 1-10): 30 Nov 1994 (s 2(2)(b)) | -- | |
as amended by |
43, 1996 | 25 Oct 1996 | Sch 3 (items 37, 38): 28 Nov 1994 | -- | |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 2 (item 14): 28 Nov 1994 (s 2(1) item 9) | -- | |
142, 1994 | 5 Dec 1994 | s 4(a), (f), 14(c), (d) and 16(a): 1 Jan 1995 Remainder: Royal Assent | -- | |
182, 1994 | 19 Dec 1994 | s 8, 9, 14(a), 15(a), 16(a), 17(a), 18(b) and 20-22: Royal Assent | ||
as amended by |
43, 1996 | 25 Oct 1996 | Sch 3 (item 10): 19 Dec 1994 | -- | |
Evidence (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1995 | 3, 1995 | 23 Feb 1995 | s 14 | |
11, 1995 | 15 Mar 1995 | 15 Sept 1995 | -- | |
28, 1996 | 8 July 1996 | 8 July 1996 | -- | |
as amended by |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 3 (item 6): 8 July 1996 (s 2(1) items 14) Sch 3 (item 42): Royal Assent | Sch 3 (item 42) | |
Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 | 60, 1996 | 25 Nov 1996 | Sch 16 (item 59): 25 Apr 1997 | s 2(2) and (6) (am by 77, 1996, Sch 3 [items 1, 2]) |
as amended by |
Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996 | 77, 1996 | 19 Dec 1996 | Sch 3 (items 1, 2): 25 Nov 1996 (s 2(4)) | -- |
20, 1997 | 7 Apr 1997 | Sch 1 (item 9): Royal Assent | -- | |
34, 1997 | 17 Apr 1997 | Sch 4: Royal Assent | -- | |
Telecommunications (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 1997 | 59, 1997 | 3 May 1997 | Sch 1 (items 16-34): 1 July 1997 | -- |
152, 1997 | 24 Oct 1997 | Sch 2 (items 636-638): 1 Jan 1998 (s 2(2) and gaz 1997, No GN49) | -- | |
49, 1998 | 29 June 1998 | 29 June 1998 | Sch 1 (items 2, 8) | |
as amended by |
9, 2006 | 23 Mar 2006 | Sch 2 (item 14): 29 June 1998 (s 2(1) item 29) | -- | |
Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 1998 | 54, 1998 | 29 June 1998 | Sch 18 (item 45): 1 July 1998 (s 2(2) and gaz 1998, No S316) | -- |
96, 1998 | 23 July 1998 | Sch 1, Sch 2 (items 1-11, 13-19) and Sch 3: 23 Jan 1999 | -- | |
as amended by |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 3 (item 41): 23 July 1998 (s 2(1) item 26) | Sch 3 (item 42) | |
90, 1999 | 16 July 1999 | 16 July 1999 | -- | |
123, 1999 | 13 Oct 1999 | 13 Oct 1999 | Sch 1 (item 5) | |
Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999 | 146, 1999 | 11 Nov 1999 | Sch 1 (items 343-348): 5 Dec 1999 (s 2(1) and gaz 1999, No S584) | -- |
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment Act 1999 | 161, 1999 | 10 Dec 1999 | Sch 3 (items 1, 22, 23): 10 Dec 1999 (s 2(2)) | -- |
Privacy Amendment (Office of the Privacy Commissioner) Act 2000 | 2, 2000 | 29 Feb 2000 | 1 July 2000 (gaz 2000, No S229) | -- |
9, 2000 | 7 Mar 2000 | 2 July 2000 (gaz 2000, No S328) | Sch 3 (items 20, 23, 34, 35) | |
Crimes at Sea Act 2000 | 13, 2000 | 31 Mar 2000 | s 1 and 2: Royal Assent | Sch 2 (item 11) |
Criminal Code Amendment (Theft, Fraud, Bribery and Related Offences) Act 2000 | 137, 2000 | 24 Nov 2000 | s 1-3 and Sch 1 (items 1, 4, 6, 7, 9-11, 32): Royal Assent Remainder: 24 May 2001 | Sch 2 (items 418, 419) |
22, 2001 | 6 Apr 2001 | Sch 1 (items 1, 4-77, 80-86): 20 June 2001 (gaz 2001, No GN24) Sch 1 (items 78, 79): 20 June 2001 (s 2(4)) Remainder: Royal Assent | -- | |
as amended by |
63, 2002 | 3 July 2002 | Sch 2 (item 6): 20 June 2001 (s 2(1) item 35) | -- | |
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act 2001 | 24, 2001 | 6 Apr 2001 | s 4(1), (2) and Sch 10: 24 May 2001 (s 2(1)(a)) | s 4(1) and (2) |
37, 2001 | 7 May 2001 | 4 June 2001 | -- | |
Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001 | 55, 2001 | 28 June 2001 | s 4-14 and Sch 3 (item 147): 15 July 2001 (s 2(3) and gaz 2001, No S285) | s 4-14 |
135, 2001 | 1 Oct 2001 | Sch 1-7 and 9-12: 12 Oct 2001 (gaz 2001, No S428) | -- | |
136, 2001 | 1 Oct 2001 | s 1-3: Royal Assent Sch 1 and 2: 12 Oct 2001 (gaz 2001, No S428) | Sch 1 (items 18, 41, 48) and Sch 4 (item 51) | |
161, 2001 | 1 Oct 2001 | 21 Dec 2001 (gaz 2001, No S529) | -- | |
Criminal Code Amendment (Anti-hoax and Other Measures) Act 2002 | 9, 2002 | 4 Apr 2002 | Sch 1: 16 Oct 2001 (s 2(1) item 2) Remainder: Royal Assent | -- |
65, 2002 | 5 July 2002 | Sch 1 (items 6, 8-13): 6 July 2002 | -- | |
Proceeds of Crime (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Act 2002 | 86, 2002 | 11 Oct 2002 | s 1-3: Royal Assent Remainder: 1 Jan 2003 (s 2(1) and gaz 2002, No GN44) | -- |
88, 2002 | 23 Oct 2002 | Sch 1 (item 1): 12 Oct 2002 | -- | |
Criminal Code Amendment (Espionage and Related Matters) Act 2002 | 91, 2002 | 31 Oct 2002 | s 4: 31 Oct 2002 | s 4 |
as amended by |
100, 2005 | 6 July 2005 | Sch 2 (items 10, 11): 31 Oct 2002 (s 2(1) item 31) | -- | |
105, 2002 | 14 Nov 2002 | Sch 3 (item 37): 12 May 2003 (s 2 and gaz 2002, No GN49) | -- | |
125, 2002 | 10 Dec 2002 | Sch 2 (items 5-30): 1 Jan 2003 | -- | |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (People Smuggling, Firearms Trafficking and Other Measures) Act 2002 | 141, 2002 | 19 Dec 2002 | Sch 1, 2 and Sch 3 (items 1-22, 24-26): 16 Jan 2003 | s 4 |
41, 2003 | 3 June 2003 | Sch 1 (items 1-7, 7A) and Sch 3 (items 2-4, 8-13, 37-40, 42):3 June 2003 | Sch 1 (items 5, 7, 7F) and Sch 3 (item 42) | |
Telecommunications Interception and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2003 | 113, 2003 | 12 Nov 2003 | Sch 1: 6 Feb 2004 (gaz 2004, No S27) Remainder: 12 Nov 2003 | -- |
62, 2004 | 26 May 2004 | Sch 1 (item 13): 12 Oct 2001 (s 2(1) item 7) | -- | |
Australian Federal Police and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2004 | 64, 2004 | 22 June 2004 | Sch 2 (item 5): 1 July 2004 | -- |
as amended by |
100, 2005 | 6 July 2005 | Sch 2 (item 7): 22 Dec 2004 (s 2(1) item 28) | -- | |
Anti-terrorism Act 2004 | 104, 2004 | 30 June 2004 | 1 July 2004 | s 4(1A) and (1B) |
Anti-terrorism Act (No. 2) 2004 | 124, 2004 | 16 Aug 2004 | Sch 3: 17 Aug 2004 Remainder: 16 Aug 2004 | -- |
Anti-terrorism Act (No. 3) 2004 | 125, 2004 | 16 Aug 2004 | Sch 1 and 2: 13 Sept 2004 | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Telecommunications Offences and Other Measures) Act (No. 2) 2004 | 127, 2004 | 31 Aug 2004 | Sch 1 (items 3-5, 30, 31): 1 Mar 2005 | Sch 1 (item 30) |
as amended by |
40, 2006 | 3 May 2006 | Sch 1 (item 16): 13 June 2006 (F2006L01623) | -- | |
Australian Passports (Transitionals and Consequentials) Act 2005 | 7, 2005 | 18 Feb 2005 | s 4-11 and Sch 1: 1 July 2005 (s 2(1)) Remainder: 18 Feb 2005 | -- |
8, 2005 | 22 Feb 2005 | s 4 and Sch 1 (items 122, 123, 496): 22 Feb 2005 | s 4 and Sch 1 (item 496) | |
87, 2005 | 6 July 2005 | 6 July 2005 | -- | |
Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Act 2005 | 96, 2005 | 6 July 2005 | Sch 1 and 2: 3 Aug 2005 | -- |
100, 2005 | 6 July 2005 | Sch 1 (items 8-10): 6 July 2005 | -- | |
Intelligence Services Legislation Amendment Act 2005 | 128, 2005 | 4 Nov 2005 | Sch 1-8: 2 Dec 2005 Remainder: 4 Nov 2005 | -- |
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Serious Drug Offences and Other Measures) Act 2005 | 129, 2005 | 8 Nov 2005 | Sch 1 (items 2-13, 75, 76): 6 Dec 2005 | Sch 1 (items 75, 76) |
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Video Link Evidence and Other Measures) Act 2005 | 136, 2005 | 15 Nov 2005 | 16 Nov 2005 | Sch 1 (items 7, 19) |
Anti-Terrorism Act (No. 2) 2005 | 144, 2005 | 14 Dec 2005 | s 4: 14 Dec 2005 | s 4 |
9, 2006 | 23 Mar 2006 | Sch 1 (item 10): 30 Nov 1994 (s 2(1) item 7) | -- | |
54, 2006 | 19 June 2006 | Sch 1 (item 11): 20 June 2006 | -- | |
Law Enforcement (AFP Professional Standards and Related Measures) Act 2006 | 84, 2006 | 30 June 2006 | Sch 3 (items 33-35): 30 Dec 2006 (s 2(1)) | -- |
Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner (Consequential Amendments) Act 2006 | 86, 2006 | 30 June 2006 | Sch 1 (items 11-31): 30 Dec 2006 (s 2(1)) | -- |
Crimes Act Amendment (Forensic Procedures) Act (No. 1) 2006 | 130, 2006 | 4 Nov 2006 | 5 Nov 2006 | Sch 1 (item 52) |
151, 2006 | 7 Dec 2006 | 7 Dec 2006 | -- | |
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2006 | 170, 2006 | 12 Dec 2006 | Sch 1 (items 19, 20): 13 Dec 2006 (s 2(1)) | -- |
171, 2006 | 12 Dec 2006 | 13 Dec 2006 | Sch 1 (item 6) | |
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Marking of Plastic Explosives) Act 2007 | 3, 2007 | 19 Feb 2007 | Sch 3 (items 3, 4): 25 Aug 2007 | -- |
7, 2007 | 19 Feb 2007 | Sch 2 (item 1): 19 Aug 2007 | -- | |
Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Act 2007 | 21, 2007 | 15 Mar 2007 | Sch 1 (item 23): 1 July 2007 (s 2(1) and F2007L01653) | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Matters) Act 2008 | 70, 2008 | 1 July 2008 | Sch 1 (item 2): 1 July 2008 | -- |
73, 2008 | 3 July 2008 | Sch 4 (items 201-207): 4 July 2008 | -- | |
Same-Sex Relationships (Equal Treatment in Commonwealth Laws--General Law Reform) Act 2008 | 144, 2008 | 9 Dec 2008 | Sch 2 (items 34-40): 10 Dec 2008 | -- |
33, 2009 | 22 May 2009 | Sch 2 (items 15-19): 23 May 2009 | -- | |
Fair Work (State Referral and Consequential and Other Amendments) Act 2009 | 54, 2009 | 25 June 2009 | Sch 5 (item 20): 1 July 2009 (s 2(1) item 11) | -- |
Federal Court of Australia Amendment (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 2009 | 106, 2009 | 6 Nov 2009 | Sch 1 (items 10-25): 4 Dec 2009 | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act 2010 | 3, 2010 | 19 Feb 2010 | Sch 1 (item 44) and Sch 3 (items 1-20): 19 Feb 2010 | Sch 3 (items 11-20) |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Act (No. 2) 2010 | 4, 2010 | 19 Feb 2010 | Sch 2, Sch 6 (items 1, 2), Sch 10 (items 7, 8) and Sch 11 (items 5, 6): 20 Feb 2010 | Sch 2 (items 11, 25) and Sch 6 (items 2, 3) |
8, 2010 | 1 Mar 2010 | Sch 5 (item 137(a)): 1 Mar 2010 (s 2(1) items 31, 38) | -- | |
Crimes Amendment (Working With Children--Criminal History) Act 2010 | 28, 2010 | 25 Mar 2010 | 26 Mar 2010 | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Offences Against Children) Act 2010 | 42, 2010 | 14 Apr 2010 | Sch 1 (items 1, 62-71): 15 Apr 2010 | Sch 1 (items 64, 71) and Sch 2 (item 9) |
Health Practitioner Regulation (Consequential Amendments) Act 2010 | 48, 2010 | 31 May 2010 | Sch 1 (item 1): repealed before commencing (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
as repealed by |
Health Insurance Amendment (General Practitioners and Quality Assurance) Act 2020 | 50, 2020 | 16 June 2020 | Sch 1 (item 56): 16 June 2021 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
51, 2010 | 31 May 2010 | Sch 5 (items 12-26) and Sch 7: 1 Nov 2010 (s 2(1) item 7) | -- | |
101, 2010 | 6 July 2010 | 6 July 2010 | Sch 1 (item 3) | |
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 2) 2010 | 103, 2010 | 13 July 2010 | Sch 6 (items 1, 49): 1 Jan 2011 | -- |
127, 2010 | 24 Nov 2010 | Sch 1 (items 1-3) and Sch 3-6: 25 Nov 2010 | Sch 3 (item 18) and Sch 6 (item 4) | |
2, 2011 | 2 Mar 2011 | Sch 3: 3 Mar 2011 | Sch 3 (items 23, 40, 44) | |
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment (Identity Crimes and Other Measures) Act 2011 | 3, 2011 | 2 Mar 2011 | Sch 2 (items 1-20) and Sch 7 (item 2): 3 Mar 2011 | -- |
5, 2011 | 22 Mar 2011 | Sch 5 (items 63, 64), Sch 6 (items 24-27), Sch 7 (item 42) and Sch 8 (item 2): 19 Apr 2011 | -- | |
46, 2011 | 27 June 2011 | Sch 2 (items 453-456) and Sch 3 (items 10, 11): 27 Dec 2011 | Sch 3 (items 10, 11) | |
174, 2011 | 5 Dec 2011 | Sch 2 (items 151-153): 1 Jan 2012 | Sch 2 (item 153) | |
Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation Amendment Act 2012 | 7, 2012 | 20 Mar 2012 | Sch 3 (items 70-105, 113): 20 Sept 2012 | Sch 3 (item 113) |
24, 2012 | 4 Apr 2012 | Sch 1 (items 1-75) and Sch 8: 5 Apr 2012 | Sch 1 (items 74, 75, 80), Sch 7 (item 12) and Sch 8 (items 5-7) | |
Telecommunications Interception and Other Legislation Amendment (State Bodies) Act 2012 | 74, 2012 | 27 June 2012 | Sch 1 (items 1, 27): 10 Feb 2013 (s 2(1)) | Sch 1 (item 27) |
Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2012 | 101, 2012 | 29 June 2012 | Sch 4: 16 July 2012 (s 2(1)) | Sch 4 (item 9) |
136, 2012 | 22 Sept 2012 | Sch 1 (item 38): 22 Sept 2012 | -- | |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious Drugs, Identity Crime and Other Measures) Act 2012 | 167, 2012 | 28 Nov 2012 | Sch 2 (items 8, 10(1)): 29 Nov 2012 | Sch 2 (item 10(1)) and Sch 3 (item 9) |
194, 2012 | 12 Dec 2012 | Sch 1 (items 1-30): 13 Dec 2012 | Sch 1 (item 30) | |
197, 2012 | 12 Dec 2012 | Sch 5 (item 26) and Sch 6 (items 15-19): 12 Mar 2014 (s 2(1) items 3, 19) | Sch 6 (items 1, 15-19) | |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Act 2013 | 6, 2013 | 7 Mar 2013 | Sch 2 (items 1, 2) and Sch 3: 8 Mar 2013 | Sch 3 |
Federal Circuit Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments) Act 2013 | 13, 2013 | 14 Mar 2013 | Sch 1 (items 96-108): 12 Apr 2013 (s 2(1)) | Sch 1 (item 108) |
74, 2013 | 28 June 2013 | Sch 2 (items 1-78, 86-93) and Sch 3 (items 1, 2): 29 June 2013 | Sch 2 (item 93) | |
as amended by |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (International Crime Cooperation and Other Measures) Act 2018 | 34, 2018 | 22 May 2018 | Sch 5 (items 5, 6): 23 May 2018 (s 2(1) item 8) | -- |
103, 2013 | 29 June 2013 | Sch 3 (items 76, 77, 343) and Sch 4 (item 38): 29 June 2013 | Sch 3 (item 343) | |
Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2014 | 31, 2014 | 27 May 2014 | Sch 1 (items 14, 15) and Sch 4 (item 64): 24 June 2014 | -- |
108, 2014 | 2 Oct 2014 | Sch 1 (items 37, 78-87) and Sch 6 (item 25): 30 Oct 2014 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (items 78-87) and Sch 7 (items 144, 145) | |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Act 2014 | 116, 2014 | 3 Nov 2014 | Sch 1 (items 35-56): 1 Dec 2014 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (items 38, 48, 55) |
Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2015 | 5, 2015 | 25 Feb 2015 | Sch 1 (item 10): 25 Mar 2015 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
Customs and Other Legislation Amendment (Australian Border Force) Act 2015 | 41, 2015 | 20 May 2015 | Sch 5 (items 28-55), Sch 6 (items 50-60) and Sch 9 (item): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 7) | Sch 5 (item 55), Sch 6 (item 60) and Sch 9 |
as amended by |
Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Act 2017 | 115, 2017 | 30 Oct 2017 | Sch 1 (item 26): 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
59, 2015 | 26 May 2015 | Sch 1 (item 94) and Sch 2 (items 356-396): 18 June 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 6) | Sch 1 (items 184-203) and Sch 2 (items 356-396) | |
as amended by |
33, 2016 | 23 Mar 2016 | Sch 2 (items 1-3): 24 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- | |
60, 2015 | 26 May 2015 | Sch 8 (item 17) and Sch 9: 1 July 2015 (s 2(1) items 19, 22) | Sch 9 | |
88, 2015 | 26 June 2015 | Sch 1: 31 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (item 5) | |
122, 2015 | 10 Sept 2015 | Sch 1 (items 94-99): 8 Oct 2015 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- | |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Act 2015 | 153, 2015 | 26 Nov 2015 | Sch 7 (items 1, 2, 4-49), Sch 9 and Sch 15 (items 3-6): 27 Nov 2015 (s 2(1) items 2, 3) | Sch 7 (items 2, 9, 16, 18, 25, 30, 31, 34, 39, 48, 49) and Sch 16 (items 6, 7) |
Statute Law Revision Act (No. 1) 2016 | 4, 2016 | 11 Feb 2016 | Sch 4 (items 1, 73-75, 343-354): 10 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 6) | -- |
Australian Crime Commission Amendment (National Policing Information) Act 2016 | 45, 2016 | 5 May 2016 | Sch 2 (items 1-4, 10, 11): 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 2 (items 10, 11) |
67, 2016 | 20 Oct 2016 | Sch 1 (items 14, 15): 17 Nov 2016 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- | |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2016 | 82, 2016 | 29 Nov 2016 | Sch 8 (item 1) and Sch 14: 30 Nov 2016 | Sch 14 (item 13) |
Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (State Bodies and Other Measures) Act 2016 | 86, 2016 | 30 Nov 2016 | Sch 1 (items 1, 56-58): 1 Dec 2016 (s 2(1) items 2, 4) | Sch 1 (items 1, 47, 54-58) |
Criminal Code Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Act 2016 | 95, 2016 | 7 Dec 2016 | Sch 2 (items 1A-1C): 7 June 2017 (s 2(1) item 3) | -- |
35, 2017 | 19 May 2017 | 1 July 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (item 3) | |
Criminal Code Amendment (Protecting Minors Online) Act 2017 | 50, 2017 | 22 June 2017 | Sch 2 (items 1, 2): 23 June 2017 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
93, 2017 | 23 Aug 2017 | Sch 1 (items 8, 9): 20 Sept 2017 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- | |
Intelligence Services Amendment (Establishment of the Australian Signals Directorate) Act 2018 | 25, 2018 | 11 Apr 2018 | Sch 1 (items 53, 54, 100-108): 1 July 2018 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (items 100-108) |
Home Affairs and Integrity Agencies Legislation Amendment Act 2018 | 31, 2018 | 9 May 2018 | Sch 2 (items 74-88, 284): 11 May 2018 (s 2(1) items 3, 7) | Sch 2 (item 284) |
Crimes Amendment (National Disability Insurance Scheme--Worker Screening) Act 2018 | 33, 2018 | 22 May 2018 | Sch 1: 22 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (International Crime Cooperation and Other Measures) Act 2018 | 34, 2018 | 22 May 2018 | Sch 1 (items 101-134, 139): 22 Nov 2018 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (item 139), Sch 5 (item 4) and Sch 6 (items 31, 32) |
National Security Legislation Amendment (Espionage and Foreign Interference) Act 2018 | 67, 2018 | 29 June 2018 | Sch 1 (items 37-43): 30 June 2018 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 2 (item 7) |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2018 | 74, 2018 | 24 Aug 2018 | Sch 1 (items 16, 17): 25 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and Other Measures) Act 2018 | 75, 2018 | 24 Aug 2018 | Sch 2, 3 and 5-8: 25 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 6 (item 2) and Sch 7 (item 4) |
Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018 | 148, 2018 | 8 Dec 2018 | Sch 3: 9 Dec 2018 (s 2(1) item 6) | Sch 3 (item 12) |
Office of National Intelligence (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 | 156, 2018 | 10 Dec 2018 | Sch 2 (items 26-44) and Sch 4: 20 Dec 2018 (s 2(1) items 2, 4) | Sch 4 |
Combatting Child Sexual Exploitation Legislation Amendment Act 2019 | 72, 2019 | 20 Sept 2019 | Sch 1 (item 1): 20 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 7 (items 45-48) |
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police Powers at Airports) Act 2019 | 89, 2019 | 28 Oct 2019 | Sch 1 (item 1): 28 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (2019 Measures No. 1) Act 2019 | 119, 2019 | 11 Dec 2019 | Sch 1: 12 Dec 2019 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (item 17) |
70, 2020 | 22 June 2020 | Sch 1, 2, 6, 7, 10-12 and 14: 23 June 2020 (s 2(1) items 2, 7-12, 14, 16) | Sch 1 (item 2), Sch 2 (item 3), Sch 3 (item 9), Sch 6 (items 3, 7), Sch 7 (items 2, 5), Sch 8 (item 7), Sch 10 (item 3), Sch 11 (item 4), Sch 12 (item 3) and Sch 13 (item 21) | |
National Emergency Declaration (Consequential Amendments) Act 2020 | 129, 2020 | 15 Dec 2020 | Sch 1 (item 19): 16 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Act 2020 | 134, 2020 | 17 Dec 2020 | Sch 1 (items 19-21): 7 Sept 2020 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
3, 2021 | 16 Feb 2021 | Sch 2: 17 Feb 2021 (s 2(1) item 4) | -- | |
13, 2021 | 1 Mar 2021 | Sch 2 (items 280-285): 1 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 5) | -- | |
Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2021 | 77, 2021 | 23 July 2021 | Sch 2 (items 57, 58, 103, 104): 23 Jan 2022 (s 2(1) items 3, 4) | -- |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Sunsetting Review and Other Measures) Act 2021 | 88, 2021 | 2 Sept 2021 | Sch 1 (item 7): 3 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Act 2021 | 98, 2021 | 3 Sept 2021 | Sch 3 (items 1-4) and Sch 4: 4 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 4) | -- |
129, 2021 | 8 Dec 2021 | 9 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (item 11) | |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (High Risk Terrorist Offenders) Act 2021 | 131, 2021 | 8 Dec 2021 | Sch 1 (items 155-188, 393): 9 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 1) Act 2022 | 31, 2022 | 1 Apr 2022 | Sch 11: 2 Apr 2022 (s 2(1) item 8) | -- |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (AFP Powers and Other Matters) Act 2022 | 49, 2022 | 9 Nov 2022 | Sch 1 (item 1): 10 Nov 2022 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
82, 2022 | 12 Dec 2022 | 1 Jan 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (item 3) | |
National Anti-Corruption Commission (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2022 | 89, 2022 | 12 Dec 2022 | Sch 1 (items 35-101) and Sch 2 (items 1, 21-24): 1 July 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 3) | Sch 2 (items 1, 21-24) |
National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 2) Act 2023 | 53, 2023 | 11 Aug 2023 | Sch 1 (item 14): 12 Aug 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- |
57, 2023 | 21 Aug 2023 | Sch 1 (items 38, 39): 22 Aug 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- | |
63, 2023 | 13 Sept 2023 | Sch 3 and Sch 10 (items 1-4): 14 Sept 2023 (s 2(1) items 4, 8) | Sch 3 (item 6) | |
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Modernisation) Act 2023 | 73, 2023 | 20 Sept 2023 | Sch 1 (items 176, 177) and Sch 3 (item 2): 21 Sept 2023 (s 2(1) items 2, 5) | Sch 3 (item 2) |
Counter-Terrorism and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2023 | 96, 2023 | 24 Nov 2023 | Sch 1 and Sch 2 (items 61, 62): 25 Nov 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (items 10, 16) and Sch 2 (item 62) |
Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 2) Act 2023 | 98, 2023 | 27 Nov 2023 | Sch 1: 28 Nov 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | Sch 1 (item 10) |
110, 2023 | 7 Dec 2023 | Sch 2 (items 3, 4): 8 Dec 2023 (s 2(1) item 1) | -- | |
Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Act 2023 | 113, 2023 | 11 Dec 2023 | Sch 1 (items 1-3) and Sch 2 (items 1, 2): 8 Jan 2024 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
Administrative Review Tribunal (Consequential and Transitional Provisions No. 2) Act 2024 | 39, 2024 | 31 May 2024 | Sch 2 (items 42-66): 14 Oct 2024 (s 2(1) item 2) | -- |
Crimes and Other Legislation Amendment (Omnibus No. 1) Act 2024 | 93, 2024 | 24 Oct 2024 | Sch 1 (items 1-26, 43): 24 Nov 2024 (s 2(1) item 2) | Sch 1 (item 43) and Sch 3 (item 3) |
Number and year | FRLI registration | Commencement | Application, saving and transitional provisions |
50, 2006 | 17 Mar 2006 (F2006L00820) | Sch 33: 27 Mar 2006 (r 2(b)) | -- |
Provision affected | How affected |
Part I |
s 2..................... | am No 9, 1926 |
| rs No 11, 1959; No 84, 1960 |
| am No 33, 1973 |
| rep No 216, 1973 |
s 3..................... | am No 9, 1926; No 30, 1932; No 11, 1959; No 84, 1960; No 216, 1973; No 155, 1979; No 70, 1980; No 67, 1982; No 63, 1984; No 165, 1984; No 141, 1987; No 63, 1989; No 4, 1990; No 28, 1991; No 99, 1991 (as am by No 145, 1991); No 120, 1991; No 140, 1991; No 65, 1994; No 28, 1996; No 152, 1997; No 96, 1998; No 146, 1999; No 9, 2000; No 137, 2000; No 24, 2001; No 136, 2001; No 86, 2002; No 125, 2002; No 64, 2004; No 104, 2004; No 125, 2004; No 129, 2005; No 86, 2006; No 171, 2006; No 3, 2007; No 144, 2008; No 33, 2009; No 106, 2009; No 3, 2010; No 42, 2010; No 2, 2011; No 3, 2011; No 5, 2011; No 101, 2012; No 116, 2014; No 41, 2015; No 88, 2015; No 153, 2015; No 50, 2017; No 67, 2018; No 75, 2018; No 72, 2019; No 70, 2020; No 98, 2021; No 89, 2022; No 73, 2023; No 113, 2023 |
s 3AA................... | ad No 64, 2004 |
| am No 3, 2011 |
s 3A.................... | ad No 84, 1960 |
s 3B.................... | ad No 67, 1982 |
| am No 193, 1985; No 4, 1990; No 34, 1997; No 49, 1998 (as am by No 9, 2006); No 59, 2015; No 153, 2015 |
s 3BA................... | ad No 24, 2001 |
s 3BB................... | ad No 24, 2001 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
Part IAA |
Part 1AA heading........... | rep No 41, 2003 |
Part IAA heading........... | ad No 41, 2003 |
| rs No 144, 2005; No 116, 2014 |
Part 1AA................. | ad No 65, 1994 |
Division 1 |
s 3C.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 141, 1994; No 161, 2001; No 64, 2004; No 144, 2005; No 4, 2010; No 42, 2010; No 127, 2010; No 2, 2011; No 116, 2014; No 148, 2018; No 77, 2021; No 93, 2024 |
s 3CAA.................. | ad No 148, 2018 |
| am No 77, 2021 |
s. 3CA.................. | ad. No. 141, 1994 |
| am. No. 4, 2010; No. 2, 2011; No 59, 2015 |
s. 3D.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 64, 2004; No. 144, 2005; No 116, 2014 |
Division 2 |
s 3E.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 136, 2001; No 86, 2002; No 127, 2010; No 116, 2014; No 93, 2024 |
s 3F.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 86, 2002; No 4, 2010; No 148, 2018; No 93, 2024 |
s 3FA................... | ad No 93, 2024 |
ad. No. 65, 1994 | |
s. 3J.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 127, 2010 |
s. 3JA................... | ad. No. 127, 2010 |
s 3K.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 161, 2001; No 4, 2010; No 2, 2011; No 148, 2018; No 93, 2024 |
s 3L.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 161, 2001; No 84, 2006; No 4, 2010; No 127, 2010; No 2, 2011; No 93, 2024 |
s 3LAA.................. | ad No 4, 2010 |
| am No 2, 2011; No 148, 2018; No 93, 2024 |
s 3LA................... | ad No 161, 2001 |
| rs No 4, 2010 |
| am No 2, 2011; No 148, 2018; No 98, 2021 |
s. 3LB................... | ad. No. 161, 2001 |
| am. No. 4, 2010; No. 2, 2011 |
s 3M.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| rs No 4, 2010 |
| am No 2, 2011; No 31, 2014; No 93, 2024 |
s 3N.................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
| am No 161, 2001; No 4, 2010; No 148, 2018; No 93, 2024 |
s. 3P.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 41, 2003 |
s. 3Q.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am No 31, 2014 |
s. 3R.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 136, 2001; No 31, 2014 |
s. 3S.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 9, 2006 |
s 3SA................... | ad No 148, 2018 |
Division 3 |
ad. No. 65, 1994 | |
Division 3A |
Division 3A heading......... | rs. No. 127, 2010 |
Division 3A............... | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
Subdivision A |
s 3UA................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 2, 2011; No 96, 2023; No 39, 2024 |
Subdivision B |
s. 3UB.................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| am. No. 127, 2010 |
s 3UC................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
s 3UD................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 96, 2023 |
s 3UE................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
s. 3UEA................. | ad. No. 127, 2010 |
s 3UEB.................. | ad No 96, 2023 |
s. 3UF................... | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| am. Nos. 4 and 127, 2010 |
s. 3UG.................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| rep. No. 4, 2010 |
s. 3UH.................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
Subdivision C |
s. 3UI................... | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
s 3UJ................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 8, 2010; No 96, 2023 |
Subdivision CA |
Subdivision CA............ | ad No 74, 2018 |
s 3UJA.................. | ad No 74, 2018 |
s 3UJB.................. | ad No 74, 2018 |
| am No 96, 2023 |
| ed C150 |
Subdivision CB |
Subdivision CB............ | ad No 96, 2023 |
s 3UJC.................. | ad No 96, 2023 |
| am No 39, 2024 |
s 3UJD.................. | ad No 96, 2023 |
s 3UJE.................. | ad No 96, 2023 |
| am No 39, 2024 |
Subdivision D |
s 3UK................... | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 4, 2010; No 116, 2014; No 74, 2018; No 88, 2021; No 49, 2022; No 96, 2023 |
Division 3B |
Division 3B............... | ad No 167, 2012 |
| rs No 89, 2019 |
s 3UL................... | ad No 167, 2012 |
| rs No 89, 2019 |
s 3UM.................. | ad No 167, 2012 |
| rs No 89, 2019 |
s 3UN................... | ad No 167, 2012 |
| rs No 89, 2019 |
s 3UO................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UP................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UQ................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UR................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3US................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UT................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UU................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
s 3UV................... | ad No 89, 2019 |
Division 4 |
s. 3V.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 24, 2001 |
s. 3W................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am No 116, 2014 |
s 3WA.................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s. 3X.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 41, 2003 |
s. 3Y.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 106, 2009 |
s. 3Z.................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s 3ZA................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZB................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am No 116, 2014 |
s. 3ZC................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZD................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZE................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZF................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZG................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZH................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 96, 1998; No. 136, 2001; No. 41, 2003; No 31, 2014 |
s. 3ZI................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 141, 1994 (as am. by No. 43, 1996) |
s. 3ZJ................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 141, 1994 (as am. by No. 43, 1996); No. 96, 1998; No. 41, 2003; No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZK................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 141, 1994 |
s. 3ZL................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. Nos. 22 and 24, 2001; No. 41, 2003 |
s. 3ZM.................. | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 3, 1995; No. 41, 2003; No 67, 2016 |
s. 3ZN................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 141, 1994 |
s. 3ZO................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 3, 1995 |
s 3ZP................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
s 3ZQ................... | ad No 65, 1994 |
Division 4A |
Division 4A............... | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
Subdivision A |
s. 3ZQA................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
| am. No. 64, 2004; No. 74, 2013 |
Subdivision B |
s. 3ZQB................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
s. 3ZQC................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
| am. No. 41, 2003 |
ad. No. 37, 2001 | |
Subdivision C |
s. 3ZQF.................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
Subdivision D |
s. 3ZQG................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
Subdivision E |
ad. No. 37, 2001 | |
Subdivision F |
s. 3ZQJ.................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
| am. No. 51, 2010; No 4, 2016 |
s. 3ZQK................. | ad. No. 37, 2001 |
Division 4B |
Division 4B............... | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
Subdivision A |
s. 3ZQL................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| am. No. 13, 2013 |
Subdivision B |
s. 3ZQM................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
Subdivision C |
s. 3ZQN................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
| am No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZQO.................. | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021 |
s. 3ZQP.................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
s 3ZQQ.................. | ad No 144, 2005 |
| am No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021 |
s. 3ZQR................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
s. 3ZQS.................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
s. 3ZQT................. | ad. No. 144, 2005 |
Division 4C |
Division 4C............... | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
Subdivision A |
s 3ZQU.................. | ad No 4, 2010 |
| am No 74, 2012; No 153, 2015; No 86, 2016; No 95, 2016; No 89, 2022; No 63, 2023; No 110, 2023 |
s 3ZQV.................. | ad No 4, 2010 |
| am No 2, 2011; No 148, 2018; No 93, 2024 |
s. 3ZQW................. | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
Subdivision B |
Subdivision B heading........ | rs. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZQX................. | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
Subdivision C heading........ | rep. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZQY................. | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZQZ................. | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| rep. No. 2, 2011 |
Subdivision D heading........ | rep. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZQZA................ | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZQZB................ | ad. No. 4, 2010 |
| rs. No. 2, 2011 |
Division 5 |
ad. No. 65, 1994 | |
s. 3ZV................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| rep. No. 4, 2010 |
s. 3ZW.................. | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| am. No. 141, 1994 |
| rs. No. 4, 2010 |
| am. No. 2, 2011 |
s. 3ZX................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
s. 3ZY................... | ad. No. 65, 1994 |
| rep. No. 96, 1998 |
Part IAAA |
Part IAAA................ | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 1 |
s 3ZZAA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZAB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZAC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016; No 86, 2016; No 63, 2023; No 39, 2024 |
s 3ZZAD................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 39, 2024 |
s 3ZZAE................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 31, 2018 |
s 3ZZAF................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 31, 2018; No 39, 2024 |
Division 2 |
Subdivision A |
s 3ZZBA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| rs No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZBB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZBC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZBD................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016; No 39, 2024 |
s 3ZZBE................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016 |
Subdivision B |
s 3ZZBF................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZBG................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Subdivision C |
s 3ZZBH................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZBI................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Subdivision D |
s 3ZZBJ................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 3 |
s 3ZZCA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCD................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCE................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCF................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCG................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCH................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZCI................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 4 |
s 3ZZDA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZDB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZDC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 5 |
Subdivision A |
s 3ZZEA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 95, 2016; No 89, 2022; No 110, 2023 |
Subdivision B |
s 3ZZEB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZEC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 6 |
s 3ZZFA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZFB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZFC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZFD................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZFE................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
| am No 82, 2016 |
Division 7 |
s 3ZZGA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGC................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGD................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGE................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGF................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGG................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZGH................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 8 |
s 3ZZHA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Division 9 |
s 3ZZIA................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
s 3ZZIB................. | ad No 116, 2014 |
Part IAAB |
Part 1AAB heading.......... | am No 131, 2021 |
Part IAAB................ | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 1 |
s 3ZZJA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| rs No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZJB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZJC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZJD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZJE................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 2 |
Subdivision A |
s 3ZZKA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZKB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZKC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZKD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Subdivision B |
s 3ZZKE................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
Subdivision C |
s 3ZZKF................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZKG................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 3 |
Division 3 heading | am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZLA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZLB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZLC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZLD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 4 |
s 3ZZNA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZNB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZNC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZND................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZNE................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZNF................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 13, 2021 |
s 3ZZNG................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZNH................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
Division 5 |
s 3ZZOA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZOB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021; No 63, 2023 |
s 3ZZOC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZOD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021; No 96, 2023 |
Division 6 |
s 3ZZPA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZPB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 7 |
s 3ZZQA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 8 |
s 3ZZRA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZRB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZRC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
s 3ZZRD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 131, 2021 |
Division 9 |
s 3ZZSA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 10 |
s 3ZZTA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZTB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZTC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
| am No 63, 2023 |
s 3ZZTD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZTE................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Division 11 |
s 3ZZUA................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUB................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUC................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUD................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUE................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUF................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUG................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
s 3ZZUH................. | ad No 82, 2016 |
Part IAABA |
Part IAABA............... | ad No 110, 2023 |
s 3ZZUHA................ | ad No 110, 2023 |
s 3ZZUHB................ | ad No 110, 2023 |
s 3ZZUHC................ | ad No 110, 2023 |
Part IAAC |
Part IAAC................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 1 |
s 3ZZUJ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZUK................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| am No 77, 2021 |
s 3ZZUL................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZUM................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 2 |
Division 2................ | exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUMA............... | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUN................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUP................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUQ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUR................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUS................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUT................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUU................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUV................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
s 3ZZUW................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUMA) |
Division 3 |
Division 3................ | exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZUWA............... | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZUX................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZUY................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZUZ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVA................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVB................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVC................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVD................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVE................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
s 3ZZVF................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
| exp 3 Sept 2026 (s 3ZZUWA) |
Division 4 |
s 3ZZVG................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 5 |
s 3ZZVH................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVJ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVK................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 6 |
s 3ZZVL................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVM................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVN................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVP................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 7 |
s 3ZZVQ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVR................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVS................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVT................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVU................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVV................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVW................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVX................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
Division 8 |
s 3ZZVY................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZVZ................. | ad No 98, 2021 |
s 3ZZWA................ | ad No 98, 2021 |
Part IA |
Part IA heading............. | ad No 84, 1960 |
s 4..................... | rs No 11, 1995 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
s 4AAA.................. | ad No 22, 2001 |
| am No 136, 2005; No 46, 2011; No 13, 2013; No 13, 2021 |
s 4AAB.................. | ad No 22, 2001 |
| am No 46, 2011; No 59, 2015 |
s 4A.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4AA................... | ad No 164, 1992 |
| am No 20, 1997; No 167, 2012; No 88, 2015; No 35, 2017; No 82, 2022; No 93, 2024 |
s 4AB................... | ad No 164, 1992 |
| am No 54, 1998; No 55, 2001; No 103, 2010 |
s 4B.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
| am No 108, 1989; No 28, 1991; No 164, 1992 |
s 4C.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4D.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
| am No 24, 2001 |
s 4E.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4F.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4G.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4H.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
s 4J.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
| am No 108, 1989; No 164, 1992; No 65, 2002; No 91, 2002; No 41, 2003; No 144, 2005; No 67, 2018; No 113, 2023 |
s 4JA................... | ad No 41, 2003 |
s 4K.................... | ad No 120, 1987 |
| am No 4, 2016 |
s 4L.................... | ad No 28, 1991 |
s 4M.................... | ad No 11, 1995 |
s 4N.................... | ad No 11, 1995 |
s 5..................... | am No 9, 1926; No 84, 1960; No 153, 1982; No 120, 1987 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
s 6..................... | am No 84, 1960; No 67, 1982; No 120, 1987; No 73, 2008; No 4, 2016 |
s 7..................... | am No 9, 1926; No 84, 1960; No 120, 1987; No 11, 1995; No 96, 1998 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
s 7A.................... | ad No 54, 1920 |
| am No 84, 1960; No 93, 1966; No 216, 1973; No 67, 1982; No 120, 1987; No 108, 1989 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
s 8..................... | rep No 65, 1994 |
s 8A.................... | ad No 9, 1926 |
| am No 84, 1960; No 76, 1986; No 120, 1987 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 9..................... | am No 9, 1926; No 84, 1960; No 67, 1982; No 120, 1991; No 73, 2008 |
s 9A.................... | ad No 120, 1991 |
| am No 152, 1997; No 86, 2002; No 8, 2005; No 31, 2018 |
s 9B.................... | ad No 120, 1991 |
| am No 86, 2002; No 8, 2005 |
s 10.................... | am No 9, 1926; No 84, 1960; No 168, 1986; No 120, 1987; No 28, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 10A................... | ad No 140, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 10B................... | ad No 140, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 10C................... | ad No 140, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 10D................... | ad No 140, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 10E................... | ad No 140, 1991 |
| rep No 65, 1994 |
s 11.................... | am No 84, 1960 |
| rep No 120, 1987 |
s 12.................... | am No 80, 1950; No 67, 1982 |
| rep No 120, 1987 |
s 12A................... | ad No 9, 1926 |
| am No 84, 1960; No 93, 1966; No 33, 1973; No 67, 1982 |
| rep No 120, 1987 |
s 14.................... | am No 9, 1926; No 67, 1982 |
| rep No 24, 2001 |
s 15.................... | am No 67, 1982; No 73, 2008 |
s 15AA.................. | ad No 104, 2004 |
| am No 124, 2004; No 171, 2006; No 127, 2010; No 116, 2014; No 67, 2018; No 119, 2019; No 70, 2020; No 113, 2023 |
s 15AAA................. | ad No 70, 2020 |
s 15AB.................. | ad No 171, 2006 |
| am No 101, 2012; No 57, 2023; No 63, 2023 |
s 15A (prev s 18A).......... | am No 98, 1993; No 60, 1996; No 49, 1998; No 123, 1999; No 151, 2006; No 106, 2009; No 46, 2011; No 24, 2012 |
s 15B (prev s 21)............ | am No 164, 1992; No 4, 2010 |
s 15C (prev s 21A).......... | am No 164, 1992 |
s 15D (prev s 21C).......... | rep No 24, 2001 |
| |
| |
s 15FA.................. | ad No 96, 1998 |
| rep No 22, 2001 |
Part IAB |
Part 1AB heading........... | rep. No. 136, 2001 |
Part IAB heading........... | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
Part 1AB................. | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
Part IAB................. | rs. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 1 |
s. 15G................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. Nos. 135 and 136, 2001; No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GA................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GB.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15GC.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012; No 41, 2015; No 153, 2015; No 75, 2018; No 89, 2022 |
s. 15GD................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15GE.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 42, 2010; No 72, 2019; No 113, 2023 |
s 15GF.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
s 15GG.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am No 60, 2015; No 31, 2018; No 39, 2024 |
Division 2 |
Subdivision A |
s. 15GH................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15GI................... | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012; No 41, 2015; No 98, 2021 |
s. 15GJ.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GK................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am. No. 194, 2012; No 41, 2015 |
s. 15GL.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GM................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GN................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am. No. 194, 2012 |
Subdivision B |
s. 15GO................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am No 153, 2015 |
s. 15GP.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15GQ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012; No 41, 2015; No 153, 2015; No 98, 2021 |
s. 15GR.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GS.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
Subdivision C |
s. 15GT.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GU................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15GV.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012; No 41, 2015; No 98, 2021 |
s. 15GW................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15GX................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
Subdivision D |
s 15GY.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15GZ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s. 15H................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| rs. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. Nos. 62 and 64, 2004 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 2A............... | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 3 |
Subdivision A |
s. 15HA................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15HB.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. Nos. 64 and 127, 2004; No. 129, 2005; No. 9, 2006 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15HC.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15HD................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am. No. 194, 2012 |
s. 15HE.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15HF.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15HG.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
Subdivision B |
ad. No. 3, 2010 | |
Division 4 |
s 15HK.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012; No 75, 2018; No 89, 2022 |
s 15HL.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 194, 2012 |
| rep No 75, 2018 |
s 15HM.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HN.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HO.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HP.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HQ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HR.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HS.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HT.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HU.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HV.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 75, 2018 |
s 15HW.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HX.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15HY.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
Division 5 |
s. 15HZ.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15I................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| rs. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15IA-15ID............. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15J.................... | ad No 28, 1996 |
| am No 9, 2000 |
| rs No 136, 2001 |
| am No 125, 2002; No 86, 2006 |
| rs No 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
Part IABA |
Part IABA................ | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
Division 1 |
s 15JA.................. | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
s. 15JB.................. | p class="Tabletext">ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s 15JC................... | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
s 15JD.................. | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
Division 2 |
s 15JE................... | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
| ed C145 |
s. 15JF.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s 15JG.................. | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
s. 15JH.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s 15JI................... | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
s. 15JJ................... | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s 15JK.................. | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
s. 15JL.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s. 15JM.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
Division 3 |
s. 15JN.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s. 15JO.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
s. 15JP.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
Division 4 |
s 15JQ.................. | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
s 15JR................... | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 89, 2022 |
Division 5 |
s 15JS................... | ad No 194, 2012 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
Division 6 |
s. 15JT.................. | ad. No. 194, 2012 |
Part IAC |
Part IAC................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 1 |
s 15K................... | ad No 28, 1996 |
| rs No 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022; No 89, 2022 |
Division 2 |
s 15KA.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 156, 2018 |
s 15KB.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022; No 89, 2022 |
s 15KC.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15KD.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15KE.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15KF.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
s 15KG.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022 |
s 15KH.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022 |
Division 3 |
s 15KI................... | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022 |
s 15KJ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KK.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KL.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KM.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KN.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KO.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
Division 4 |
s 15KP.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KQ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KR.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KS.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KT.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KU.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KV.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15KW.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
Division 5 |
s 15KX.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022 |
s 15KY.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 108, 2014; No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022 |
s 15KZ.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s. 15L................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| rs. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15LA.................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 6 |
Subdivision A |
s 15LB.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15LC.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 30, 2014; No 89, 2022; No 73, 2023 |
| ed C149 |
Subdivision B |
s 15LD.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 31, 2018; No 89, 2022 |
s 15LE.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15LF.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
s 15LG.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
Division 7 |
s 15LH.................. | ad No 3, 2010 |
| am No 30, 2014; No 41, 2015; No 156, 2018; No 31, 2022; No 89, 2022 |
Part IACA |
Part IACA................ | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 1 |
s 15M................... | ad No 28, 1996 |
| am No 136, 2001 |
| rs No 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015; No 89, 2022 |
ad. No. 3, 2010 | |
Division 2 |
ad. No. 3, 2010 | |
Division 3 |
s. 15MW................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
Division 4 |
s. 15MX................. | ad. No. 3, 2010 |
| am No 41, 2015 |
s. 15N................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. Nos. 135 and 136, 2001; No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006; No. 33, 2009 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
Note to s. 15N(4)........... | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15NA................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15O................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15OA................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15OB, 15OC............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15P................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15PA.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15Q................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. No. 136, 2001; No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006; No. 33, 2009 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15R................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. No. 9, 2000; No. 135, 2001 |
| rs. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15S................... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. No. 9, 2000; No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15T, 15U............... | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. Nos. 135 and 136, 2001; No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15UA, 15UB............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 125, 2002; No. 86, 2006 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15UC, 15UD............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15V-15X.............. | ad. No. 28, 1996 |
| am. No. 24, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15XA................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 125, 2002; No. 113, 2003; Nos. 87 and 100, 2005; No. 86, 2006; No. 33, 2009 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15XB-15XF............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15XG................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 87, 2005 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15XH................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15XI.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 87, 2005 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15XJ-15XM............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15XMA................ | ad. No. 87, 2005 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15XN-15XU............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
s. 15UXA................ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
ss. 15XV, 15XW............ | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rep. No. 3, 2010 |
Part IAD |
Part IAD heading........... | rs No 74, 2013 |
Part IAD................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
Division 1 |
s 15Y................... | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 127, 2004; No 96, 2005; No 7, 2007; No 42, 2010; No 6, 2013; No 74, 2013; No 50, 2017; No 34, 2018; No 72, 2019 |
s 15YA.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013 |
s 15YAA................. | ad No 74, 2013 |
s 15YAB................. | ad No 74, 2013 |
| am No 70, 2020 |
Division 2 |
s. 15YB.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YC.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YD................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
Division 3 |
s. 15YE.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s 15YF.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013; No 70, 2020 |
s 15YG.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013; No 70, 2020 |
s 15YH.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013; No 70, 2020 |
s 15YHA................. | ad No 70, 2020 |
Division 4 |
Division 4 heading.......... | am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YI.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YJ.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YK................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YL.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
Division 5 |
s 15YM.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013; No 5, 2015; No 70, 2020 |
s. 15YN................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
Division 5A |
Division 5A............... | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YNA................ | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YNB................ | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YNC................ | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YND................ | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YNE................ | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YNF................. | ad. No. 74, 2013 |
Division 6 |
s. 15YO................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YP.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 74, 2013 |
s. 15YQ................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| am. No. 74, 2013 |
s 15YR.................. | ad No 136, 2001 |
| am No 74, 2013; No 34, 2018; No 75, 2018 |
s. 15YS.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
s. 15YT.................. | ad. No. 136, 2001 |
| rs. No. 42, 2010; No. 74, 2013 |
Part IAE |
Part IAE................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
s 15YU.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
| am No 54, 2006; No 3, 2007; No 174, 2011; No 116, 2014; No 67, 2018; No 134, 2020 |
s 15YV.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
| am No 75, 2018 |
s 15YW.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
s 15YX.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
s 15YY.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
s 15YZ.................. | ad No 136, 2005 |
ad. No. 136, 2005 | |
Part IB |
Part 1B heading............ | ad. No. 4, 1990 |
| rep. No. 41, 2003 |
Part IB heading............. | ad. No. 41, 2003 |
Division 1 |
Division 1................ | ad. No. 4, 1990 |
s 16.................... | am No 93, 1966; No 67, 1982 |
| rep No 120, 1987 |
| ad No 4, 1990 |
| am No 123, 1991; No 146, 1999; No 106, 2009; No 24, 2012; No 74, 2013; No 59, 2015; No 122, 2015; No 70, 2020; No 129, 2021; No 98, 2023 |
s 16AAA................. | ad No 74, 2013 |
| renum No 70, 2020 |
| |
Division 2 |
Division 2................ | ad No 4, 1990 |
s 16A................... | ad No 4, 1990 |
| am No 182, 1994; No 41, 2003; No 171, 2006; No 144, 2008; No 106, 2009; No 101, 2012; No 74, 2013; No 153, 2015; No 70, 2020; No 57, 2023 |