Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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No. 2, 1989

Compilation No. 52

Compilation date:    5 March 2016

Includes amendments up to: Act No. 126, 2015

Registered:    8 March 2016


About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 5 March 2016 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Chapter 1--Introductory

1 Short title

2 Commencement

2A Objects of Act

3 Definitions

4 Institutions

5 References to payments and Acts

6 Proposed institutions

7 Provision for superannuation, long service leave or workers' compensation

8 Special fund for Table A institutions

8A Special fund for Table B institutions

9 Making and variation of determinations etc.

10 References to the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory

11 Application of the Criminal Code

Chapter 2--Grants for Higher Education Assistance

Part 2.1--Preliminary

12 Institutions to which provisions apply

13 Undergraduate and post-graduate fees

14 Educational profiles

Part 2.2--Operating and other grants

15 Grants for expenditure for operating purposes

16 Grants for expenditure for limited operating purposes

17 Maximum grants

18 Conditions of grants

19 Grants for restructuring and rationalisation programs

20 Grants for superannuation expenses

20A Grants for special purposes

20B Grant to Marcus Oldham College

21 Proposals and grants for projects of national priority etc.

21A Conditions on certain grants under section 21

21B Grants in relation to innovation in, or quality of, higher education

22 Promotion of equality of opportunity

22A Grants to open learning organisations

23 Special research assistance

23A Grants for advanced engineering centres

23B Conditions of grants for advanced engineering centres

23BA Grants to co-operative multimedia centres

23C Limit on total funds available for certain grants

24 Grants in respect of teaching hospitals

25 Grants in respect of drug and alcohol education in teaching hospitals

25A Grants to support student organisations--payments to institutions

25B Grants to support student organisations--direct payments

26 Guidelines for non-building capital projects

27 Guidelines for special capital projects

27A Grants for special capital projects

27B Minister may give directions in relation to special capital projects

27C Conditions attaching to special capital grants

27D Expenditure on international marketing and promotion

Part 2.4--Transitional

28 Adjustments where estimated 1988 enrolments not equal to actual enrolments

Chapter 4--Higher Education Contribution Scheme

Part 4.1--Preliminary

34 Interpretation

35 Exempt students

36 Student load not to include work experience in industry

37 Semesters

Part 4.2--Contributions

Division 1--Additional condition of grant of financial assistance

38 Additional condition

Division 2--Imposition and payment of contributions

39 Requirement to pay contributions

40 Annual course contribution

40A Annual Band amounts that apply from 1997

41 Requirements before enrolment or undertaking course

41A Institutions to give students certain information on enrolment

41B Certain students to give tax file number information by census date

41C Student must be excluded from course if tax file number information not provided

42 Power of Commissioner to inform institution concerning tax file number

42A Institution to cancel enrolment of student without tax file number

43 Application for issue or notification of tax file number

44 Issuing of tax file numbers

45 Current tax file number

46 Deemed refusal by Commissioner

47 Cancellation of tax file numbers

48 Alteration of tax file numbers

49 Notification of issued tax file numbers

50 Review of decisions

51 Statements to accompany notification of decisions

52 Unauthorised requirement etc. that tax file number be quoted

53 Unauthorised recording etc. of tax file number

54 Notice by institution

55 Requests for correction of notices

56 Overpayment of contribution

56A Institution to refund student payment if enrolment cancelled under section 41C

56B Institution to refund student payment if enrolment cancelled under section 42A

56C Electronic communications from students to institutions

56D Electronic signature of communications by students

56E Electronic communications from institutions to students

Division 3--Discharge by Commonwealth of students' liabilities for contributions

57 Commonwealth to discharge students' liabilities

58 Institutions to provide information to Minister

Part 4.4--Repayment of loans

Division 5--Miscellaneous

78 Secrecy

Part 4.5--Abolition of Higher Education Administration Charge

Division 4--Canberra Institute of the Arts

96 Charges not to be imposed

Chapter 4A--Post-graduate education loan scheme

Part 4A.1--Preliminary

98A Definitions

98AA Eligible private institution

98B Eligible student

Part 4A.2--Additional condition of grant of financial assistance

98C Additional condition

Part 4A.3--Applications for and grants of PELS loans

Division 1--Application for PELS loan

98D Making an application for a PELS loan

98E Tax file number of student

98F Notice by institution

Division 2--Discharge by Commonwealth of students' liability for fees

98G Commonwealth to discharge students' liabilities

98H Commonwealth not liable where person does not have a tax file number

98J Institution to provide information to Minister about post-graduate students

98JA Eligible private institution to report information

Part 4A.4--Miscellaneous

98K Secrecy

98L Annual statement

98M Electronic communications between students and institutions

Chapter 4B--Bridging for overseas-trained professionals (BOTP) loan scheme

Part 4B.1--Introduction

98N Simplified outline

98NA No financial assistance payable

98P Definitions

98Q Occupation

98R Requirements for entry to occupation

98S Listed professional occupations and relevant assessing bodies

98T Assessment statement given by relevant assessing body

98U BOTP course

98V Citizenship/residency requirements

Part 4B.2--Additional condition of grant of financial assistance

98W Additional condition

Part 4B.3--Applications for, and grants of, BOTP loans

Division 1--Application for BOTP loan

98X Making an application for a BOTP loan

98Y Tax file number of student

98Z Notice by institution

Division 2--Discharge by the Commonwealth of students' liability for fees

98ZAA Application of Division

98ZA Commonwealth to discharge students' liabilities

98ZB Commonwealth not liable where person does not have a tax file number

98ZC Institution to provide information to Minister

Part 4B.4--Miscellaneous

98ZD Secrecy

98ZE Annual statement

98ZF Electronic communications between students and institutions

Chapter 5--Open Learning Deferred Payment Scheme

Part 5.1--Preliminary

99 Interpretation

100 Object of Part

101 Eligible clients

103 Standard study load

Part 5.2--Charges

Division 1--Payment of basic charges

104 Basic charge

105 Eligible client may join deferred payment scheme

106A Tax file number of eligible client

106AA Agency to notify Minister where tax file number not provided

106AB Commonwealth not liable where client does not have a tax file number

106B Notice by Agency

106C Requests for correction of notices

106CA Electronic communications between clients and Agency

Division 2--Discharge by Commonwealth of clients' liability for basic charges

106D Commonwealth to discharge clients' liabilities

106E Agency to provide information to Minister

Part 5.3--Miscellaneous

106F Secrecy

106FA Annual statement

Chapter 5A--Repayment of loans made under Chapters 4, 4A, 4B and 5

Part 5A.1--Preliminary

106H Interpretation

106I Object of Part

Part 5A.2--Nature of indebtedness

106J HEC semester debt

106JA PELS semester debt

106JB BOTP semester debt

106K OL study period debt

106KA Semester debts do not arise after 1 January 2005

106L Power of Secretary to remit debt in special circumstances

106M Reconsideration of decision and appeal to Administrative Appeals Tribunal

106MA Further review of reconsideration decision concerning remission of semester debt

106N Calculation of accumulated HEC debt

106O Accumulated HEC debt discharges earlier debts

Part 5A.3--Discharge of Indebtedness

Division 1--Voluntary discharge of indebtedness

106P Voluntary payments in respect of debts

106PA Repayment of debt under this Chapter

Division 1A--Voluntary repayments of accumulated HEC debt

106PB Notice to Commissioner

106PC Voluntary payments in respect of accumulated HEC debt

Division 2--Requirement to discharge indebtedness

106Q Compulsory payments in respect of accumulated HEC debt

Division 3--Returns and assessments

106R Agency etc. to provide information to Commissioner

106T Assessment

106U Application of tax legislation

106V Notification on notices of assessment of tax

106W Power of Commissioner to defer assessment or reduce assessment to nil

106X Review of decision of Commissioner

Division 4--Miscellaneous

106Y Application of payments

106YA Effect of bankruptcy

106Z Indebtedness discharged by death

106ZA Secrecy

Chapter 5B--Limit on student debt to Commonwealth

Part 5B.1--Preliminary

106ZB Definitions

Part 5B.2--Additional condition of grant of financial assistance

106ZC Additional condition

Part 5B.3--Maximum permitted debt

106ZD Minister may determine maximum permitted debt

Part 5B.4--Loan limit notices

106ZE Commissioner to give loan limit notice

106ZF Cancelling loan limit notice

106ZG Consequences of loan limit notice--no amounts payable by Commonwealth

Part 5B.5--Suspension notices

106ZH Commissioner must give suspension notice

106ZJ Consequences of suspension notice--HECS courses

Part 5B.6--Secrecy

106ZK Secrecy

Chapter 6--Miscellaneous

107 Benefits of, and opportunities created by, grants to be equally available to female and male students

108 Additional conditions

109 Amendments affecting entitlements to grants

110 Legislative instruments

110A Transitional financial assistance

110B Commonwealth not liable where person later gives correct information

111 Time and manner of payments

112 Delegation

112A Application of the Taxation Administration Act 1953

113 Advances

115 Authority to borrow

116 Application of money borrowed

118 Appropriation

119 Report by Minister

120 Regulations

Schedule 1--Institutions or bodies eligible for special research assistance


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history




Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation "(md)" added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation "(md not incorp)" is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.



Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

    cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

    commenced or to be commenced




Endnote 3--Legislation history



Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Higher Education Funding Act 1988

2, 1989

6 Jan 1989

Chapter 5 (ss. 99-106): (a)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1988

138, 1988

26 Dec 1988

26 Dec 1988


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1989

80, 1989

21 June 1989

21 June 1989


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989

168, 1989

19 Dec 1989

19 Dec 1989

s. 10(2)

University of Canberra Act 1989

179, 1989

28 Dec 1989

1 Jan 1990

s. 61(4)

Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990

122, 1990

28 Dec 1990

28 Dec 1990

ss. 9(2), (3), 10(2), 14(2), (3) and 17(2)

Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1991

53, 1991

24 Apr 1991

24 Apr 1991


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1991

177, 1991

25 Nov 1991

s. 12: 1 Jan 1992
Remainder: Royal Assent


Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991

216, 1991

24 Dec 1991

s. 113: 1 Mar 1992 (see Gazette 1992, No. GN7) (b)


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1992

74, 1992

26 June 1992

26 June 1992


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992

158, 1992

11 Dec 1992

Parts 2, 3 (ss. 3-46) and Part 5 (ss. 60-70): 1 Jan 1993
Part 4 (ss. 47-59): 1 Jan 1994
Remainder: Royal Assent

ss. 38, 45, 46 and 59

as amended by





Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994

147, 1994

8 Dec 1994

ss. 12-18: (c)


Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1993

116, 1993

24 Dec 1993

ss. 3, 4(a), 5-17, 19, Parts 3 and 4 (ss. 21-27): 1 Jan 1994
s. 18: 1 July 1994
s. 20(2): 1 Jan 1994 (d)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994

24, 1994

25 Feb 1994

25 Feb 1994

s. 3

as amended by





Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994

147, 1994

8 Dec 1994

Part 4 (ss. 19-23): (e)


Employment, Education and Training Legislation Amendment Act 1994

79, 1994

23 June 1994

23 June 1994


Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994

147, 1994

8 Dec 1994

ss. 3-11: (f)

ss. 8(2) and 9(2)

Higher Education Funding (Student Organisations) Amendment Act 1994

178, 1994

19 Dec 1994

31 Dec 1994


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1995

135, 1995

1 Dec 1995

1 Dec 1995

Sch. (items 6, 17)

Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995

163, 1995

16 Dec 1995

Schedule (Part 5): 1 July 1996
Remainder: 1 Jan 1996

ss. 4 and 38

as amended by





Statute Law Revision Act 1996

43, 1996

25 Oct 1996

Schedule 3 (item 30): 16 Dec 1995 (g)


Education and Training Legislation Amendment Act 1996

13, 1996

14 June 1996

1 July 1996


Statute Law Revision Act 1996

43, 1996

25 Oct 1996

Schedule 2 (items 61-64): (h)


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996

72, 1996

5 Dec 1996

Schedule 1 (items 20-26, 29-39, 42-50, 52): 1 Jan 1997
Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch. 1 (item 28)

Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 1996

74, 1996

12 Dec 1996

Schedule 1 (items 1-3, 12): 1 Jan 1998 (i)
Schedule 1 (items 4-11, 13-23, 33): 1 Jan 1997 (i)
Schedule 1 (items 24-32): Royal Assent (i)

Sch. 1 (items 29, 32)

Income Tax (Consequential Amendments) Act 1997

39, 1997

17 Apr 1997

1 July 1997


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1997

125, 1997

15 Sept 1997

15 Sept 1997

Sch. 1 (items 19, 22)

Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 1997

152, 1997

24 Oct 1997

Schedule 2 (items 838-850): 1 Jan 1998 (see Gazette 1997, No. GN49) (j)


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1998

112, 1998

8 Dec 1998

8 Dec 1998


A New Tax System (Fringe Benefits Reporting) Act 1999

17, 1999

19 Apr 1999

Schedule 2 (item 14): 17 May 1999
Remainder: Royal Assent


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1999

158, 1999

8 Dec 1999

Schedule 1 (item 10): (k)
Remainder: Royal Assent


A New Tax System (Tax Administration) Act 1999

179, 1999

22 Dec 1999

Schedule 11 (item 13): 1 July 2000
Schedule 16 (item 2): (l)


A New Tax System (Tax Administration) Act (No. 1) 2000

44, 2000

3 May 2000

Schedule 3 (items 11-13): (m)


Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 2000

130, 2000

13 Nov 2000

13 Nov 2000


Australian Research Council (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2001

9, 2001

22 Mar 2001

1 July 2001 (see s. 2 and Gazette 2001, No. GN25)

Sch. 2

Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 2001

86, 2001

18 July 2001

Schedule 1 (items 4-10), Schedule 2 (items 3, 4) and Schedule 4: Royal Assent (n)

Sch. 2 (item 4)

Innovation and Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2001

116, 2001

18 Sept 2001

18 Sept 2001

Sch. 2 (item 22)

Education, Training and Youth Affairs Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act 2001

147, 2001

1 Oct 2001

2 Oct 2001

s. 4

Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2002

13, 2002

4 Apr 2002

4 Apr 2002


Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2002

78, 2002

8 Oct 2002

8 Oct 2002

Sch. 1 (items 24, 29)

Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 2002

87, 2002

21 Oct 2002

Schedule 1 (items 22, 23): (o)
Remainder: Royal Assent

Sch. 1 (item 23)

Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 2002

112, 2002

2 Dec 2002

2 Dec 2002


Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 2003

87, 2003

23 Sept 2003

23 Sept 2003


Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003

150, 2003

19 Dec 2003

s. 4, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 (items 1-8, 8A-8D, 9-19, 90-94, 112, 120-124): (p)
Schedule 2 (items 104, 109, 111): 18 Sept 2001
Schedule 2 (items 105-108, 110): 4 Apr 2002
Schedule 2 (items 113-119A): 1 Jan 2005

s. 4 and Sch. 2 (item 112)
Sch. 1 (am. by 45, 2004, Sch. 3 [items 63-70], Sch. 4 and Sch. 5 [items 3-10]; 114, 2004, Sch. 3 [item 1]; 157, 2004, Sch. 2 [items  1-9]; 83, 2005, Sch. 2 [item 1]; 158, 2005, Sch. 3 [items 21-24]; 72, 2007, Sch. 3 [items 3-5])

as amended by





Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 2004

45, 2004

21 Apr 2004

21 Apr 2004


Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2004

114, 2004

13 July 2004

(see 114, 2004 below)


Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 2004

157, 2004

17 Dec 2004

Schedule 2 (items 1-8): Royal Assent
Schedule 2 (item 9): (q)


Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 2) Act 2005

83, 2005

6 July 2005

Schedule 2: (r)


Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 4) Act 2005

158, 2005

19 Dec 2005

20 Dec 2005


Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Act 2007

72, 2007

28 May 2007

Schedule 3 (items 3-6): 1 Jan 2008

Sch. 3 (item 6)

Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 2004

45, 2004

21 Apr 2004

21 Apr 2004


Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 2004

114, 2004

13 July 2004

Schedule 1: Royal Assent


Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Act 2005

8, 2005

22 Feb 2005

s. 4 and Schedule 1 (items 2, 3, 150-155): Royal Assent

s. 4

Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Act 2005

56, 2005

25 May 2005

Schedule 3: Royal Assent
Schedule 5: (s)

Sch. 3 (item 2)

Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Budget Measures) Act 2005

156, 2005

19 Dec 2005

19 Dec 2005


Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 4) Act 2005

158, 2005

19 Dec 2005

20 Dec 2005


Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006

101, 2006

14 Sept 2006

Schedule 2 (items 114, 115) and Schedule 6 (items 1, 6-11): Royal Assent

Sch. 6 (items 1, 6-11)

Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2006 Budget and Other Measures) Act 2006

121, 2006

4 Nov 2006

Schedule 1 (item 1) and Schedule 5: Royal Assent


Statute Law Revision Act 2007

8, 2007

15 Mar 2007

Schedule 1 (item 15): Royal Assent


Australian Citizenship (Transitionals and Consequentials) Act 2007

21, 2007

15 Mar 2007

Schedules 1-3: 1 July 2007 (see s. 2(1) and F2007L01653)
Remainder: Royal Assent


Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Act 2007

72, 2007

28 May 2007

Schedule 3 (item 1): Royal Assent


Statute Stocktake (Regulatory and Other Laws) Act 2009

111, 2009

16 Nov 2009

Schedule 2 (item 12): 17 Nov 2009


Statute Law Revision Act 2010

8, 2010

1 Mar 2010

Schedule 5 (item 137(a)): 1 Mar 2010 (s 2(1) items 31, 38)


Statute Law Revision Act 2011

5, 2011

22 Mar 2011

Schedule 6 (item 47) and Schedule 7 (item 72): 19 Apr 2011


Statute Law Revision Act 2013

103, 2013

29 June 2013

Schedule 4 (items 7-10): Royal Assent


Acts and Instruments (Framework Reform) (Consequential Provisions) Act 2015

126, 2015

10 Sep 2015

Sch 1 (item 258): 5 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 2)




FRLI registration


Application, saving and transitional provisions

Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Act

18 Jan 2006 (F2006L00192)

19 Jan 2006


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Act

1 Mar 2006 (F2006L00628)

2 Mar 2006


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

19 Oct 2006 (F2006L03457)

20 Oct 2006


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

28 Mar 2007 (F2007L00840)

29 Mar 2007


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

3 Oct 2007 (see F2007L03921)

4 Oct 2007


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

25 Nov 2008 (F2008L04384)

26 Nov 2008


Declaration under subsection 4(2) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

18 Mar 2010 (F2010L00709)

19 Mar 2010



(a) Chapter 5 (sections 99-106) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was repealed by section 67 of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No.  2) 1992 before a date was fixed for the commencement.

(b) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by section  113 only of the Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No. 3) 1991, subsection  2(10) of which provides as follows:

 (10) Subject to subsection  (11), sections 112 to 117 (inclusive) commence on a day to be fixed by Proclamation.

(c) The Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No.  2) 1992 was amended by sections 12-18 only of the Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994 , subsections 2(3)-(5) of which provide as follows:

 (3) The repeal effected by section  13 is taken to have commenced on 1 January 1993, immediately after the commencement of Part 2 of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No.  2) 1992.

 (4) The amendments made by sections  14, 15, 16 and 17 are taken to have commenced on 1 January 1994, immediately after the commencement of Part 4 of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992.

 (5) The amendment made by section  18 is taken to have commenced on 1 January 1993, immediately after the repeal effected by section 13 is taken to have commenced.

(d) Subsection 2(3) of the Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1993 provides as follows:

 (3) Subsection 20(2) commences on 1  January 1994 immediately after section 51 of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992 commences.

(e) The Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994 was amended by Part  4 (sections 19-23) only of the Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994, subsection  2(6) of which provides as follows:

 (6) The amendments made by Part  4 are taken to have commenced on 25 February 1994, immediately after the commencement of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994 .

(f) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by sections  3-11 only of the Higher Education Funding Legislation Amendment Act 1994, subsections 2(1) and (2) of which provide as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

 (2) The amendments made by paragraphs 5(b) and (c) commence on 1  January 1995.

(g) The Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No.  2) 1995 was amended by Schedule 3 (item 30) only of the Statute Law Revision Act 1996, subsection 2(3) of which provides as follows:

 (3) Each item in Schedule  3 is taken to have commenced when the Act containing the provision amended by the item received the Royal Assent.

(h) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  2 (items 61-64) only of the Statute Law Revision Act 1996, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

 (2) Each item in Schedule  2 commences or is taken to have commenced (as the case requires) at the time specified in the note at the end of the item.

 Item 61 is taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of Part 5 of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1992.

 Part 5 commenced on 1 January 1993.

 Item 62 is taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of Chapter 2 of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988.

 Chapter 2 commenced on 6 January 1989.

 Item 63 is taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994.

 The Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1994 came into operation on 25  February 1994.

 Item 64 is taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of Part 4 of the Schedule to the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 2) 1995.

 Part 4 of the Schedule commenced on 1 January 1996.

(i) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  1 (items 1-33) only of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 1996, section 2 of which provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

 (2) Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 33 of Schedule  1 commence on 1 January 1997, immediately after the commencement of the items in Schedule  1 to the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act (No. 1) 1996 that also commence on 1  January 1997.

 (3) Items 1, 2, 3, 12, 34 and 35 of Schedule  1 commence on 1 January 1998.

(j) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  2 (items 838-850) only of the Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 1997, subsection  2(2) of which provides as follows:

 (2) Schedules 1, 2 and 4 commence on the same day as the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.

(k) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  1 only of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 1999, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

 (2) Item 10 is taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of item  31 of Schedule 1 to the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act 1996 .

 Schedule 1 (item 10) commenced on 12 December 1996.

(l) Subsection 2(1) of the A New Tax System (Tax Administration) Act 1999 provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences, or is taken to have commenced, immediately after the commencement of section  1 of the A New Tax System (Pay As You Go) Act 1999.

 Section 1 commenced on 22 December 1999.

(m) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  3 (items 11-13) only of the A New Tax System (Tax Administration) Act (No. 1) 2000, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences, or is taken to have commenced, immediately after the commencement of section  1 of the A New Tax System (Tax Administration) Act 1999.

 Section 1 commenced on 22 December 1999.

(n) The Higher Education Funding Act 1988 was amended by Schedule  1 (items 4-10), Schedule 2 (item 3) and Schedule 4 only of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 2001, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

 (1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

(o) Subsection 2(1) (item 4) of the Higher Education Funding Amendment Act 2002 provides as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the day or at the time specified in column 2 of the table.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




4.  Schedule 1, items 22 and 23

Immediately after the commencement of subsection 23(1C) of the Higher Education Funding Act 1988

1 July 2001

(p) Subsection 2(1) (items 2-4, 7, 14 and 16) of the Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003 provide as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.





2.  Section 4

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

3.  Schedule 1

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

4.  Schedule 2, Parts 1 to 3

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

7.  Schedule 2, Part 6

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

14.  Schedule 2, item 112

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

16.  Schedule 2, items 120 to 169

The later of:

(a) 1 January 2004; and

(b) immediately after the commencement of sections 1-10 to 238-15 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(paragraph (b) applies)

(q) Subsection 2(1) (item 6) of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 2004 provides as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.





6.  Schedule 2, item 9

Immediately after the commencement of item 24 of Schedule 1 to the Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(r) Subsection 2(1) (item 5) of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 2) Act 2005 provides as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.





5.  Schedule 2

Immediately after the commencement of item 2 of Schedule 1 to the Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003.

1 January 2004

(s) Subsection 2(1) (item 7) of the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (2005 Measures No. 1) Act 2005 provides as follows:

 (1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.





7.  Schedule 5

Immediately after the commencement of item 120 of Schedule 2 to the Higher Education Support (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2003.

1 January 2004


Endnote 4--Amendment history

Provision affected

How affected


am. No. 158, 1992

Chapter 1


s. 2.....................

am. No. 116, 1993

s. 2A....................

ad. No. 158, 1992

s. 2B....................

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

s. 3.....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; No. 177, 1991; No. 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; Nos. 24 and 147, 1994; Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; No.  72, 1996; No. 130, 2000; No. 116, 2001; No. 150, 2003; No.  21, 2007; No. 5, 2011

s. 4.....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; No. 158, 1992; No. 72, 1996; No. 112, 1998; No.  158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; No. 150, 2003; F2006L00192; F2006L00628; F2006L03457; F2007L00840; F2007L03921; F2008L04384; F2010L00709

ss. 5, 6..................

am. No. 158, 1992

s. 7.....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 43, 1996

s. 8.....................

rs. No. 158, 1992

s. 8A....................

ad. No. 158, 1992

s. 9.....................

am. No. 24, 1994

s. 10....................

am. No. 80, 1989

s. 11....................

rep. No. 158, 1992


ad. No. 147, 2001

Chapter 2


Heading to Chapt. 2..........

rs. No. 112, 1998

Part 2.1


Heading to s. 13............

am. No. 74, 1996

s. 13....................

rs. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 74, 1996

s. 14....................

am. No. 43, 1996

Part 2.2


Heading to Part 2.2..........

rs. No. 158, 1992

ss. 15, 16.................

am. No. 158, 1992

s. 17....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994 (as am. by No.  147, 1994); Nos. 79 and 147, 1994; Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; No. 72, 1996; No. 112, 1998; No.  158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; Nos. 9, 86 and 116, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003; Nos. 45 and 114, 2004

s. 18....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 72, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No. 112, 1998; No.  86, 2001; No. 78, 2002; No. 150, 2003; No. 111, 2009

s. 18A...................

ad. No. 177, 1991


am. Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993


rep. No. 163, 1995

s. 19....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991


rep. No. 72, 1996


ad. No. 125, 1997

s. 20....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994 (as am. by No.  147, 1994); Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No. 112, 1998; No. 158, 1999; No.  130, 2000; Nos. 86 and 116, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003

s. 20A...................

ad. No. 24, 1994


rs. Nos. 72 and 74, 1996

s. 20B...................

ad. No. 72, 1996


rep. No. 74, 1996


ad. No. 150, 2003

Heading to s. 21............

rs. No. 163, 1995

s. 21....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; No. 74, 1992


rs. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994; No. 163, 1995; No. 72, 1996

Heading to s. 21A...........

rs. No. 163, 1995

s. 21A...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 78, 2002

s. 21B...................

ad. No. 163, 1995

s. 22....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993

s. 22A...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994 (as am. by No. 147, 1994); Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; Nos. 13, 72 and 74, 1996; No.  125, 1997; No. 112, 1998; No. 158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; No. 86, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; No.  150, 2003

s. 23....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 72, 1996; No.  9, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002

Note to s. 23(1E)............

am. No. 158, 2005

s. 23A...................

ad. No. 177, 1991


am. Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 72, 1996

s. 23B...................

ad. No. 177, 1991


am. No. 158, 1992; No. 78, 2002

s. 23BA..................

ad. No. 135, 1995

s. 23C...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 135, 1995; No. 163, 1995 (as am. by No. 43, 1996); Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No.  112, 1998; No. 158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; Nos. 9 and 86, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003; No. 45, 2004

s. 24....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No.  125, 1997; No. 112, 1998; No. 158, 1999; No.130, 2000; No. 86, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003

s. 25....................

am. No. 80, 1989; No. 122, 1990; No. 158, 1992; No. 78, 2002

s. 25A...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 178, 1994

s. 25B...................

ad. No. 178, 1994

Part 2.3..................

rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 26....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990; Nos. 53 and 177, 1991; Nos. 74 and 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993


rs. No. 158, 1992

s. 26A...................

ad. No. 177, 1991


rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 27....................

am. No. 177, 1991; No. 158, 1992


rs. No. 158, 1992

s. 27A...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 116, 1993; Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No. 112, 1998; No.  158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; No. 86, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003

s. 27B...................

ad. No. 158, 1992

s. 27C...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


am. No. 78, 2002

s. 27D...................

ad. No. 112, 1998


am. No. 158, 1999; No. 130, 2000; No. 86, 2001; Nos. 78 and 87, 2002; Nos. 87 and 150, 2003

Chapt. 3.................

rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 29....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989


rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 30....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 122, 1990


rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 31....................

am. Nos. 80 and 168, 1989; No. 177, 1991; No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 32....................

am. No. 80, 1989; No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 158, 1992

s. 33....................

am. No. 177, 1991; No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 158, 1992

Chapter 4


Part 4.1


s. 34....................

am. Nos. 80, 168 and 179, 1989; No. 122, 1990; No. 177, 1991; No. 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No.  152, 1997; No. 86, 2001; No. 150, 2003; No. 8, 2005; No. 121, 2006

s. 35....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994 (as am. by No. 147, 1994); Nos. 135 and 163, 1995; No.  74, 1996; No. 112, 1998

s. 36....................

rs. No. 24, 1994


am. No. 86, 2001

s. 37....................

am. No. 122, 1990

Part 4.2


Division 1


s. 38....................

am. No. 158, 1992

Division 2


s. 39....................

am. No. 74, 1996

s. 40....................

am. No. 177, 1991

s. 40A...................

ad. No. 74, 1996

s. 41....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994; No. 163, 1995; No.  125, 1997; No. 21, 2007

ss. 41A, 41B..............

ad. No. 24, 1994


am. No. 125, 1997

s. 41C...................

ad. No. 24, 1994

s. 42....................

am. No. 24, 1994; No. 43, 1996

s. 42A...................

ad. No. 24, 1994

s. 43....................

am. No. 135, 1995

ss. 52, 53.................

am. No. 147, 2001

s. 54....................

am. No. 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No. 78, 2002

s. 56....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997

ss. 56A, 56B..............

ad. No. 125, 1997

ss. 56C-56E...............

ad. No. 116, 2001

Division 3


s. 57....................

am. No. 24, 1994; No. 125, 1997

Part 4.3..................

rep. No. 121, 2006

Heading to Part 4.3..........

rs. No. 152, 1997; No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

Heading to s. 59............

am. No. 152, 1997


rs. No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

s. 59....................

am. No. 152, 1997


rs. No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

Heading to s. 60............

am. No. 152, 1997


rs. No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

s. 60....................

am. No. 116, 1993; No. 152, 1997; No. 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002


rs. No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

Heading to s. 61............

am. No. 152, 1997; No. 8, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

s. 61....................

am. No. 158, 1992; No. 116, 1993; No. 152, 1997; Nos. 86 and 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002; Nos. 8 and 56, 2005


rep. No. 121, 2006

Part 4.4


Div. 1 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 62....................

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 63....................

am. No. 122, 1990; No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 64....................

rs. No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 64A...................

ad. No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 116, 1993

ss. 65, 66.................

rep. No. 116, 1993

Div. 2 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 67....................

rep. No. 116, 1993

Div. 3 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 68....................

am. No. 122, 1990


rep. No. 116, 1993

Div. 4 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 116, 1993

ss. 69-71.................

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 72....................

am. No. 216, 1991


rep. No. 116, 1993

ss. 73-75.................

rep. No. 116, 1993

Division 5


ss. 76, 77.................

rep. No. 116, 1993

s. 78....................

am. No. 147, 2001; No. 5, 2011

Div. 6 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 79....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 80....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 81....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 82....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 83....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 84....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 85....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Div. 7 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 86....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 87....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Div. 8 of Part 4.4............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 88....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 89....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Part 4.5


Div. 1 of Part 4.5............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 90....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 91....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Div. 2 of Part 4.5............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 92....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 93....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Div. 3 of Part 4.5............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 94....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 95....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Div. 5 of Part 4.5............

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 97....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 98....................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Chapter 4A


Chapt. 4A................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 4A.1


s. 98A...................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 87, 2002; No. 150, 2003

s. 98AA.................

ad. No. 87, 2002

Note 2 to s. 98AA(2).........

am. No. 158, 2005

s. 98B...................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 21, 2007

Part 4A.2


s. 98C...................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 4A.3


Division 1


s. 98D...................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 98E...................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. Nos. 78 and 87, 2002

s. 98F...................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 87, 2002

Division 2


ss. 98G, 98H..............

ad. No. 116, 2001

Heading to s. 98J............

am. No. 87, 2002

s. 98J...................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 98JA..................

ad. No. 87, 2002

Part 4A.4


s. 98K...................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 98L...................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 150, 2003

s. 98M..................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Chapter 4B


Chapt. 4B................

ad. No. 13, 2002

Part 4B.1


s. 98N...................

ad. No. 13, 2002

s. 98NA.................

ad. No. 150, 2003

s. 98P...................

ad. No. 13, 2002

s. 98Q...................

ad. No. 13, 2002


am. No. 8, 2010

Note 2 to s. 98Q(1)..........

am. No. 158, 2005

s. 98R...................

ad. No. 13, 2002

s. 98S...................

ad. No. 13, 2002


am. No. 8, 2010

Notes 1, 2 to s. 98S(1)........

rep. No. 158, 2005

Note to s. 98S(1)............

ad. No. 158, 2005

ss. 98T, 98U...............

ad. No. 13, 2002

s. 98V...................

ad. No. 13, 2002


am. No. 21, 2007

Part 4B.2


s. 98W..................

ad. No. 13, 2002

Part 4B.3


Division 1


s. 98X...................

ad. No. 13, 2002

ss. 98Y, 98Z...............

ad. No. 13, 2002


am. No. 87, 2002

Division 2


s. 98ZAA................

ad. No. 150, 2003

ss. 98ZA-98ZC............

ad. No. 13, 2002

Part 4B.4


s. 98ZD..................

ad. No. 13, 2002

s. 98ZE..................

ad. No. 13, 2002


am. No. 150, 2003

s. 98ZF..................

ad. No. 13, 2002

Chapter 5


Chapt. 5.................

ad. No. 116, 1993

Part 5.1


s. 99....................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. Nos. 72 and 74, 1996

s. 100...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995; No. 74, 1996

s. 101...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 147, 1994; No. 163, 1995; No. 72, 1996; No. 21, 2007

s. 102...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


rep. No. 147, 1994

s. 103...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 147, 1994


rs. No. 72, 1996

Part 5.2


Division 1


s. 104...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


rs. No. 147, 1994


am. No. 72, 1996


rs. No. 74, 1996

s. 105...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 24, 1994; No. 72, 1996

s. 106...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 147, 1994; No. 72, 1996


rep. No. 74, 1996

s. 106A..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 24, 1994

ss. 106AA, 106AB..........

ad. No. 24, 1994


am. No. 72, 1996

s. 106B..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996

s. 106C..................

ad. No. 116, 1993

s. 106CA.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Division 2


s. 106D..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 147, 1994; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996

s. 106E..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996

Part 5.3


s. 106F..................

ad. No. 116, 1993

s. 106FA.................

ad. No. 72, 1996


am. No. 150, 2003

Part 5.4..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


rep. No. 72, 1996

s. 106G..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


rep. No. 72, 1996

Chapter 5A


Heading to Chapt. 5A........

rs. No. 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002

Chapt. 5A................

ad. No. 116, 1993

Part 5A.1


s. 106H..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995; No. 72, 1996; No. 39, 1997; No. 17, 1999; No.  116, 2001; No. 13, 2002; No. 101, 2006

s. 106I...................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002

Part 5A.2


s. 106J..................

ad. No. 116, 1993

s. 106JA.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 106JB.................

ad. No. 13, 2002

Heading to s. 106K..........

am. No. 72, 1996

s. 106K..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996

s. 106KA.................

ad. No. 150, 2003

Heading to s. 106L..........

am. No. 72, 1996

s. 106L..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996; No. 125, 1997; No. 150, 2003

s. 106M..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996; No. 150, 2003

s. 106MA................

ad. No. 135, 1995

s. 106N..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995; No. 72, 1996; No. 116, 2001; No. 150, 2003

s. 106O..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996; No. 116, 2001

Part 5A.3


Division 1


s. 106P..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995

s. 106PA.................

ad. No. 163, 1995


am. No. 150, 2003

Division 1A


Div. 1A of Part 5A.3.........

ad. No. 163, 1995

s. 106PB.................

ad. No. 163, 1995


am. No. 74, 1996

s. 106PC.................

ad. No. 163, 1995


am. Nos. 43 and 74, 1996

Division 2


s. 106Q..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995; No. 74, 1996; No. 158, 1999; No. 150, 2003

Division 3


s. 106R..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 24, 1994; No. 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002

s. 106S..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


rep. No. 72, 1996

s. 106T..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 163, 1995

Heading to s. 106U..........

am. No. 44, 2000

s. 106U..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 116, 1993; No. 179, 1999; No. 44, 2000; No. 78, 2002; No.  101, 2006

Note to s. 106U(1)...........

ad. No. 44, 2000

ss. 106V-106X.............

ad. No. 116, 1993

Division 4


s. 106Y..................

ad. No. 116, 1993


am. No. 72, 1996; No. 116, 2001; No. 150, 2003; No. 56, 2005; No.  8, 2007

s. 106YA.................

ad. No. 86, 2001

s. 106Z..................

ad. No. 116, 1993

s. 106ZA.................

ad. No. 116, 1993

Chapter 5B


Chapt. 5B................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 5B.1


s. 106ZB.................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 13, 2002

Part 5B.2


s. 106ZC.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 5B.3


s. 106ZD.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 5B.4


s. 106ZE.................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 13, 2002

s. 106ZF.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 106ZG.................

ad. No. 116, 2001


am. No. 13, 2002

Part 5B.5


s. 106ZH.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

s. 106ZJ.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Part 5B.6


s. 106ZK.................

ad. No. 116, 2001

Chapt. 5C................

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

s. 106ZL.................

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

ss. 106ZM-106ZO..........

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

s. 106ZP.................

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

ss. 106ZQ, 106ZR...........

ad. No. 112, 2002


rep. No. 150, 2003

Chapter 6


s. 107...................

am. No. 158, 1991

s. 108...................

am. No. 158, 1991


am. No. 78, 2002

s. 109...................

am. No. 158, 1991

s. 110...................

rs. No. 177, 1991


am. No. 158, 1992 (as am. by No. 147, 1994); No. 116, 1993; No. 24, 1994; No.  135, 1995; Nos. 72 and 74, 1996; No. 125, 1997; Nos. 9 and 116, 2001; Nos. 13 and 87, 2002; No. 158, 2005; No 126, 2015

s. 110A..................

ad. No. 150, 2003


am. No. 114, 2004; No. 156, 2005; No. 121, 2006

s. 110B..................

ad. No. 72, 2007

s. 111...................

am. No. 158, 1992

s. 112...................

am. No. 78, 2002; No. 150, 2003

s. 112A..................

ad. No. 78, 2002

s. 113...................

am. No. 158, 1992

s. 114...................

rs. No. 138, 1988


am. No. 158, 1992


rep. No. 8, 2005

s. 115...................

am. No. 138, 1988; No. 158, 1992

s. 116

am. No. 138, 1988; No. 158, 1992


rs. No. 8, 2005

s. 117...................

am. No. 138, 1988; No. 158, 1992 (as am. by No. 147, 1994); No. 152, 1997


rep. No. 8, 2005

s. 118...................

am. No. 138, 1988; No. 116, 2001; No. 13, 2002; No. 8, 2005

s. 119...................

am. No. 158, 1992 (as am. by No. 147, 1994); No. 163, 1995; No. 112, 1998

s. 121...................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 122...................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 123...................

rep. No. 103, 2013

s. 124...................

rep. No. 103, 2013

Chapt. 7.................

rep. No. 158, 1992

ss. 125-132...............

rep. No. 158, 1992

Schedule 1


Schedule 1................

ad. No. 9, 2001


am. No. 78, 2002



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