(1) A contract of insurance is not capable of being made the subject of relief under:
(a) any other Act; or
(b) a State Act; or
(c) an Act or Ordinance of a Territory.
(2) Relief to which subsection (1) applies means relief in the form of:
(a) the judicial review of a contract on the ground that it is harsh, oppressive, unconscionable, unjust, unfair or inequitable; or
(b) relief for insureds from the consequences in law of making a misrepresentation;
but does not include:
(c) relief in the form of compensatory damages; or
(d) relief relating to the effect of section 12BF (unfair contract terms) of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 .
Note: See Subdivision G (enforcement and remedies) of Division 2 of Part 2 of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 for certain remedies relating to the effect of section 12BF of that Act.