(1) This section applies if:
(a) a person qualifies for a concession card under the following section (the qualification section ):
(i) section 1061ZC, 1061ZCA, 1061ZCB, 1061ZD, 1061ZDA, 1061ZDB, 1061ZEB or 1061ZM;
(ii) section 1061ZEA as a result of the operation of subsection 1061ZEA(2A); and
(b) as a result of subsection 1061ZUB(1), the person's qualification for the card is not affected by a period of absence; and
(c) at the end of the period of 6 weeks mentioned in subsection 1061ZUB(2), the card is cancelled; and
(d) after that time, the person returns to Australia; and
(e) the person qualifies again for the card under the qualification section (and in the case of section 1061ZEA, the person qualifies as a result of the operation of subsection 1061ZEA(2A)); and
(f) the period for which the person was qualified under the qualification section has not yet ended.
(2) To avoid doubt, the person continues to qualify for the concession card until the end of the period for which the person was qualified under the qualification section (unless the person ceases to be qualified for the card at an earlier time).
No. 46, 1991
Compilation No. 223
Compilation date: 5 December 2024
Includes amendments: Act No. 108, 2024
This compilation is in 6 volumes
Volume 2: sections 540- 1061ZUC
Volume 3: sections 1061ZVAA- 1157
Volume 4: sections 1157A- 1263
Schedule 1A
Volume 5: Endnotes 1-5
Volume 6: Endnote 6
Each volume has its own contents
This compilation
This is a compilation of the Social Security Act 1991 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 5 December 2024 (the compilation date ).
The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes ) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.
Uncommenced amendments
The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register (www.legislation.gov.au). The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.
Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments
If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.
Editorial changes
For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.
If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.
Self - repealing provisions
If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.
Chapter 2AA--Student start - up loans
Part 2AA.1--Introduction
1061ZVAA Simplified outline of this Chapter
Part 2AA.2--Qualification for and amount of student start - up loan
1061ZVBA Simplified outline of this Part
1061ZVBB Qualification for student start - up loan
1061ZVBC Circumstances in which person is not qualified for student start - up loan
1061ZVBD Amount of student start - up loan
Part 2AA.3--Indebtedness
Division 1--Introduction
1061ZVCA Simplified outline of this Part
Division 2--Incurring SSL debts
1061ZVDA SSL debts
1061ZVDB SSL debt discharged by death
1061ZVDC Notice to Commissioner
Division 3--Working out accumulated SSL debts
1061ZVEA Simplified outline of this Division
1061ZVEB Stage 1--working out a former accumulated SSL debt
1061ZVEC Stage 2--working out an accumulated SSL debt
1061ZVED Rounding of amounts
1061ZVEE Accumulated SSL debt discharges earlier debts
1061ZVEF Accumulated SSL debt discharged by death
Part 2AA.4--Discharge of indebtedness
Division 1--Introduction
1061ZVFA Simplified outline of this Part
1061ZVFB Debts under this Chapter
Division 2--Voluntary discharge of indebtedness
1061ZVGA Voluntary SSL repayments in respect of debts
1061ZVGB Application of voluntary SSL repayments
1061ZVGC Refunding of payments
Division 3--Compulsory discharge of indebtedness
Subdivision A--Liability to repay amounts
1061ZVHA Liability to repay amounts
1061ZVHB Repayable SSL debt for an income year
Subdivision B--Assessments
1061ZVHC Commissioner may make assessments
1061ZVHD Notification of notices of assessment of tax
1061ZVHE Commissioner may defer making assessments
1061ZVHF Commissioner may amend assessments
Part 2AA.5--Tax administration matters
1061ZVJA Simplified outline of this Part
1061ZVJB Verification of tax file numbers
1061ZVJC When person with tax file number incorrectly notifies number
1061ZVJD When person without tax file number incorrectly notifies number
1061ZVJE When tax file numbers are altered
1061ZVJF When tax file numbers are cancelled
1061ZVJG Returns, assessments, collection and recovery
1061ZVJH Charges and civil penalties for failing to meet obligations
1061ZVJJ Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding
1061ZVJK Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
1061ZVJL Administration of this Chapter
Chapter 2B--Student Financial Supplement Scheme
Part 2B.1--Establishment of scheme
Division 1--Preliminary
1061ZW Object of this Chapter
1061ZX Outline of the scheme
Division 2--Eligibility to obtain financial supplement
1061ZY Eligibility to obtain financial supplement
1061ZZ Category 1 student
1061ZZA Category 2 student
1061ZZAA Failure by person to comply with request to provide person's tax file number
1061ZZAB Failure by person to comply with request to provide the tax file number of a parent of the person
Division 3--Decision and notice about eligibility to obtain financial supplement
1061ZZAC Secretary's decision
1061ZZAD Revocation or variation of decision after review
1061ZZAE Transitional
Division 4--Agreements between Commonwealth and financial corporations
1061ZZAF Applications for financial supplement
1061ZZAG Agreements
Division 5--Application for financial supplement
1061ZZAH When to apply
1061ZZAI How to apply
1061ZZAJ Changing an application
Division 6--Amount of financial supplement
Subdivision A--Category 1 students
1061ZZAK Maximum amount of financial supplement
Subdivision B--Category 2 students
1061ZZAL Change in eligibility period
1061ZZAM Eligibility period (short course)
1061ZZAN Eligibility period (no short course)
1061ZZAO Maximum amount of financial supplement
Subdivision C--Provisions applying to both category 1 students and category 2 students
1061ZZAP Minimum amount of financial supplement
1061ZZAQ Person doing more than one course
Division 7--Trading in youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement
1061ZZAR Purpose of Division
1061ZZAS Reduction of youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement for financial supplement
Division 8--Obtaining or increasing financial supplement by trading back youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement
Subdivision A--Purpose of Division
1061ZZAT Purpose of Division
Subdivision B--When a person may repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement to obtain or increase financial supplement
1061ZZAU Election to repay youth allowance, austudy payment or pensioner education supplement
1061ZZAV Timing of repayment
Subdivision C--Repayment
1061ZZAW Effect of repayment
Division 9--Financial supplement contracts
Subdivision A--Making a contract for payment of financial supplement
1061ZZAX Making a contract between person and participating corporation
1061ZZAY Existing contracts
1061ZZAZ Liability for money paid under a financial supplement contract
1061ZZBA Validity of financial supplement contract
Subdivision B--When a financial supplement contract can be cancelled
1061ZZBB Person has right to cancel financial supplement contract
1061ZZBC How to cancel financial supplement contract
1061ZZBD When to cancel financial supplement contract
1061ZZBE Payments made during cooling off period
1061ZZBF Person may waive right to cancel contract
1061ZZBG How to waive right to cancel contract
1061ZZBH When to waive right to cancel contract
Subdivision C--Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes
1061ZZBI Financial supplement contract exempt from certain laws and taxes
Division 10--Payment of financial supplement
1061ZZBJ Payment by instalments
1061ZZBK Rounding off
1061ZZBL To whom instalments must be paid
1061ZZBM Payment into bank account
Division 11--Protection of financial supplement
1061ZZBN Financial supplement to be absolutely inalienable
1061ZZBO Effect of garnishee or attachment order
Division 12--Obligations of category 2 students
Subdivision A--Statements about tax file numbers
1061ZZBP Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of person's tax file number
1061ZZBQ Secretary may request person obtaining financial supplement to give statement of parent's tax file number
Subdivision B--Notice of events or changes in circumstances
1061ZZBR Secretary may give notice requiring information
1061ZZBS Event or change relevant to payment
1061ZZBT Formalities related to notice
1061ZZBU Validity of notice
1061ZZBV Period within which information to be given
1061ZZBW Refusal or failure to comply with notice
1061ZZBX Application overseas
Subdivision C--Notice about a matter relevant to payment of financial supplement
1061ZZBY Secretary may give notice requiring statement on matter
1061ZZBZ Formalities related to notice
1061ZZCA Validity of notice
1061ZZCB Period within which statement to be given
1061ZZCC Statement must be in approved form
1061ZZCD Refusal or failure to comply with notice
1061ZZCE Application overseas
Division 13--Early repayments of financial supplement
Subdivision A--Calculation and notification of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract
1061ZZCF Application of Subdivision
1061ZZCG Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract before 1 June in the year after the year in which the contract was made
1061ZZCH Calculation of amount outstanding under financial supplement contract at a later time
1061ZZCI Notification of amount outstanding
Subdivision B--Person's rights to make repayments during contract period
1061ZZCJ Person not required to, but may, make repayments during contract period
1061ZZCK What happens if person makes an excess repayment
1061ZZCL Amount repaid not to include certain amounts
1061ZZCM How to work out discount
1061ZZCN Effect of making a repayment during contract period
1061ZZCO Rights and liabilities of participating corporation if repayment made
Subdivision C--What happens at the end of the contract period
1061ZZCP Corporation's rights at end of contract period
1061ZZCQ Termination notice
1061ZZCR Secretary may give notice correcting information in previous notice
1061ZZCS Person may request notice to be corrected
1061ZZCT Effect of notices and requests
Part 2B.2--Payments of financial supplement under scheme to stop in certain circumstances
Division 1--Payments to stop at request of recipient
1061ZZCU Person may ask for payment to stop
1061ZZCV Effect of notice
Division 2--Payments to stop if the maximum amount of financial supplement is reduced to the amount already paid or a lesser amount
Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop
1061ZZCW Secretary must give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZCX Effect of notice
1061ZZCY This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT
Subdivision B--Original amount paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances
1061ZZCZ Secretary may give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZDA Effect of notice
1061ZZDB Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth
1061ZZDC Apportionment of financial supplement
1061ZZDD Liability of Commonwealth to corporation
1061ZZDE Liability of person to Commonwealth
1061ZZDF This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A
Subdivision C--Original amount paid because of false or misleading information
1061ZZDG Secretary may give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZDH Effect of notice
1061ZZDI Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth
1061ZZDJ Apportionment of financial supplement
1061ZZDK Liability of Commonwealth to corporation
1061ZZDL Liability of person to Commonwealth
1061ZZDM This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A
Division 3--Payments to stop if person ceases to be eligible to obtain financial supplement
Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop
1061ZZDN Secretary must give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZDO Effect of notice
1061ZZDP This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT
Subdivision B--Financial supplement paid because person failed to notify change of circumstances
1061ZZDQ Secretary may give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZDR Effect of notice
1061ZZDS Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth
1061ZZDT Apportionment of financial supplement
1061ZZDU Liability of Commonwealth to corporation
1061ZZDV Liability of person to Commonwealth
1061ZZDW This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A
Division 4--Payments to stop if person is found never to have been eligible to obtain financial supplement
Subdivision A--Notice that payments are to stop
1061ZZDX Secretary must give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZDY Effect of notice
1061ZZDZ This Subdivision is subject to sections 1061ZZFS and 1061ZZFT
Subdivision B--Financial supplement paid because of false or misleading information
1061ZZEA Secretary may give notice to person and corporation
1061ZZEB Effect of notice
1061ZZEC Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth
1061ZZED Liability of Commonwealth to corporation
1061ZZEE Liability of person
1061ZZEF Definitions
1061ZZEG This Subdivision not to affect Subdivision A
Division 5--Payments to stop if person dies
1061ZZEH Secretary may give notice to corporation if other party to contract dies
1061ZZEI Effect of notice
1061ZZEJ Discharge of corporation's liability
1061ZZEK Transfer of corporation's rights to Commonwealth
1061ZZEL Liability of Commonwealth to corporation
1061ZZEM Discharge of person's liability
Part 2B.3--Repayment of financial supplement through taxation system after termination date
Division 1--Purpose and application of Part
1061ZZEN Purpose and application of Part
1061ZZENA Extent of Commissioner of Taxation's general administration of this Part
Division 2--FS debt and accumulated FS debt
1061ZZEO FS debt owed by person
1061ZZEP How to work out FS debt
1061ZZEQ Accumulated FS debt incurred by person
1061ZZER How to work out accumulated FS debt
1061ZZES Adjusted accumulated FS debt
1061ZZET Indexation factor
1061ZZEU Accumulated FS debt discharges earlier debts
Division 3--Information to be given to Commissioner of Taxation
1061ZZEV Secretary to give notice to Commissioner of Taxation
1061ZZEW Secretary to give further notice to Commissioner of Taxation
1061ZZEX Secretary to give certificate to Commissioner of Taxation
Division 4--Voluntary repayments of FS debts
1061ZZEY Voluntary repayments of FS debts
1061ZZEYA Refunding of payments
Division 5--Compulsory repayments in respect of accumulated FS debt
1061ZZEZ Compulsory payments in respect of accumulated FS debt
1061ZZFA Repayment income
1061ZZFB Minimum repayment income
1061ZZFC Repayable debt for an income year
1061ZZFD Amounts payable to the Commonwealth
Division 6--Application of tax legislation
1061ZZFG Application of tax legislation
1061ZZFGA Charges and administrative penalties for failing to meet obligations
1061ZZFGB Pay as you go (PAYG) withholding
1061ZZFGD Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments
Division 7--Assessments
1061ZZFH Commissioner of Taxation may make assessment
1061ZZFI Notice of assessment may be served
Division 8--Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment
1061ZZFJ Commissioner of Taxation may delay assessment
1061ZZFK Commissioner of Taxation may amend assessment
1061ZZFL When Commissioner of Taxation must make decision to delay or amend assessment
Division 9--Review of Commissioner of Taxation's decision
1061ZZFM Application to ART
Division 10--Treatment of payments under financial supplement scheme
1061ZZFN Payments not subject to taxation
1061ZZFO Application of payments
1061ZZFP Debt discharged by death
Part 2B.4--Miscellaneous
Division 1--Application of the Bankruptcy Act 1966
1061ZZFQ Application of Division
1061ZZFR Treatment of debt
Division 2--Review of decisions
1061ZZFS What happens if a decision of the Secretary is set aside
1061ZZFT What happens if a decision of the Secretary is varied
Division 3--Transfer of rights under this Chapter
1061ZZFU Notices of transfer
1061ZZFV Transfers not subject to State or Territory taxes
Chapter 2C--Assurances of support
Part 2C.1--Giving assurances
1061ZZGA What is an assurance of support?
1061ZZGB Who may give an assurance of support?
1061ZZGC How to give an assurance of support
Part 2C.2--Acceptance of assurances
1061ZZGD Accepting or rejecting an assurance of support
1061ZZGE Notices relating to an assurance of support
Part 2C.3--Effect of accepted assurances
1061ZZGEA Assurance cannot be withdrawn once visa issued
1061ZZGF When an accepted assurance is in force
1061ZZGG Liability to pay for social security payments
Part 2C.4--Determinations
1061ZZGH Determinations
Part 2C.5--Assurances by unincorporated bodies
1061ZZGI Application of social security law to unincorporated bodies
Chapter 2D--Arrangements and grants relating to assisting persons to obtain and maintain paid work
1062 Simplified outline of this Chapter
1062A Arrangements and grants relating to assisting persons to obtain and maintain paid work
1062B Constitutional limits
1062C Executive power of the Commonwealth
1062D Inclusion of information in annual report
1062DA Application of Administration Act
Chapter 3--General provisions relating to payability and rates
Part 3.1--Rate Calculators (General)
1062E Steps in rate calculation
1063 Standard categories of family situations
Part 3.2--Pension Rate Calculator A
1064 Rate of age and disability support pensions and carer payment (people who are not blind)
Pension Rate Calculator A
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Pension supplement
Module C--Energy supplement
Module E--Ordinary income test
Module F--Ordinary income for the purposes of disability support pension
Module G--Assets test
Module H--Remote area allowance
Part 3.3--Pension Rate Calculator B
1065 Rate of age and disability support pension (blind people)
Pension Rate Calculator B
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Pension supplement
Module C--Energy supplement
Module E--Remote area allowance
Part 3.4A--Pension Rate Calculator D
1066A Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are not blind)
Pension Rate Calculator D
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Energy supplement
Module C--Youth disability supplement
Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module F--Ordinary income test
Module G--Payments taken to be ordinary income
Module H--Assets test
Module I--Remote area allowance
Part 3.4B--Pension Rate Calculator E
1066B Rate of disability support pension (people under 21 who are blind)
Pension Rate Calculator E
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Energy supplement
Module C--Youth disability supplement
Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module F--Remote area allowance
Part 3.5--Youth Allowance Rate Calculator
1067 Definitions
1067A When a person is regarded as independent
1067B Accommodated independent person
1067C Member of a YA couple
1067D Person required to live away from home
1067E Person living at home
1067F Long term income support student
1067G Rate of youth allowance
Youth Allowance Rate Calculator
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Energy supplement
Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module D--Youth disability supplement
Module E--Person's reduction for parental income
Module F--Parental income test
Submodule 1--Parental income test result
Submodule 2--Exemption from parental income test
Submodule 3--Appropriate tax year
Submodule 4--Combined parental income
Submodule 5--Parental income free area
Submodule 6--If person's combined parental income exceeds parental income free area
Module GA--Maintenance income test
Submodule 1--Maintenance income test result
Submodule 2--Exemption from maintenance income test
Submodule 3--Annualised amount of maintenance income for parent of a person
Submodule 4--Maintenance income free area
Module H--Income test
Module J--Student income bank
Module K--Remote area allowance
Module L--Table of pensions, benefits, allowances and compensation
Part 3.5A--Austudy Payment Rate Calculator
1067H Definitions
1067J Person living at home
1067K Long term income support student
1067L Rate of austudy payment
Austudy Payment Rate Calculator
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Pension supplement
Module BB--Energy supplement
Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module D--Income test
Module E--Student income bank
Module F--Remote area allowance
Part 3.6--Benefit Rate Calculator B
1068 Rate of jobseeker payment
Benefit Rate Calculator B
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Pension supplement
Module C--Energy supplement
Module D--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module G--Income test
Module J--Remote area allowance
Part 3.6A--Parenting Payment Rate Calculator
1068A Rate of parenting payment--pension PP (single)
Pension PP (Single) Rate Calculator
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module B--Maximum basic rate
Module BA--Pension supplement
Module BB--Energy supplement
Module C--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module E--Ordinary income test
Module F--Remote area allowance
1068B Rate of parenting payment--PP (partnered)
Benefit PP (Partnered) Rate Calculator
Module A--Overall rate calculation process
Module C--Maximum basic rate
Module D--Income test
Module DA--Pension supplement
Module DB--Energy supplement
Module E--Pharmaceutical allowance
Module G--Remote area allowance
Part 3.7--Rent assistance
Division 1--Operation of this Part
1070 When this Part applies
1070A Effect of this Part
Division 2--Qualification for rent assistance
1070B Qualification--general rule
1070C Common requirements (about aged care residence, home ownership and rent)
1070D Specific requirement (carer payments and certain age and disability support pensions)
1070E Specific requirement (certain parenting payments)
1070F Specific requirement (certain disability support pensions)
1070G Specific requirement (youth allowance)
1070H Specific requirement (austudy payment and jobseeker payment)
1070J Specific requirement (certain parenting payments)
Division 3--Rate of rent assistance
1070K Rate depends on social security payment and family situation
1070L Rate for carer payments and certain age and disability support pensions
1070M Rate for certain parenting payments
1070N Rate for disability support pension (person aged under 18)
1070P Rate for disability support pension (person aged between 18 and 21)
1070Q Rate for youth allowance, austudy payment and jobseeker payment
1070R Rate for certain parenting payments
Division 4--Certain concepts used in this Part
1070S Division has effect for purposes of Part
1070T Rent threshold amount
1070U Fortnightly rent
1070V Rent paid by a member of certain couples
1070W Partner with a rent increased pension
1070X Partner with a rent increased benefit
Part 3.9--Seniors Health Card Income Test Calculator
1071 Seniors Health Card Income Test Calculator
Seniors Health Card Income Test Calculator
Part 3.9A--Health Care Card Income Test Calculator
1071A Health care card income test
Health Care Card Income Test Calculator
Part 3.10--General provisions relating to the ordinary income test
Division 1--Ordinary income concept and treatment of certain income amounts
1072 General meaning of ordinary income
1072A Treatment of certain lump sum payments
1073 Certain amounts taken to be received over 12 months
Division 1AAA--Work bonus
1073AA Work bonus
1073AAA Meaning of gainful work
1073AB Unused concession balance
Division 1AA--Employment income attribution rules
1073A Attribution of employment income paid in respect of a particular period or periods
1073B Attribution of employment income paid monthly
1073BA Attribution of employment income paid not in respect of a particular period
1073BB Anti - avoidance
1073BC Exclusion of certain payments
1073BD Daily attribution of employment income for amounts not elsewhere covered in this Division
1073C Fortnightly or yearly expression of attributed employment income
Division 1AB--Working credit accrual and depletion rules and their consequences
1073D To whom do working credit accrual and depletion rules apply?
1073E Opening balance
1073F Working out accruals and depletions of working credit for social security beneficiaries
1073G Working out the effect of a working credit depletion on the fortnightly rate of ordinary income for a social security beneficiary
1073H Working out accruals and depletions of working credit for social security pensioners
1073I Working out the effect of a working credit depletion on the yearly rate of ordinary income for a social security pensioner
1073J Working credit balance prevents loss of qualification in certain cases
Division 1A--Business income
1074 Ordinary income from a business--treatment of trading stock
1075 Permissible reductions of business income
Division 1B--Income from financial assets (including income streams (short term) and certain income streams (long term))
1076 Deemed income from financial assets--persons other than members of couples
1077 Deemed income from financial assets--members of pensioner couples
1078 Deemed income from financial assets--members of non - pensioner couples
1081 Deeming threshold
1082 Below threshold rate, above threshold rate
1083 Actual return on financial assets not treated as ordinary income
1084 Certain money and financial investments not taken into account
1084A Valuation and revaluation of certain financial investments
Division 1C--Income from income streams not covered by Division 1B
Subdivision B--Income streams that are not family law affected income streams
1097A Scope of Subdivision
1098 Income from asset - test exempt income stream
1099 Income--income stream not a defined benefit income stream or a military invalidity pension income stream
1099A Income--income stream is a defined benefit income stream
1099AAA Income--income stream is a military invalidity pension income stream
1099AA Income from market - linked asset - test exempt income stream
1099B Income from asset - tested income stream (long term)
1099C Income--asset - tested income stream (long term) that is not a defined benefit income stream
1099D Income--asset - tested income stream (long term) that is a defined benefit income stream
1099DAA Income from certain low - payment asset - tested income streams
1099DAB Income--asset - tested income stream (lifetime)
Subdivision C--Family law affected income streams
1099DA Scope of Subdivision
1099DB Income from asset - test exempt income streams
1099DC Income from asset - tested income stream (long term)
1099DCA Income from asset - tested income stream (lifetime)
1099DD Decision - making principles
Division 1D--Aged care accommodation bonds: certain transactions before 6 November 1997
1099E Scope of Division
1099F Exempt bond amount does not count as income
1099G Person's ordinary income reduced using financial asset rules
1099H Meaning of exempt bond amount
Division 1E--Refunds to charge exempt residents
1099J Scope of Division
1099K Refunded amount does not count as income
1099L Person's ordinary income reduced using financial asset rules
1099M Application of Division
Division 2--Conversion of foreign currency amounts
1100 How value of a payment received in a foreign currency is to be determined
1100A Determining value of a payment originally denominated in a foreign currency but made in Australian currency
Division 3--Disposal of ordinary income
1106 Disposal of ordinary income
1107 Amount of disposition
1108 Disposal of ordinary income--individuals
1109 Disposal of ordinary income--members of couples
1111 Dispositions more than 5 years old to be disregarded
Part 3.12--General provisions relating to the assets test
Division 1--Value of person's assets
1118 Certain assets to be disregarded in calculating the value of a person's assets
1118A Value of superannuation investments determined by Minister to be disregarded
1118AA Value of assets reduced by amounts received from Mark Fitzpatrick Trust
1118AB Value of person's assets reduced: certain transactions to do with aged care accommodation bonds
1118AC Value of person's assets reduced: refunds to charge exempt residents
1119 Value of asset - tested income streams that are not defined benefit income streams, asset - tested income streams (lifetime) or family law affected income streams
1120 Value of asset - tested income streams that are defined benefit income streams
1120AA Value of asset - tested income streams (lifetime) that are managed investments
1120AB Value of asset - tested income streams (lifetime) that are not managed investments
1120A Value of asset - tested FLA income streams
1120B Value of partially asset - test exempt income streams
1120C Value of superannuation reserves for superannuation funds of 4 members or less
1121 Effect of charge or encumbrance on value of assets
1121A Effect of certain liabilities on value of assets used in primary production
1121B Value of life policy
1122 Loans
Division 2--Disposal of assets
1123 Disposal of assets
1124 Amount of disposal or disposition
1124A Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--individuals
1125 Disposal of assets in pension years--individuals
1125A Disposal of assets in pre - pension years--members of couples
1126 Disposal of assets in pension years--members of couples
1126AA Disposal of assets in income year--individuals
1126AB Disposals of assets in 5 year period--individuals
1126AC Disposal of assets in income year--members of couples
1126AD Disposal of assets in 5 year period--members of couples
1126A Disposal of assets in pre - pension year--family members
1126B Disposal of assets in pension year--family members
1126C Disposal of assets in income year--family members
1126D Disposals of assets in 5 year period--family members
1126E Modification of this Division in respect of certain assets
1127 Disposition more than 5 years old to be disregarded
1127A Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test
Division 3--Financial hardship
1129 Access to financial hardship rules--pensions
1130 Application of financial hardship rules--pensions
1130A Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test
1130B Access to financial hardship rules--pension PP (single)
1130C Application of financial hardship rules--pension PP (single)
1131 Access to financial hardship rules--benefits
1132 Application of financial hardship rules--benefits
Division 4--Pension loans scheme
1133AA Pension loans scheme definitions
1133 Qualification for participation in pension loans scheme
1134 Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--pension rate
1134A Pension loans scheme advance payment
1135 Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--creation of debt
1135A Effect of participation in pension loans scheme--maximum loan available
1136 Need for a request to participate
1137 Need for a request to later nominate or change nominated amount or rate of pension
1137AA Need for a request for a pension loans scheme advance payment
1137A Non - receipt of social security pension or social security payment
1138 Existence of debt results in charge over real assets
1139 Debt not to be recovered until after death
1140 Enforcement of charge
1141 Person ceases to participate in pension loans scheme if debt exceeds maximum loan available
1141A Secretary may cease person's participation in pension loans scheme
1142 Person withdraws from pension loans scheme
1142A Repayment or recovery of debt after pension loans scheme ceases to operate
1143 Registration of charge
1144 Manner of enforcement of charge
1144AA No negative equity guarantee
1144A Division does not apply for purposes of care receiver assets test
Division 5--Provisions relating to special residences and special residents
Subdivision A--General
1145A Application of Division to granny flat residents
1146 Basis for different treatment
1147 Entry contribution
1148 Extra allowable amount
1149 Renegotiation of retirement village agreement
Subdivision B--Residents who are not members of a couple
1150 Residents who are not members of a couple
Subdivision C--Residents who are members of couple and share principal home
1151 Members of couples
Subdivision D--Residents who are members of illness separated couple
1152 Members of illness separated couples (both in special residences)
1153 Members of illness separated couples (partner not in special residence and partner homeowner)
1154 Members of illness separated couples (partner not in special residence and partner not homeowner)
Subdivision E--Residents who are members of ordinary couple with different principal homes
1155 Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (both in special residences)
1156 Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (partner not in special residence and partner homeowner)
1157 Members of ordinary couple with different principal homes (partner not in special residence and partner not homeowner)