(1) The Inspector - General may issue to the public a written notice containing a warning about the conduct of a person if:
(a) the Inspector - General reasonably suspects that the conduct may constitute a contravention of:
(i) section 34, 35, 58 or 59; or
(ii) a provision of Division 3A of Part 2; and
(b) the Inspector - General is satisfied that one or more of the following has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur, as a result of the conduct:
(i) injury or damage to human beings;
(ii) damage to property;
(iii) harm to, or loss of, Basin water resources; and
(c) the Inspector - General is satisfied that it is in the public interest to issue the notice.
Note 1: The power conferred by this subsection may be delegated only to an SES employee or an acting SES employee (see subsection 215W(3)).
Note 2: No civil proceeding lies against the Inspector - General for loss, damage or injury of any kind suffered by another person as a result of the issue, in good faith, of a notice under this subsection (see section 215X).
(2) A notice issued under subsection (1) is not a legislative instrument.
(3) In this section:
"conduct" includes an act or omission.