Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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- made under the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994

Statutory Rules No. 27, 1995

made under the

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Act 1994

Compilation No. 46

Compilation date: 1 February 2023

Includes amendments up to: F2022L01617

Registered: 1 February 2023

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Regulations 1995 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 February 2023 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1--Preliminary

Division 1.1A--Name and commencement

1 Name of Regulations

Division 1.1B--Orders

2 Orders

Division 1.1--Definitions

3 Interpretation

3AA Definition of minor use

3A Meaning of reference active constituent

3B Meaning of reference chemical product

3BA Definition of timeshift application

3C Definition of confidential commercial information-- section 3 of the Code

4 Definition of date-controlled chemical product--section 3 of the Code

5A Meaning of lodged

7 Definition of agricultural chemical product-- section 4 of the Code

8 Definition of veterinary chemical product-- section 5 of the Code

8AA Safety criteria--active constituents

8AB Safety criteria--chemical products

8AD Trade criteria

8AE Labelling criteria

8AF Standards made by APVMA

Division 1.2--General provisions about applications

8AFA Application requirements--chemical product registration renewal applications

8AG Application requirements--timeshift applications

8AH Application requirements--copies of applications

8AHAA When other information may be taken into account in determining applications

Division 1.3--General provisions about notices

8AHA Published notice of approvals of labels and variations of relevant particulars or conditions of approvals

8AK Information to be given in notice to holder

8AL Information to be given on refusal of application to vary prescribed relevant particular

8AM Publication requirements--approvals and variations of approvals of active constituents

8AN Publication requirements--registrations, variations of registrations and approval of labels

8AO Matters for notice following preliminary assessment

8AP Matters for notice--applications for technical assessments etc.

8AQ Matters for notice in relation to extension of permit

Division 1.6--Listed chemical products

8AR Listed chemical products

Part 2--Approvals and registration

Division 2.1A--Pre-application assessments and assistance

8AS APVMA may provide technical assessments

8AT APVMA may provide pre-application assistance

Division 2.1--Granting or refusing approvals and registrations

Subdivision 2.1.1--Preliminary applications--summaries of applications

8B Summaries of applications for active constituents for chemical products

8D Summaries of applications for chemical products that are not the same as a registered chemical product

8E Summaries of applications for chemical products that are the same as a registered chemical product

Subdivision 2.1.3--Particulars for approvals, registrations and labelling

15 Particulars of approved active constituents to be recorded

16 Particulars of registered chemical products to be recorded

17 Particulars for label

Subdivision 2.1.4--Conditions of approval--active constituents and chemical products

17C Conditions of approval or registration--active constituents and chemical products

18 Conditions of registration of chemical products--containers

Subdivision 2.1.6--Conditions of approval--labels

18B Prescribed conditions for approval of labels

18C Label must be attached to containers for chemical products

18D Information on label

18E Labelling standards and requirements

18F Requirements for information on labels

18G Requirements about claims inconsistent with labels

18H Retention of label and information about label

18I Providing label and information about label to APVMA

18J Identifying information recorded for holder and nominated agent

Subdivision 2.1.6A--Incorrect particulars and conditions

18K Incorrect particulars and conditions APVMA must correct

Division 2.2--Granting or refusing applications for variation of relevant particulars, or conditions, of approvals or registration

Subdivision 2.2.1--Variation applications--summaries of applications

19AD Summaries of applications for variation for chemical products

Subdivision 2.2.2--Interchangeable constituent determinations

19AEA Interchangeable constituent determinations

19AEB Applying for an interchangeable constituent determination

19AEC Limits on information that may be used for interchangeable constituent determinations

Division 2.3--Reconsideration of approval or registration

20 Reconsideration work plan

21 Period for giving information, reports, results or samples

22 Notice of decision on reconsideration

22AA Reconsideration by APVMA of approval of label

Division 2.6--Late applications

23 Late applications for renewal of registration of chemical product

Division 2.7--Renewal of registration

23A When renewed registration ends

Part 2B--Reserved chemical products

23G Reserved Schedule

23H Conditions for dealing with reserved chemical product--containers for supply

23I Conditions for dealing with reserved chemical product--labels

Part 3--Compensation for provider of certain information in respect of continued registration of certain chemical products

Division 3.1--Notices

24 Prescribed information--notice to primary holder

25 Prescribed information--notice to secondary holder

Division 3.2--Conduct of arbitration

26 Rules governing the conduct of an arbitration

27 Notice of appointment of arbitrator

28 Parties to give information to arbitrator

29 Mediator to submit report

30 Arbitrator to conduct a hearing

31 Arbitrator to give parties notice of hearing

32 Arbitrator's powers if holder does not attend hearing

33 Procedure at the hearing

34 Representation at the hearing

35 Arbitrator may require information etc

36 Fair proportion of cost of providing protected information

37 Arbitrator's costs

38 Holders' cost of arbitration

39 Arbitrator exonerated from liability

Part 4--Control of chemical products

Division 4.1--General

40 Supply of substances for research etc for chemical products

41 Supply etc. of substances with constituents differing from registered particulars

42 Prescribed standards for chemical products

42A Substances and chemical products exempted from section 88 of the Code

43 When statements about chemical products can be made or reported

43A Division 3 of Part 4 of the Code does not apply to listed chemical products or reserved chemical products

44 Record of manufacture or import of date-controlled chemical product

45 Restricted chemical products

46 Supply of chemical product--batch number or record of supply

Division 4.2--Supply of hormonal growth promotants

47 Notice of intention to supply hormonal growth promotant

47A Notification number may be replaced or withdrawn

47AB Review of decision withdrawing assigned notification number

47B Notification number to be renewed annually

47C Hormonal growth promotant not to be supplied etc

48 Supply of hormonal growth promotant--purchaser's declaration

49 Record of supply of hormonal growth promotant--manufacturer and supplier

50 Record of supply of hormonal growth promotant--importer and supplier

51 Record of supply of hormonal growth promotant--other suppliers

52 Record of supply of hormonal growth promotant--general requirements

53 Copy of records to be given to APVMA

54 Copy of records etc to be kept

Part 5--Analysis

55 Analysis of chemical products--tests

55A Prescribed standards for supplied substances

56 Analysis at an accredited laboratory

Part 5A--Recall notices

56A When a notice of recall is not required to be published

Part 6--Permits

57 Requirements for issue of permit on application

57A Requirements for issue of permit on APVMA's own initiative

57B Duration of permit--extension for further period

Part 7--Manufacture of chemical products

59 Part 8 of the Code does not apply to listed chemical products, reserved chemical products and certain other products

59A Manufacture of chemical products--exempt persons--single step

59B Manufacture of chemical products--exempt persons--chemical product that ceases to be prescribed

59C Manufacture of chemical products--exempt persons--legal personal representative etc of licence holder

59D Manufacture of chemical products--exempt persons--person that acquires business including transfer of licence

59E Requirements for issue of licence

60 Licence condition--holder to give information about manufacture

61 Licence conditions--general

61A Determination following GMP audit

62 Licence condition--naming persons in control of production etc

Part 8--Enforcement

63 Method of securing samples

64 Infringement notices

Part 9--Miscellaneous

Division 9.1--Information

65 Information that must be given electronically

65A Period for giving additional information, report or sample--applications

65B Period for giving additional information, report or sample--suspensions and cancellations

66 Disclosure of confidential commercial information about toxicity etc

67 Disclosure of confidential commercial information about chemical products not yet registered etc

68 Disclosure of confidential commercial information to international organisations

69 Disclosure of confidential commercial information--records

69AAA Disclosure of information given with applications under these Regulations

Division 9.2--Fees

69A Payment of fees

69AA Prescribed fee for notices of notifiable variations

69B Fees for pre-application assistance

70 Fees for applications

70A Modular assessment fees

70B Recategorised applications

71A Fees for continued registration of chemical product

71B Overseas GMP compliance assessment

71C Fees for applications relating to holder or nominated agent

72 Remission and waiver of fees for applications

72A Fees for licences

73 Fees for copies and extracts

73A Fees for converting information and documents into electronic form

Division 9.3--Notification, assessment periods and review

75 Notification that application has been received

76 Period within which APVMA is to determine application

76A Extended assessment periods

76B Extension of assessment period or extended assessment period for recategorised applications

77 Meaning of modular assessment period

78 Commencement of assessment period

78A Period for determining applications relating to holders and nominated agents

78AA Period for determining applications for renewal of registration

78B Period within which APVMA is to conclude reconsiderations

78C Review of decisions by Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Division 9.4--Logo of APVMA

79 Logo of the APVMA

Part 10--Transitional and application provisions

Division 10.1--Transitional provisions for Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Act 2013

80 Definitions

82 Continuation of old Code requirements for old Code applications

83 Preliminary notices issued under old Code

84 Assessment periods for old Code applications

85 Reconsiderations commenced under old Code

Division 10.2--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Regulation 2014

86 Operation of Schedule 1 to the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment Regulation 2014

Division 10.3--Application of amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Removal of Re-approvals and Re -registrations) Regulation 2014

87 Application of amendments in relation to existing approvals of labels

Division 10.4--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Timeshift Applications and Other Measures) Regulations  2019

88 Definitions

89 Applications

90 Exemption from operation of section 88 of the Code

Division 10.5--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2020

91 Notices of intention to supply hormonal growth promotant

92 Applications

Division 10.6--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulations 2021

93 Minor use

Division 10.7--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Improvements) Regulations 2021

94 Applications for variation for chemical products

Division 10.8--Amendments made by the Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Cost Recovery and Other Measures) Regulations  2022

95 Application of amendments

Schedule 1--Date-controlled agricultural chemical products

Schedule 3--Definition of agricultural chemical product

Part 1--Preliminary

1 Definitions

Part 2--Substances or mixtures declared to be agricultural chemical products

Part 3--Substances or mixtures declared not to be agricultural chemical products

Schedule 3AA--Definition of veterinary chemical product

Part 1--Preliminary

1 Definitions

Part 2--Substances or mixtures declared to be veterinary chemical products

2 Substances or mixtures declared to be veterinary chemical products

Part 3--Substances or mixtures declared not to be veterinary chemical products

Division 3.1--Substances or mixtures declared not to be veterinary chemical products--general

3 Substances or mixtures declared not to be veterinary chemical products

Division 3.2--Excluded nutritional or digestive products

4 Excluded nutritional or digestive products

5 Ingredient requirements for excluded nutritional or digestive products

6 Claims requirements for excluded nutritional or digestive products

7 Labelling requirements for excluded nutritional or digestive products

8 Manufacturing requirements for excluded nutritional or digestive products

Division 3.3--Ingredient determinations

9 Ingredient determinations

10 Applying for ingredient determinations

11 Information that may be used for ingredient determinations

Schedule 3B--Listed chemical products

Part 1--Preliminary

1 Particulars of listed chemical products

2 Active constituents in listed chemical products

Part 2--Listed chemical products

Part 3--Active constituents in listed chemical products

Division 3.1--Agricultural chemical products

Subdivision 3.1.1 Home swimming pool and spa products

Division 3.2--Veterinary chemical products

Subdivision 3.2.1 Joint health products for dogs and horses

Schedule 3C--Reserved Schedule

Part 1--Preliminary

1 Definitions

2 Particulars of reserved chemical products

3 Active constituents in reserved chemical products

Part 2--Reserved chemical products

Part 3--Active constituents in reserved chemical products

Division 3.1--Agricultural chemical products

Subdivision 3.1.1 Disinfectants

Division 3.2--Veterinary chemical products

Schedule 4--Restricted chemical products

Schedule 5A--Infringement notices

Schedule 6--Application fees and assessment periods

Part 1--Preliminary

1.1 Definitions

1.2 When chemical products are closely similar

1.3 When chemical products are similar

1.4 When chemical products are the same

1.5 When chemical products are not closely similar, similar or the same

1.6 Effect on fees when the use of information is restricted

1.7 Fee when application for registration preceded by application for permit

Part 2--Assessment periods and fees

2.1 Table of assessment periods and fees

Schedule 7--Table of fees and periods for completion of modules, levels and types of assessments

Schedule 8--Logo of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section  15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.


Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history

Number and year

FRLI registration or gazettal


Application, saving and transitional provisions

1995 No. 27

28 Feb 1995

15 Mar 1995 (r 2)


1995 No. 54

29 Mar 1995

15 Mar 1995 (r 1)


1995 No. 137

15 June 1995

r 4 and 5: 1 July 1995
Remainder: 15 June 1995


1995 No. 187

4 July 1995

4 July 1995


1996 No. 83

5 June 1996

5 June 1996


1996 No. 111

20 June 1996

20 June 1996

r 9

1996 No 162

24 July 1996

24 July 1996


1996 No. 216

2 Oct 1996

2 Oct 1996


1997 No. 264

24 Sept 1997

24 Sept 1997


1999 No. 215

16 Sept 1999

16 Sept 1999


1999 No. 247

27 Oct 1999

31 Oct 1999


2002 No. 60

5 Apr 2002

5 Apr 2002


2002 No. 207

12 Sept 2002

12 Sept 2002


2003 No. 8

27 Feb 2003

27 Feb 2003


2004 No. 224

28 July 2004

28 July 2004


2004 No. 225

28 July 2004

28 July 2004


2004 No. 251

26 Aug 2004

1 Jan 2005 (. 2)


2004 No. 353

23 Dec 2004

23 Dec 2004


2004 No. 354

23 Dec 2004

1 Jan 2005 (r 2)


2005 No. 105

9 June 2005 (F2005L01410)

Sch 2: 1 July 2005
Remainder: 10 June 2006


2005 No. 152

12 July 2005 (F2005L01916)

13 July 2005


2006 No. 75

19 April 2006 (F2006L01163)

20 Apr 2006


2007 No. 278

27 Sept 2007 (F2007L03839)

28 Sept 2007


2009 No. 1

9 Feb 2009 (F2009L00269)

10 Feb 2009


2009 No. 341

15 Dec 2009 (F2009L04598)

16 Dec 2009


2010 No. 75

11 May 2010 (F2010L00976)

12 May 2010


2010 No. 108

4 June 2010 (F2010L01482)

5 June 2010


2010 No. 144

29 June 2010 (F2010L01805)

1 July 2010


2011 No. 16

17 Mar 2011 (F2011L00441)

18 Mar 2011


2012 No. 72

28 May 2012 (F2012L01093)

1 July 2012


108, 2013

17 June 2013 (F2013L01016)

Sch 1 (items 6-29): 1 July 2013


179, 2013

29 July 2013 (F2013L01458)

Sch 1 (items 11-174): 1 July 2014


as amended by




67, 2014

13 June 2014 (F2014L00714)

Sch 2: 1 July 2014 ( s 2(1) items 2, 3)


67, 2014

13 June 2014 (F2014L00714)

Sch 1 (items 11-103): 1 July 2014 ( s 2(1) items 2, 3)


91, 2014

27 June 2014 (F2014L00860)

Sch 1: 1 July 2014
(s 2(1) item 2)
Remainder: 28 June 2014


118, 2014

25 Aug 2014 F2014L01115)

Sch 1 (items 9, 10, 14 and 52): 1 Jan 2015 (s 2 items 3, 5, 7)
Remainder: 26 Aug 2014 (s 2 items 1, 2, 4, 6, 8)


5, 2015

3 Mar 2015 (F2015L00247)

Sch 1: 5 Mar 2015 (s 2 item 2)
Sch 3: 4 Mar 2015 (s 2 item 3)


219, 2015

16 Dec 2015

Sch 1 (items 4-7): 17 Dec 2015 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 1 Mar 2016 (s 2(1) item 3)
Sch 3: 1 July 2016 (s 2(1) item 4)






Application, saving and transitional provisions

Corporations and Other Legislation Amendment (Insolvency Law Reform) Regulation 2016

13 Dec 2016 (F2016L01926)

Sch 1 (item 2): 1 Mar 2017 (s 2(1) item 2)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Reconsideration Participation Review) Regulations 2017

28 June 2017 (F2017L00771)

Sch 1 (item 2): 29 June 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Fuel and Oil Biocides) Regulations 2018

3 Aug 2018 (F2018L01086)

4 Aug 2018 (s 2(1) item 1)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Timeshift Applications and Other Measures) Regulations 2019

22 Mar 2019 (F2019L00357)

Sch 1 (items 1-49, 52-108): 23 Mar 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Cost Recovery) Regulations 2020

15 May 2020 (F2020L00581)

1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulations 2021

20 Dec 2021 (F2021L01849)

21 Dec 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Legislation Amendment (Improvements) Regulations 2021

20 Dec 2021 (F2021L01862)

Sch 1 (items 1-8): 7 June 2022 (s 2(1) items 2, 3)
Sch 1 (items 9, 10, 17-19): 7 Mar 2022 (s 2(1) items 4, 6, 7)


Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code Amendment (Cost Recovery and Other Measures) Regulations 2022

9 Dec 2022 (F2022L01617)

1 Feb 2023 (s 2(1) item 1)



Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


Division 1.1A


Division 1.1A heading........

ad No 179, 2013

r 1.....................

rs No 215, 1999

Division 1.1B


Division 1.1B..............

ad F2019L00357

r 2.....................

rep LA s 48D


ad F2019L00357

Division 1.1


Division 1.1 heading.........

ad No 179, 2013

r 3.....................

am No 83, 1996; No 247, 1999; No 353, 2004; No 354, 2004; No 105, 2005; No 75, 2010; No 108, 2010; No  16, 2011; No 108, 2013; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; F2015L02042; F2019L00357; F2021L01849

r 3AA...................

ad F2021L01849

r. 3A....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am No 67, 2014

r 3B....................

ad No 354, 2004


am No 67, 2014

r 3BA...................

ad F2019L00357

r. 3C....................

ad. 2011 No. 16

r 4.....................

ad No 118, 2014

r. 5.....................

rep. No. 108, 2013

r 5A....................

ad No 179, 2013

r 6.....................

rep No 179, 2013

r. 7.....................

rs. 2010 No. 75

r. 8.....................

am. 2004 No. 225


rs. 2010 No. 75


am No 5, 2015

r 8AA...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AB...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014

r 8AD...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AE...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r 8AF...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r 8AFA..................

ad No 219, 2015

r 8AFB..................

ad F2015L02042


rep F2019L00357

Division 1.2


Division 1.2...............

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AG...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AH...................

ad No 179, 2013


am F2019L00357

r 8AHAA................

ad F2021L01862

Division 1.3


Division 1.3...............

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AHA..................

ad No 67, 2014

r 8AK...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AL...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014

r 8AM...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AN...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r 8AO...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014; No 118, 2014; F2019L00357

r 8AP...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014


rs F2019L00357

r 8AQ...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014; F2019L00357

Division 1.6


Division 1.6...............

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AR...................

ad No 179, 2013

Part 2


Division 2.1A


Division 2.1A..............

ad No 179, 2013

r 8AS...................

ad No 179, 2013


am F2019L00357

r 8AT...................

ad No 179, 2013

Division 2.1


Division 2.1 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16

Subdivision 2.1.1


Subdivision 2.1.1 heading......

ad. 2011 No. 16

r. 8A....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 8B....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; No 5, 2015

r. 8C....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 8D....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014

r. 8E....................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014

Subdivision. 2.1.2 heading.....

ad. 2011. No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Subdivision 2.1.2...........

rep No 179, 2013

r. 9.....................

am. 2004 No. 225; 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 10....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353


rep. 2009 No. 1

r. 11....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353; 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 11A...................

ad. 1999 No. 247


am. 2004 No. 225


rep. 2011 No. 16

r. 12....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353


rs. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 13....................

am. 2004 No. 353


rs. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 14....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353


rs. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 14A...................

ad. No. 108, 2013


rep No 179, 2013

Subdivision 2.1.3


Subdivision 2.1.3 heading......

ad. 2011. No. 16

r 15....................

am No 225, 2004; No 353, 2004; No 16, 2011; No 179, 2013; No 5, 2015; F2019L00357

r. 16....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353; 2011 No. 16; No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014

r. 17....................

rep. 2004 No. 225


ad. 2011 No. 16


am No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.3A..........

ad No 179, 2013


rep No 118, 2014

r 17A...................

ad No 179, 2013


rs No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 17B...................

ad No 179, 2013


rs No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 17BA..................

ad No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 17BB..................

ad No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 17BC..................

ad No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 17BD..................

ad No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.4


Subdivision 2.1.4 heading......

ad. 2011. No. 16

r 17C...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67 and 118, 2014

r 18....................

rs No 16, 2011


am No 179, 2013; F2019L00357

Subdivision 2.1.5 heading......

ad No 16, 2011


rep No 67, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.5...........

rep No 67, 2014

r. 18A...................

ad. 2011 No. 16


rep No 67, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.6


Subdivision 2.1.6 heading......

ad. 2011. No. 16

r. 18B...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


rs No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r. 18C...................

ad. 2011. No. 16

r. 18D...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014

r. 18E...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 67, 2014

r. 18F...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 67, 2014

r. 18G...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 179, 2013

r. 18H...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 179, 2013

r. 18I...................

ad. 2011. No. 16


am No 179, 2013

r 18J....................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.6A


Subdivision 2.1.6A..........

ad No 179, 2013

r 18K...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014

Subdivision 2.1.7 heading......

ad. 2011. No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Subdivision 2.1.7...........

rep No 179, 2013

r. 19....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353; 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Division 2.2


Division 2.2 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16

Subdivision 2.2.1


Subdivision 2.2.1 heading......

ad. 2011 No. 16

r. 19AA..................

ad. 2004 No. 354


rs. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 19AB..................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 19AC..................

ad. 2004 No. 354


am. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r 19AD..................

ad No 354, 2004


am No 16, 2011; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; F2021L01862

Subdivision 2.2.2 heading......

ad. 2011. No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Subdivision 2.2.2...........

rep No 179, 2013

r. 19A...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


rs. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Division 2.2A..............

ad No 179, 2013


rep No 118, 2014

r 19A...................

ad No 179, 2013


rep No 118, 2014

Subdivision 2.2.2


Subdivision 2.2.2 heading......

rs F2019L00357

Subdivision 2.2.2...........

ad No 118, 2014

r 19AE..................

ad No 118, 2014


am F2015L02042


rep F2019L00357

r 19AEA.................

ad F2015L02042

r 19AEB.................

ad F2015L02042

r 19AEC.................

ad F2015L02042

Subdivision 2.2.3...........

ad No 118, 2014


rep F2019L00357

r 19AF..................

ad No 118, 2014


am F2015L02042


rep F2019L00357

Division 2.3


Division 2.3 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16

r. 20....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353


rs No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r. 21....................

am. 2004 No 225 and 353


rs No 179, 2013

r. 22....................

rs. 2004 No. 225


am. 2004 No. 353


rs. 2011 No. 16; No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014

r. 22AA..................

ad. 2011 No. 16


rs No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

Division 2.4 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

Division 2.4...............

rep No 179, 2013

r. 22A...................

ad. 2004 No. 354


rs. 2005 No. 105


rep No 179, 2013

Division 2.5 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16


rs No 179, 2013


rep No 91, 2014

Division 2.5...............

rs No 179, 2013


rep No 91, 2014

r. 22B...................

ad. 2004 No. 354


rs. 2005 No. 105


rep No 179, 2013

r. 22A...................

ad. 2004 No. 251


rep. 2005 No. 105

r. 22C...................

ad. 2005 No. 105


rep No 179, 2013

r 22D...................

ad No 179, 2013


rep No 91, 2014

Division 2.6


Division 2.6 heading.........

ad. 2011 No. 16

r. 23....................

am. 2004 No. 353; 2005 No. 105; No 219, 2015

Part 2A..................

ad. 2004 No. 225


rep No 179, 2013

Division 2.7


Division 2.7...............

ad No 219, 2015

r. 23A...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


rs. 2007 No. 278


rep No 179, 2013


ad No 219, 2015

r. 23AB..................

ad. 2011 No. 16


rep No 179, 2013

r. 23B...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


am. 2004 No. 353


rep No 179, 2013

r. 23C...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


rep No 179, 2013

r. 23D...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


am. 2004 No. 353


rep No 179, 2013

r. 23E...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


am. 2004 No. 353


rep No 179, 2013

r. 23F...................

ad. 2004 No. 225


am. 2004 No. 353, 2005 No. 105


rep No 179, 2013

Part 2B


Part 2B heading............

ad. 2004 No. 225


rs. 2007 No. 278

Part 2B..................

am 2004 No. 225


rs 2007 No. 278

r. 23G...................

ad. 2007 No. 278

r 23H...................

ad No 278, 2007


am F2019L00357

r 23I....................

ad No 278, 2007


am F2019L00357

Part 3


Division 3.1


Division 3.1 heading (prev Division 1 heading) 

ad No 179, 2013
renum No 179, 2013

r 24....................

am No 16, 2011; No 179, 2013


rs F2019L00357

r 25....................

am No 16, 2011; No 179, 2013


rs F2019L00357

Division 3.2


Division 3.2 heading (prev Division 2 heading) 

ad No 179, 2013
renum No 179, 2013

r. 27....................

am. 2004 No. 353; No 179, 2013

r 28....................

am No 179, 2013

r 29....................

am No 179, 2013

r 31....................

am No 179, 2013

r 32....................

am No 179, 2013

r 34....................

am No 179, 2013

r 35....................

am No 60, 2002; F2019L00357

r 36....................

am No 353, 2004; No 179, 2013; F2019L00357

r. 37....................

am. 2004 No. 353; No 179, 2013

r 38....................

am No 179, 2013

Part 4


Division 4.1


Division 4.1 heading (prev Division 1 heading) 

ad No 179, 2013
renum No 179, 2013

r. 40A...................

ad. 1995 No. 54


rep No 179, 2013

r 40....................

am No 179, 2013

r 41....................

am No 225, 2004; No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014; No 5, 2015


rs F2021L01849

r 42....................

am No 353, 2004; No 16, 2011; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; No 118, 2014; F2019L00357

r 42A...................

ad F2019L00357

r 43A...................

ad No 118, 2014

r 44....................

am No 179, 2013

r. 45....................

am. 2004 No. 353

r 46....................

am No 111, 1996; No 60, 2002; No 353, 2004; No 179, 2013; F2019L00357

Division 4.2


Division 4.2 heading (prev Division 2 heading) 

ad No 179, 2013
renum No 179, 2013

r. 47....................

rs. 1996 No. 111


am. 2004 No. 353; 2005 No. 105; 2010 No. 144; F2020L00581

r. 47A...................

ad. 1996 No. 111


am. 1997 No. 264; 2004 No. 353

r. 47AB..................

ad. 1997 No. 264


am. 2004 No. 353; No 5, 2015

r. 47B...................

ad. 1996 No. 111

r 47C...................

ad No 111, 1996


am No 60, 2002; F2019L00357

r 48....................

rs No 111, 1996; No 60, 2002


am No 353, 2004; F2019L00357

r 49....................

rs No 111, 1996


am No 60, 2002; F2019L00357

r 50....................

rs No 111, 1996


am No 60, 2002; F2019L00357

r 51....................

rs No 111, 1996


am No 60, 2002; F2019L00357

r 52....................

am No 179, 2013

r 53....................

am No 60, 2002; No 353, 2004; F2019L00357

r 54....................

am No 60, 2002; No 179, 2013; F2019L00357

Part 5


r 55....................

am No 111, 1996; No 353, 2004; No 118, 2014; F2019L00357

r 55A...................

ad No 118, 2014

r. 56....................

am. 2004 No. 353; No 118, 2014

Part 5A


Part 5A..................

ad F2021L01862

r 56A...................

ad F2021L01862

Part 6


r 57....................

rs No 179, 2013

r 57A...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 57B...................

ad No 179, 2013

Part 7


r 58....................

rep No 179, 2013

r. 59....................

am. 1996 No. 162; No 118, 2014

r. 59A...................

ad. 1996 No. 162

r. 59B...................

ad. 1996 No. 162


am. 2004 No. 353; No 118, 2014

r. 59C...................

ad. 1996 No. 162


am. 1997 No. 264; 2004 No. 353; No 179, 2013

r. 59D...................

ad. 1996 No. 162


am. 2004 No. 353; No 179, 2013

r. 59E...................

ad. No. 108, 2013


am No 179, 2013

r. 60....................

am. 2004 No. 353

r. 61....................

am. 1996 No. 162; 2004 No. 353; No. 108, 2013; F2016L01926

r. 61A...................

ad. No. 108, 2013

r. 62....................

am. 2004 No. 353

Part 8


r 63....................

rs No 179, 2013

r 64....................

rs No 179, 2013

Part 9


Division 9.1


Division 9.1 heading.........

ad No 179, 2013

r. 65....................

am. 2004 No. 225


rs No 179, 2013


am No 67 and 118, 2014

r 65A...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014; No 118, 2014; F2019L00357

r 65B...................

ad No 67, 2014

r 66....................

am No 353, 2004; No 179, 2013; F2019L00357

r. 69....................

am. 2002 No. 60; 2004 No. 353; No 179, 2013

Division 9.2


Division 9.2 heading.........

ad No 179, 2013

r 69A...................

ad No 67, 2014

r 69AA..................

ad No 118, 2014


rs F2019L00357

r 69AAA.................

ad No 5, 2015

r 69B...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

r 70....................

am No 137, 1995; No 83, 1996; No 225, 2004; No 105, 2005; No 144, 2010; No 108, 2013; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; F2019L00357; F2021L01862

r. 70A...................

ad. 1995 No. 54


am. 2004 No. 353


rs No 179, 2013


am No 219, 2015

r 70B...................

ad No 179, 2013


am F2019L00357

r. 71....................

rs. 2005 No. 105; No 144, 2010; No 16, 2011; No 108, 2013


rep No 179, 2013

r. 71A...................

ad. 1996 No. 83


am. 1999 No. 247; 2004 No. 225


rs. 2005 No. 105


am. No 144, 2010; No 108, 2013; No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014; No 219, 2015; F2020L00581

r. 71B...................

ad. 1996 No. 83


rep. 2005 No. 105


ad. No. 108, 2013


am No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014

r 71C...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 72....................

am No 353, 2004; No 105, 2005


rs No 179, 2013


am F2019L00357

r. 72A...................

ad. 1996 No. 162


am. 2004 No. 353; 2005 No. 105; No 75, 2010; No 144, 2010


rs. No. 108, 2013


am No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014

r. 73....................

am. 2004 No. 353; 2005 No. 105; No 108 and 179, 2013; No 67 and 118, 2014

r 73A...................

ad No 67, 2014

r. 74....................

am. 2004 No. 353


rep No 67, 2014

Division 9.3


Division 9.3 heading.........

ad No 179, 2013

r. 75....................

am. 2004 No. 353

r 76....................

am No 353, 2004; No 105, 2005; No 179, 2013; No 118, 2014; No 219, 2015; F2019L00357; F2021L01862

r 76A...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014; F2019L00357; F2021L01862

r 76B...................

ad No 179, 2013

r 77....................

rs No 105, 2005


am No 179, 2013; No 219, 2015


rs F2019L00357

r 78....................

am No 247, 1999; No 225, 2004; No 353, 2004


rs No 105, 2005


am No 144, 2010; No 108, 2013


rs No 179, 2013


am No 118, 2014; F2019L00357

r. 78A...................

ad. 2005 No. 105


am. 2010 No. 144; No. 108, 2013


rep No 179, 2013

r 78AA..................

ad No 118, 2014

r 78B...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014; F2022L01617

r 78C...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 5, 2015; F2015L02042; F2019L00357

Division 9.4


Division 9.4 heading .........

ad No 179, 2013

r. 79....................

ad. 2004 No. 224

Part 9A..................

ad No 179, 2013


exp 30 June 2018 (r 80C)


rep F2019L00357

r 80A...................

ad No 179, 2013


exp 30 June 2018 (r 80C)


rep F2019L00357

r 80B...................

ad No 179, 2013


exp 30 June 2018 (r 80C)


rep F2019L00357

r 80C...................

ad No 179, 2013


exp 30 June 2018 (r 80C)


rep F2019L00357

r 80D...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014


rep F2017L00771

r 80E...................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014


exp 30 June 2018 (r 80C)


rep F2019L00357

r 80F...................

ad No 179, 2013


rep No 67, 2014

Part 10


Part 10..................

ad No 179, 2013

Division 10.1


r 80....................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 91, 2014

r 81....................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014


rs No 91, 2014


rep No 118, 2014

r 82....................

ad No 179, 2013

r 83....................

ad No 179, 2013

r 84....................

ad No 179, 2013

r 85....................

ad No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014

Division 10.2


Division 10.2..............

ad No 67, 2014

r 86....................

ad No 67, 2014

Part 10


Part 10..................

ad No 118, 2014

r 87....................

ad No 118, 2014

Division 10.4


Division 10.4..............

ad No 5, 2015


rep 5 Mar 2016 (r 89)


ad F2019L00357

r 88....................

ad No 5, 2015


rep 5 Mar 2016 (r 89)


ad F2019L00357

r 89....................

ad No 5, 2015


rep 5 Mar 2016 (r 89)


ad F2019L00357

Division 10.5


Division 10.5..............

ad No 219, 2015


rep 1 July 2017 (r 91)


ad F2020L00581

r 90....................

ad No 219, 2015


rep 1 July 2017 (r 91)


ad F2019L00357

r 91....................

ad No 219, 2015


rep 1 July 2017 (r 91)


ad F2020L00581

r 92....................

ad F2020L00581

Division 10.6


Division 10.6..............

ad F2021L01849

r 93....................

ad F2021L01849

Division 10.7


Division 10.7..............

ad F2021L01862

r 94....................

ad F2021L01862

Division 10.8


Division 10.8..............

ad F2022L01617

r 95....................

ad F2022L01617

Schedule 1


Schedule 1................

rs. 1997 No. 264

Schedule 2

rep No 179, 2013

Schedule 3


Schedule 3................

rs No 75, 2010


am No 108, 2010; No 108, 2013; F2018L01086; F2019L00357; F2022L01617

Schedule 3AA


Schedule 3AA.............

ad No 75, 2010


am No 108, 2010; No 108, 2013; No 5, 2015; No 219, 2015; F2019L00357; F2021L01849

Schedule 3A..............

ad. 2004 No. 251


am No 105, 2005


rep No 179, 2013

Schedule 3B


Schedule 3B heading.........

rs No 179, 2013

Schedule 3B...............

ad. 2007 No. 278


am No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014

Schedule 4


Schedule 4................

am. 1995 No. 187


rs. 1997 No. 264


am. 1999 No. 215; 2002 No. 207; 2003 No. 8; 2006 No. 75; 2009 No.  341; 2012 No. 72; No 179, 2013; No 219, 2015

Schedule 5................

rep No 179, 2013

Schedule 5A


Schedule 5A..............

ad No 179, 2013


am F2019L00357; F2021L01862

Schedule 6


Schedule 6 heading..........

rs No 179, 2013

Schedule 6................

am No 137, 1995; No 216, 1996; No 247, 1999; No 225, 2004; No 353, 2004


rs No 105, 2005


am No 152, 2005; No 144, 2010; No 16, 2011; No 108, 2013; No 179, 2013; No 67, 2014; No 118, 2014; No 5, 2015; F2015L02042; F2019L00357; F2020L00581; F2021L01862; F2022L01617

Schedule 7


Schedule 7................

am. 1995 No. 137; 1996 No. 216; 2004 No. 353


rs. 2005 No. 105


am. 2010 No. 144; No. 108, 2013


rs No 179, 2013


am No 67, 2014; No 219, 2015; F2019L00357; F2020L00581; F2022L01617

Schedule 8


Schedule 8................

ad 2004 No 224



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