(1) A person who manufactures and supplies a hormonal growth promotant must make, on each occasion on which the promotant is supplied to another person (in this regulation called the recipient ), a record containing the following particulars:
(a) the distinguishing name of the promotant entered in the Register of Chemical Products;
(b) the name and address of the manufacturer;
(c) the notification number assigned to the premises from which the promotant was supplied to the recipient;
(d) the quantity of the promotant supplied;
(e) the date of manufacture of the promotant;
(f) the batch number of the promotant;
(g) the quantity of promotant manufactured in that batch;
(h) the date of supply of the promotant;
(i) the name and address of the recipient;
(j) if 1 or more notification numbers have been allotted to the recipient:
(i) the notification number, and address, of each premises to which the promotant is supplied; and
(ii) the quantity of the promotant supplied to each of those premises;
(k) if no notification number has been allotted to the recipient--the purchaser declaration number for the premises where animals treated with the promotant are to be kept.
Note: Regulation 52 sets out further requirements regarding the form of the record.
(3) An offence under subregulation (1) is an offence of strict liability.
Note: For strict liability , see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code .
(4) Subregulation (1) is a civil penalty provision.
Note: Division 2 of Part 9A of the Code provides for pecuniary penalties for contraventions of civil penalty provisions.