(1) A commercial (balloon) pilot commits an offence if the pilot:
(a) flies as pilot in command of a balloon that is engaged in aerial work operations or charter operations; and
(b) has not, within the period of 2 years immediately before the day of the flight, satisfactorily completed a balloon flight review.
(2) A balloon flight review must:
(a) be conducted only by an appropriate person in a balloon for which the pilot holds a balloon class endorsement; and
(b) include at least:
(i) 1 inflation of the balloon envelope; and
(ii) 30 minutes of flight time; and
(iii) 1 deflation of the balloon envelope.
(3) If:
(a) a commercial (balloon) pilot undertakes a balloon flight review; and
(b) the requirements of subregulation (2) are not satisfied in relation to the review;
the pilot is taken not to have satisfactorily completed the review.
(4) A person commits an offence if:
(a) the person conducts a balloon flight review of a commercial (balloon) pilot; and
(b) the pilot satisfactorily completes the review; and
(c) the person is satisfied that the pilot is able to safely fly a balloon in aerial work operations or charter operations; and
(d) the person does not make an entry in the pilot's personal log book to the effect that the pilot has satisfactorily completed the review.
(5) For this regulation, a commercial (balloon) pilot is taken to have satisfactorily completed a balloon flight review if, within the period of 2 years immediately before the day of a proposed flight, the pilot has:
(a) passed a flight test conducted for the purpose of:
(i) the issue of a commercial pilot (balloon) licence; or
(ii) the issue, or renewal, of a flight instructor (balloon) rating; or
(b) satisfactorily completed a balloon proficiency check; or
(c) satisfactorily completed balloon conversion training given by the holder of a flight instructor (balloon) rating.
(6) An offence against this regulation is an offence of strict liability.
(7) In this regulation:
"appropriate person" means:
(a) a person who holds a flight instructor (balloon) rating; or
(b) a CASA flying operations inspector; or
(c) an authorised person.
"balloon conversion training" means training undertaken by a commercial (balloon) pilot for the purpose of qualifying for a balloon class endorsement.
"balloon flight review" means a test of the aeronautical skills and aeronautical knowledge of the person undertaking the review that are relevant to the safe flight of balloons in aerial work operations or charter operations.