Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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Note:   A number of expressions used in these Regulations are defined in the Act, including the following:

(a)   financial product;

(b)   financial service;

(c)   managed investment scheme;

(d)   superannuation entity;

(e)   trustee.

  (1)   In these Regulations:

"ACH" means Australian Clearing House Pty Limited.

"Act" means the Corporations Act 2001 .

"agent" means a person appointed under subsection   601CG(1) of the Act.

"approved foreign bank" :

  (a)   in relation to a participant of a licensed market, means a bank:

  (i)   established by or under the law of a foreign country; and

  (ii)   in relation to which there is in force an approval given by the market licensee in accordance with its operating rules or by ASIC under the market integrity rules; and

  (b)   in relation to a financial services licensee other than a participant of a licensed market, means a bank:

  (i)   regulated by an overseas regulator; and

  (ii)   in relation to which there is in force an approval given by ASIC for the purposes of this definition.

"approved form" , in relation to a provision of the Act or of these Regulations, means the form that is approved under paragraph   350(1)(b) of the Act for use for that provision.

"associated provisions" , in relation to provisions (the core provisions ) of the relevant old legislation as in force at a particular time, include (but are not limited to):

  (a)   any regulations or other instruments that are or were in force for the purposes of any of the core provisions at that time; and

  (b)   any interpretation provisions that apply or applied in relation to any of the core provisions at that time (whether or not they also apply or applied for other purposes); and

  (c)   any provisions relating to liability (civil or criminal) that apply or applied in relation to any of the core provisions at that time (whether or not they also apply or applied for other purposes); and

  (d)   any provisions that limit or limited, or that otherwise affect or affected, the operation of any of the core provisions at that time (whether or not they also limit or limited, or affect or affected, the operation of other provisions).

"ASTC" means ASX Settlement and Transfer Corporation Pty Limited.

"ASTC certificate cancellation provisions" means the provisions of the ASTC operating rules that deal with:

  (a)   the cancellation of certificates or other documents of title to Division   4 financial products; and

  (b)   matters incidental to the cancellation of those certificates or documents.

"ASTC-regulated transfer" means a transfer of a Division   4 financial product:

  (a)   within the meaning of:

  (i)   Division   4 of Part   7.11 of the Act; and

  (ii)   regulations relating to transfer made for sections   1074A and 1074E of the Act; and

  (b)   that is effected through ASTC; and

  (c)   that, according to the ASTC operating rules, is an ASTC - regulated transfer.

"benefit fund" has the meaning given by section   16B of the Life Insurance Act 1995 .

"building society" has the same meaning as in section   16 of the RSA Act.

"capital guaranteed" , for a superannuation product or an RSA, means that the contributions and accumulated earnings may not be reduced by a negative investment return or a reduction in the value of an asset in which the product is invested.

"capital guaranteed fund" means a public offer superannuation fund, or a sub - fund of a public offer superannuation fund, that has the following characteristics:

  (a)   its investments comprise 1 or more of the following only:

  (i)   deposits with an ADI;

  (ii)   investments in a capital guaranteed superannuation product or RSA;

  (b)   the contributions and accumulated earnings of its members cannot be reduced by negative investment returns (within the meaning of subregulation   5.01(1) of the SIS Regulations) or by any reduction in the value of its assets.

"capital guaranteed member" means a member whose interest in a public offer superannuation fund is fully invested in a capital guaranteed fund.

"carbon abatement contract" has the same meaning as in the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011 .

"cash management trust interest" means an interest that:

  (a)   is an interest in a registered scheme or a notified foreign passport fund; and

  (b)   relates to an undertaking of the kind commonly known as a cash management trust.

"client money reporting infringement notice" : see regulation   7.8.05A.

"client money reporting infringement notice period" : see regulation   7.8.05A.

"CPI" means the Consumer Price Index number (being the weighted average of the 8 capital cities) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

"Division 3 asset" means:

  (a)   shares mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(a) of the Act; or

  (b)   debentures mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(b) of the Act; or

  (c)   interests in a registered scheme mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(c) of the Act; or

  (ca)   a CGS depository interest mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(da) of the Act; or

  (d)   securities mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(e) of the Act.

"Division 3 rights" means:

  (a)   rights mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(d) of the Act; and

  (b)   rights related to securities mentioned in paragraph   1073A(1)(e) of the Act.

"Division 3 securities" means Division   3 assets and Division   3 rights.

"Division 4 financial product" has the meaning given by regulation   7.11.03.

"enduring power of attorney" means an enduring power of attorney that complies with a law of a State or Territory.

"Exchange body" means:

  (a)   Australian Stock Exchange Limited; or

  (b)   a subsidiary of Australian Stock Exchange Limited.

"financial business" means a business that:

  (a)   consists of, or includes, the provision of financial services; or

  (b)   relates wholly or partly to the provision of financial services.

"form" means an approved form or a prescribed form.

"friendly society" has the meaning given by section   16C of the Life Insurance Act 1995 .

"friendly society funeral product" : see subregulation   7.6.01(7).

"FSR commencement" means the commencement of item   1 of Schedule   1 to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 .

"funeral services entity" : see subregulation   7.6.01(7).

"generic MySuper product" : a class of beneficial interest in a superannuation entity is a generic MySuper product if:

  (a)   the superannuation entity is a regulated superannuation fund; and

  (b)   the RSE licensee of the fund is authorised to offer that class of beneficial interest in the fund as a MySuper product under section   29T of the SIS Act; and

  (c)   the RSE licensee of the fund is not authorised to offer that class of beneficial interest in the fund as a MySuper product because section   29TA or 29TB of the SIS Act is satisfied in relation to the class.

"income stream financial product" means an annuity or other facility that is a financial product which provides an income stream, including:

  (a)   an income stream that is an investment life insurance product; or

  (b)   an income designated under section   9 of the Social Security Act 1991 or section   5H of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 ;

but does not include any of the following:

  (c)   a financial product under paragraph   764A(1)(ba) of the Act;

  (d)   anything that is not a financial product under section   765A of the Act;

  (e)   available money;

  (f)   deposit money;

  (g)   a managed investment product;

  (ga)   a foreign passport fund product;

  (h)   a security;

  (i)   a loan that has not been repaid in full;

  (j)   gold, silver or platinum bullion.

Note:   In accordance with subsections   761G(6) and (7) of the Act, superannuation products and RSAs are not income stream financial products.

"investment-based financial product" means:

  (a)   a financial product under section   763B of the Act; or

  (b)   a financial product under paragraph   764A(1)(ba), (bb) or (j) of the Act; or

  (c)   a financial product under paragraph   764A(1)(m) of the Act that is specified to be an investment - based financial product; or

  (d)   a security; or

  (e)   a managed investment product; or

  (f)   an investment life insurance product; or

  (g)   a deposit product; or

  (ga)   a carbon unit;

  (gb)   an Australian carbon credit unit;

  (gc)   an eligible international emissions unit;

but does not include any of the following:

  (h)   anything that is not a financial product under section   765A of the Act;

  (i)   an income stream financial product.

Note:   In accordance with subsections   761G(6) and (7) of the Act, superannuation products and RSAs are not income stream financial products.

"Lloyd's" has the same meaning as in the Insurance Act 1973 .

"medical indemnity insurance product" means an arrangement:

  (a)   under which medical indemnity cover is provided to:

  (i)   a medical practitioner as defined in section   4 of the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003 ; or

  (ii)   a registered health professional prescribed by regulations made under the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003 for the purposes of a provision of Part   3 of that Act; and

  (b)   to which the Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product Standards) Act 2003 applies.

"minor fee" , for a standard margin lending facility, means a fee or cost for the facility that:

  (a)   does not relate to the ordinary acquisition, operation or closure of the facility; and

  (b)   is less than $10.

"NFPFRN" : see Notified Foreign Passport Fund Registration Number .

"non-cash payment financial product" means a financial product under section   763D of the Act, other than:

  (a)   a derivative; or

  (b)   a financial product under paragraph   764A(1)(k) of the Act; or

  (c)   anything that is not a financial product under section   765A of the Act.

"non-Division 3 securities" means financial products to which Division   3 or 4 of Part   7.11 of the Act applies because of a declaration made by ASIC under paragraph   1075A(1)(b) of the Act.

"Notified Foreign Passport Fund Registration Number" or NFPFRN , for a notified foreign passport fund, is the unique registration code allocated to the fund by the home regulator for the fund.

"old Corporations Act" means the Corporations Act 2001 as in force immediately before the FSR commencement.

"policy committee" has the same meaning as in the SIS Act.

"pre-FSR securities" means securities defined in subsection   92(3) of the old Corporations Act.

"preserved benefits" means preserved benefits under:

  (a)   Subdivision   6.1.2 of the SIS Regulations; or

  (b)   Subdivision   4.1.2 of the RSA Regulations.

"proper ASTC transfer" means:

  (a)   an ASTC - regulated transfer of a Division   4 financial product effected:

  (i)   through the prescribed CS facility operated by the ASTC; and

  (ii)   in accordance with the operating rules of the ASTC; and

  (b)   an ASTC - regulated transfer that the ASTC, in accordance with its operating rules, determines:

  (i)   to comply substantially with the applicable provisions of those operating rules; and

  (ii)   to be taken to be, and always to have been, a proper ASTC transfer.

"public offer entity" has the same meaning as in the SIS Act.

"public offer superannuation fund" has the same meaning as in the SIS Act.

"qualifying gas exchange product" means an arrangement for the physical delivery of natural gas or related goods or services, including pipeline capacity.

"qualifying gas trading exchange" means a facility:

  (a)   established by the Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (ACN 072   010   327) exercising its functions under subsection   91BRK(1) of the National Gas Law set out in the Schedule to the National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008 (SA); and

  (b)   through which persons may elect to buy and sell natural gas or related goods or services (including pipeline capacity).

"quarter day" means 31   March, 30   June, 30   September or 31   December.

"recipient" :

  (a)   in relation to an infringement notice given under regulation   7.2A.04, has the meaning given by regulation   7.2A.03; and

  (b)   in relation to a client money reporting infringement notice, has the meaning given by regulation   7.8.05A; and

  (c)   in relation to an infringement notice given under regulation   7.5A.104, has the meaning given by regulation   7.5A.103.

"registration number" means:

  (a)   for a company--the number allotted to the company under paragraph   118(1)(a) or 601BD(1)(a) of the Act; or

  (b)   for a registered body--the number allotted to it under section   601CB or 601CE of the Act; or

  (c)   for an auditor--the number allotted to a person on registration of that person as an auditor.

"restricted non-preserved benefits" means restricted non - preserved benefits under:

  (a)   Subdivision   6.1.3 of the SIS Regulations; or

  (b)   Subdivision   4.1.3 of the RSA Regulations.

"risk-based financial product" means:

  (a)   a financial product that is a facility through which, or through the acquisition of which, a person manages financial risk ; or

  (b)   a life risk insurance product;

but does not include any of the following:

  (c)   a derivative;

  (d)   anything that is not a financial product under section   765A of the Act.

Note:   In accordance with subsections   761G(5) and (7) of the Act, general insurance products are not risk - based financial products.

"RSA Act" means the Retirement Savings Accounts Act 1997 .

"RSA Regulations" means the Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations   1997 .

"settlement documents" , in relation to a transaction, means:

  (a)   if the agreement for the transaction has not been discharged--documents the supply of which in accordance with the agreement is sufficient to discharge the obligations of the seller under the agreement, in so far as the obligations relate to the supply of documents in connection with the transaction; or

  (b)   if the agreement for the transaction has been discharged, whether by performance or otherwise--documents the supply of which in accordance with the agreement would, if the agreement had not been discharged, be sufficient to discharge the obligations of the seller under the agreement, in so far as the obligations relate to the supply of documents in connection with the transaction.

"simple managed investment scheme" means a registered scheme (other than a passport fund) which is or was offered because it meets 1 of the following requirements:

  (a)   the scheme invests at least 80% of its assets in money in an account with a bank on the basis that the money is available for withdrawal:

  (i)   immediately during the bank's normal business hours; or

  (ii)   at the end of a fixed - term period that does not exceed 3 months;

  (b)   the scheme invests at least 80% of its assets in money on deposit with a bank on the basis that the money is available for withdrawal:

  (i)   immediately during the bank's normal business hours; or

  (ii)   at the end of a fixed - term period that does not exceed 3 months;

  (c)   the scheme invests at least 80% of its assets under 1 or more arrangements by which the responsible entity of the scheme can reasonably expect to realise the investment, at the market value of the assets, within 10 days.

"simple sub-fund product" means a security in a retail CCIV that is, or was, offered because the security is referable to a sub - fund of the CCIV (other than a passport fund) that meets one of the following requirements:

  (a)   the CCIV, in respect of the sub - fund, invests at least 80% of the assets of the sub - fund in money in an account with a bank on the basis that the money is available for withdrawal:

  (i)   immediately during the bank's normal business hours; or

  (ii)   at the end of a fixed - term period that does not exceed 3 months;

  (b)   the CCIV, in respect of the sub - fund, invests at least 80% of the assets of the sub - fund in money on deposit with a bank on the basis that the money is available for withdrawal:

  (i)   immediately during the bank's normal business hours; or

  (ii)   at the end of a fixed - term period that does not exceed 3 months;

  (c)   the CCIV, in respect of the sub - fund, invests at least 80% of the assets of the sub - fund under one or more arrangements by which the corporate director of the CCIV can reasonably expect to realise the investment, at the market value of the assets, within 10 days.

"SIS Act" means the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 .

"SIS Regulations" means the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations   1994 .

"sub-plan" , in relation to a regulated superannuation fund, means a segment of the fund comprising a member or members of the fund, being a sub - plan that the trustee determines should be made.

"successor fund" has the same meaning as in the SIS Regulations.

"superannuation interest" has the same meaning as in the SIS Act.

"superannuation lump sum" has the meaning given by subsection   995 - 1(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 .

"superannuation scheme" means a complying superannuation fund within the meaning of subsection   995 - 1(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 .

"superannuation-sourced money" means money in relation to which:

  (a)   the provider of a financial service knows that the money:

  (i)   will be paid to a person as a superannuation lump sum by the trustee of a regulated superannuation fund; or

  (ii)   has been paid as an eligible termination payment (within the meaning of these Regulations as in force immediately before 1   July 2007) or as a superannuation lump sum at any time during the previous 6 months; or

  (b)   the provider of the financial service ought reasonably to know that fact.

"unauthorised foreign insurer" has the same meaning as in the Insurance Regulations   2024 .

"unrestricted non-preserved benefits" means unrestricted non - preserved benefits under:

  (a)   Subdivision   6.1.4 of the SIS Regulations; or

  (b)   Subdivision   4.1.4 of the RSA Regulations.

warrant means:

  (a)   a derivative that is transferable; or

  (b)   a financial product that is transferable and that would, apart from the effect of paragraph   761D(3)(c) of the Act, be a derivative, and is excluded by that paragraph only because it is:

  (i)   a security mentioned in paragraph   92(5)(c) of the Act; or

  (ii)   a legal or equitable right or interest mentioned in subparagraph   764A(1)(b)(ii) of the Act; or

  (iii)   a legal or equitable right or interest mentioned in subparagraph   764A(1)(ba)(ii) of the Act; or

  (iv)   a legal or equitable right or interest mentioned in subparagraph   764A(1)(bb)(ii) of the Act.

  (2)   In these Regulations, a reference to a form by number is a reference to the form so numbered in Schedule   2.

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