Unless ASIC otherwise approves, a document to be lodged must:
(a) be on white or light pastel colour paper:
(i) of international A4 size; and
(ii) of medium weight and good quality; and
(b) be clearly printed or written in black or dark blue in a manner that is permanent and will make possible a reproduction, by photographic, computerised or other electronic means that is satisfactory to ASIC; and
(c) not be a carbon copy or a copy reproduced by any spirit duplication method; and
(d) subject to paragraph (h), have margins of not less than 10 millimetres on all sides; and
(e) if it comprises 2 or more sheets, be fastened together securely in the top left - hand corner; and
(f) for a document for a corporation, managed investment scheme or sub - fund of a CCIV (the subject )--display on the first page of the document or, if the document is a single sheet, on that sheet:
(i) the subject's name; and
(ii) subject to regulation 7.6.03, the subject's ACN, ARBN, ARSN or ARFN; and
(iii) subject to regulation 7.6.03, if the last 9 digits of the subject's ABN are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of the subject's ACN, ARBN, ARSN or ARFN--the subject's ABN; and
(iv) if the subject is a managed investment scheme that is a notified foreign passport fund--the NFPFRN for the fund and any other unique number for the fund allocated to the fund by ASIC; and
(fa) for all documents--display on the first page of the document or, if the document is a single sheet, on that sheet:
(i) the title of the document; and
(ii) the section number of the Act under which the document is being lodged; and
(g) have the following information at the top left - hand of the first sheet:
(i) registered agent number (if any); and
(ii) lodging party or agent name; and
(iii) address; and
(iv) telephone number; and
(v) facsimile number (if any); and
(vi) DX number and applicable suburb or city (if any); and
(h) at the top right - hand of the first sheet, have a blank space that measures 35 millimetres from the top of the page and 65 millimetres from the right - hand side of the page; and
(j) if the document is a form relating to a no liability company, be completed by inserting the words 'No Liability' in place of the word 'Limited'; and
(k) in the case of an unlimited company, have the word 'Limited' omitted; and
(l) if the document contains maps or charts on which areas have been distinguished by colour, also distinguish those areas by hatching, numbering or lettering.
Note: In addition to the requirements in paragraph (f), if a managed investment scheme is also an Australian passport fund, all documents relating to the fund lodged with ASIC must also include the scheme's APFRN: see section 1212B of the Act.