A document lodged under section 675 or 675A of the Act must be accompanied by Form 1003 setting out the following information:
(a) if the disclosing entity is a body:
(i) the ACN or ARBN of the body or, if the last 9 digits of its ABN are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ACN or ARBN, the ABN of the body; and
(ii) a statement of certification in accordance with regulation 1.0.16; or
(b) if the disclosing entity is a registered scheme:
(i) the ARSN of the scheme or, if the last 9 digits of its ABN are the same, and in the same order, as the last 9 digits of its ARSN, the ABN of the scheme; and
(ii) the name of the responsible entity of the scheme and the name of the scheme; and
(iii) a statement of certification in accordance with regulation 1.0.16.