(1) ASIC must establish and maintain a website (the publication website ) on which it publishes notices that have to be:
(a) published in the prescribed manner under Part 5.1, 5.3A, 5.3B, 5.4, 5.4B, 5.4C, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5A.1 or 5B.2 of the Act; or
(b) lodged in accordance with this section.
(2) ASIC is taken to have complied with a requirement to publish a notice, or a copy of a notice, in the prescribed manner if ASIC publishes the notice on the publication website.
(3) A person (other than ASIC) is taken to have complied with a requirement to publish a notice, or a copy of a notice, in the prescribed manner if the person electronically lodges the notice with ASIC for publication by ASIC.
(4) A person electronically lodges a notice, or a copy of a notice, with ASIC if:
(a) the person:
(i) pays the fee prescribed under the Corporations (Fees) Regulations 2001 ; and
(ii) sends the notice in an electronic communication to the portal for ASIC's publication website, in the format required by ASIC; and
(iii) receives an electronic communication from ASIC that confirms the fee has been paid and the notice has been lodged; or
(b) the notice, or a copy of the notice, appears on the publication website.
(5) If a person lodges a notice, or a copy of a notice, in accordance with subsection (4), ASIC must publish the notice or copy of the notice on the publication website.
Note: This regulation is made for section 1367A of the Act.