Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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- made under the Family Law Act 1975

Statutory Rules No. 426, 1984

made under the

Family Law Act 1975

Compilation No. 74

Compilation date: 1 August 2024

Includes amendments: F2024L00668

Registered: 1 August 2024

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Family Law Regulations 1984 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 August 2024 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part I--Preliminary

1 Name of regulations

2 Authority

3 Definitions

Part II--General

4 Directions as to practice and procedure

5 Non-compliance with Regulations

6 Court or relevant Registrar may relieve from consequences of non-compliance

7 Appointment of family consultants

8 Prescribed information about non-court based family services and court's processes and services (Act s 12B)

8A Prescribed information about reconciliation (Act s 12C)

8B Prescribed information about Part VII proceedings (Act s 12D)

10A Proceedings for divorce order not to be instituted in a court of summary jurisdiction other than a prescribed court (Act s 44A)

12A Prescribed pensions, allowances or benefits--subsection 4(1) of the Act

12B Child welfare law--prescribed law of a State or Territory

12BA Child welfare officer--prescribed office of a State or Territory

12BB Family violence order--prescribed laws of State or Territory

12BC De facto relationships--prescribed laws and relationships

12C Artificial conception procedures: child of woman and other intended parent--prescribed laws

12CA Artificial conception procedures: child of woman--prescribed laws

12CAA Children born under surrogacy arrangements--prescribed laws

12CAB Other circumstances in which court may hear application for Part VII order (Act s 60I(9)(f))

12CB Commonwealth information orders--prescribed Departments and Commonwealth instrumentalities

12CBA Information sharing agencies

12CBB Information sharing safeguards

12CC Registration of court decision (Act s 68R(6))

12CE Evidence relating to professional confidential relationship privilege--prescribed laws

12D Registration of State child orders--prescribed States

13 Authentication of consent in writing

14 Meaning of prescribed overseas jurisdiction

14A Prescribed maximum period--sentence or order (Act s 70NFC(6), 112AG(6))

15 Institution etc of proceedings by persons holding certain offices

15AA Third party expenses (Act s 90AJ)

15AB De facto relationships--prescribed laws

17 Registration of decrees

17A Declaration--definition of forfeiture order

17B Declaration--definition of restraining order

17C Definition of State or Territory proceeds of crime law

17D Definition of proceeds of crime authority

18 Interstate enforcement of affiliation and similar orders

19 Operation of State and Territory laws--prescribed laws (Act s 114AB)

19A Exceptions to restriction on publishing Court proceedings--States and Territories authorities that have responsibilities relating to the welfare of children

20 Priority of attachment orders

21 Conversion of currency

Part IIAAA--Protected names and symbols

21AAA Protected names (Act s 9A)

21AAB Protected symbols (Act s 9A)

Part IIAB--Service under the Hague Service Convention

Division 1--Preliminary

21AC Definitions for Part IIAB

21AD Provisions of this Part to prevail

Division 2--Service abroad of local judicial documents

21AE Application of Division

21AF Application for request for service abroad

21AG How application to be dealt with

21AH Procedure on receipt of certificate of service

21AI Payment of costs

21AJ Evidence of service

Division 3--Default judgment following service abroad of initiating process

21AK Application of Division

21AL Restriction on power to enter default judgment if certificate of service filed

21AM Restriction on power to enter default judgment if certificate of service not filed

21AN Setting aside judgment in default of appearance

Part IIAC--Service in countries that are parties to conventions other than the Hague Service Convention

21AO Application of Part

21AP Definitions for Part IIAC

21AQ Service in accordance with convention

21AR Request for service

21AS Certificate of service

Part IIA--Parentage testing procedures and reports

Division 1--General

21A Application of Part

21B Interpretation

21C Parentage testing procedures

21D Compliance with Regulations

Division 2--Collection, storage and testing of samples

21E Samplers

21F Provision of information by donor--Form 2

21G Collection of blood samples

21H Collection of bodily samples for DNA typing

21I Container to be sealed and labelled

21J Statement by sampler--Form 4

21K Packing and storage requirements

21L Testing of bodily samples

Division 3--Reports

21M Reports--Form 5

Division 4--Miscellaneous

21N Notification of accredited laboratories and nominated reporters

Part III--Overseas orders

Division 1--Overseas child orders

23 Registration of overseas child orders

24 Transmission of orders to overseas jurisdiction

Division 2--Maintenance

24A Definitions for Division 2

25 Reciprocating jurisdictions

28 Dealing with provisional overseas maintenance orders

28A Hearings about applications about provisional overseas maintenance orders

28B Making of orders about provisional overseas maintenance orders

28C Dealing with United States petitions

28D Hearing of applications based on United States petitions

28E Effect of orders about United States petitions

29 Power to make provisional order against person in reciprocating jurisdiction

29A Dealing with provisional order against person in reciprocating jurisdiction

29B Taking of further evidence

29C Confirmation of provisional order against person in reciprocating jurisdiction

30 Proceedings for enforcement of overseas maintenance entry liabilities

31 Cancellation of registration in reciprocating jurisdiction

32 Cancellation of registration of overseas maintenance orders

34 Cancellation of registration of overseas maintenance agreements

36 Party in Australia may apply to vary etc overseas maintenance order, agreement or liability

37 Discharge etc of overseas maintenance order or liability made in absence of party

38 Variation etc orders--status

38A Making and effect of provisional variation etc orders

38B Taking of further evidence

39 Confirmation of variations made provisionally in reciprocating jurisdiction

Part IIIB--Parentage

39B Extension of provisions of Act

39BA Jurisdictions

Part IIIC--Jurisdiction of courts and related matters

39BB Certain jurisdiction of Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2) must not be exercised in States and Territories

39C Jurisdiction of courts

39D Convention countries

Part IV--Convention on recovery abroad of maintenance

40 Interpretation of Part IV

45 Immunity of Secretary from orders to pay costs

48 Convention countries

50 Applications by persons in convention countries for recovery of maintenance under Commonwealth, State or Territory law

50A Proceedings on behalf of persons in convention countries for recovery of maintenance

50B Return of applications

51 Certain requests to be made only with leave of court

53 Taking of evidence at request of appropriate authority in convention countries

54 Obtaining evidence in convention countries for purposes of proceedings under this Part

55 Admissibility of evidence given in convention countries

56 Orders of court in convention countries

Part V--Arbitration

67A Definitions for Part V

67B Prescribed requirements for arbitrator (Act s 10M)

67C Matters that may not be arbitrated

67D Application for referral to arbitration (Act s 13E)

67E Application relating to relevant property or financial arbitration (Act s 13F)

67F Arbitration agreement

67G Notice of arbitration

67H Costs of arbitration

67I Duties of arbitrator

67J Oath or affirmation by arbitrator

67K Suspension of arbitration--failure to comply with direction

67L Termination of arbitration--lack of capacity

67M Appearance in arbitration

67N Attendance of persons to give evidence

67O Application of rules of evidence

67P Making an award

67Q Registration of award (Act s 13H)

67R Notice of registration of award

67S Enforcement of registered awards

67T Registration of decree affecting registered award

Part VI--Application, saving and transitional provisions

80 Savings in relation to the former Regulations

81 Transitional matters in connection with Family Law Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2)

83 Transitional matters relating to Family Law Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 4)

84 Amendments made by the Family Law Amendment (Arbitration) Regulations 2024

Schedule 1 

Form 1A--Request for service abroad of judicial documents and certificate

Form 1B--Summary of the document to be served

Form 2--Parentage testing procedure Affidavit by/in relation to donor

Form 4--Parentage testing procedure Collection of bodily samples

Form 5--Parentage testing procedure report

Form 6--Application for arbitration

Form 7--Application relating to relevant property or financial arbitration

Form 8--Application to register arbitration award

Form 9--Application to register decree affecting registered arbitration award

Schedule 1A--Countries or parts of countries, declared to be prescribed overseas jurisdictions for certain purposes

Schedule 2--Reciprocating jurisdictions

Schedule 3--Convention on the recovery abroad of maintenance

Schedule 4--Convention countries

Schedule 4A--Jurisdictions and convention countries

Schedule 5--Prescribed laws--definition of child welfare law in subsection 4(1) of the Act

Schedule 8--Family violence order--prescribed laws of State or Territory

Schedule 9A--Professional confidential relationship privilege--prescribed laws

Schedule 10--Protected Names

Schedule 11--Protected Symbols


Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history



Endnote 1--About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1--About the endnotes

Endnote 2--Abbreviation key

Endnote 3--Legislation history

Endnote 4--Amendment history

Abbreviation key--Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history--Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe how an amendment is to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, then the misdescribed amendment can be incorporated through an editorial change made under section  15V of the Legislation Act 2003.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the amendment is not incorporated and "(md not incorp)" is added to the amendment history.


Endnote 2--Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev ... ) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

Sub-Ch = Sub-Chapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3--Legislation history


Number and year

FRLI registration or gazettal


Application, saving and transitional provisions

1984 No. 426

20 Dec 1984

2 Jan 1985 (r 1)


1985 No. 183

31 July 1985

1 Aug 1985 (r 1)


1986 No. 140

26 June 1986

r 2 and 3: 1 July 1986
r 4: 1 Sept 1986
Remainder: 26 June 1986

r 2, 3, 4(3) and (4)

1986 No. 393

12 Jan 1987

12 Jan 1987


1987 No. 85

27 May 1987

27 May 1987


1987 No. 175

31 Aug 1987

1 Sept 1987


1988 No. 42

24 Mar 1988

1 Apr 1988 (gaz 1988, No. S83)


1988 No. 44

30 Mar 1988

1 Apr 1988


1988 No. 164

30 June 1988

1 July 1988


1988 No. 165

30 June 1988

1 July 1988 (gaz 1988, No S191)


1989 No. 8

13 Feb 1989

13 Feb 1989


1989 No. 53

14 Apr 1989

14 Apr 1989


1989 No. 74

4 May 1989

4 May 1989


1989 No. 155

30 June 1989

1 July 1989


1989 No. 205

7 Aug 1989

7 Aug 1989


1989 No. 235

5 Sept 1989

5 Sept 1989


1989 No. 326

30 Nov 1989

1 Dec 1989

r. 3

1990 No. 294

21 Sept 1990

21 Sept 1990


1990 No. 373

6 Dec 1990

6 Dec 1990


1991 No. 401

12 Dec 1991

27 Dec 1991 (r 1)


1991 No. 447

19 Dec 1991

1 Apr 1992 (r 1)
Note: disallowed by the Senate on 3 Mar 1992

r 6

1992 No. 33

7 Feb 1992

r 5: 1 Apr 1992
Remainder: 7 Feb 1992


1992 No. 160

12 June 1992

12 June 1992


1992 No. 287

8 Sept 1992

8 Sept 1992


1992 No. 376

30 Nov 1992

30 Nov 1992


1992 No. 404

16 Dec 1992

16 Dec 1992


1994 No. 86

7 Apr 1994

7 Apr 1994


1994 No. 343

18 Oct 1994

18 Oct 1994


1995 No. 297

26 Oct 1995

1 Nov 1995


1995 No. 400

19 Dec 1995

19 Dec 1995


1995 No. 419

22 Dec 1995

1 Jan 1996


1996 No. 71

5 June 1996

11 June 1996


1996 No. 188

30 Aug 1996

1 Sept 1996


as amended by




1996 No. 201

11 Sept 1996

1 Sept 1996


1996 No. 253

26 Nov 1996

1 Dec 1996

r 3 and 6

1996 No. 265

11 Dec 1996

1 Jan 1997

r 7

1997 No. 157

30 June 1997

1 July 1997
Note: disallowed by the Senate on 24 Nov 1997


1997 No. 232

10 Sept 1997

10 Sept 1997


1997 No. 251

24 Sept 1997

24 Sept 1997


1997 No. 376

24 Dec 1997

1 Jan 1998

r 4

1998 No. 39

25 Mar 1998

25 Mar 1998


1998 No. 121

9 June 1998

9 June 1998


1998 No. 222

7 July 1998

7 July 1998


1998 No. 270

1 Sept 1998

1 Sept 1998


1998 No. 329

16 Dec 1998

16 Dec 1998


1999 No. 39

24 Mar 1999

24 Mar 1999


1999 No. 173

1 Sept 1999

1 Sept 1999 (r 2)


2000 No. 16

15 Mar 2000

15 Mar 2000 (r 2)


2000 No. 81

26 May 2000

1 July 2000 (r 2)


2000 No. 207

31 July 2000

31 July 2000 (r 2)


2000 No. 254

15 Sept 2000

15 Sept 2000 (r 2)


2001 No. 31

1 Mar 2001

1 Mar 2001 (r 2)


2001 No. 117

6 June 2001

6 June 2001 (r 2)


2001 No. 264

5 Oct 2001

Sch 1: 5 Oct 2001 (r 2(a))
Remainder: 1 Jan 2002


2003 No. 339

23 Dec 2003

23 Dec 2003 (r 2)


2004 No. 319

25 Nov 2004

17 Dec 2004 (r 2)


2004 No. 370

23 Dec 2004

23 Dec 2004 (r 2)


2004 No. 371

23 Dec 2004

23 Dec 2004 (r 2)


2005 No. 207

19 Sept 2005 (F2005L02673)

1 Oct 2005 (r 2)


2006 No. 128

15 June 2006 (F2006L01760)

1 July 2006 (r 2)


2006 No. 256

6 Oct 2006 (F2006L03252)

9 Oct 2006 (r 2)


2007 No. 82

16 Apr 2007 (F2007L00988)

17 Apr 2007 (r 2)


2007 No. 212

23 July 2007 (F2007L02256)

26 July 2007 (r 2)


2007 No. 293

27 Sept 2007 (F2007L03678)

Sch 1: 28 Sept 2007 (r 2(a))
Remainder: 15 Oct 2007


2008 No. 104

20 June 2008 (F2008L02125)

21 June 2008 (r 2)


2008 No. 182

22 Sept 2008 (F2008L03471)

Sch 1: 1 Jan 2009 (r 2(a))
Sch 2: 1 July 2009 (r 2(b))


258, 2008

17 Dec 2008 (F2008L04634)

18 Dec 2008 (r 2)


259, 2008

17 Dec 2008 (F2008L04631)

Sch 1: 18 Dec 2008 (r 2(1)(a))
Sch 2: 30 Mar 2009 (r 2(1)(b))
Sch 3: 18 Dec 2008 (r 2(2)(b))


17, 2009

5 Feb 2009 (F2009L00262)

Sch 1: 6 Feb 2009 (r 2(a))
Sch 2: 1 Mar 2009 (r 2(b))
Sch 3: 1 Mar 2009 (r 2(c))


322, 2009

27 Nov 2009 (F2009L04294)

Sch 1: 1 Dec 2009 (r 2(a))
Sch 2: 1 Jan 2010 (r 2(b))


76, 2010

11 May 2010 (F2010L01220)

1 Nov 2010 (r 2)


165, 2010

29 June 2010 (F2010L01845)

1 July 2010 (r 2)


242, 2010

15 Oct 2010 (F2010L02720)

1 Nov 2010 (r 2)

r 4

255, 2010

28 Oct 2010 (F2010L02823)

29 Oct 2010 (r 2)


290, 2010

25 Nov 2010 (F2010L03072)

Sch 1: 26 Nov 2010 (r 2(a))
Sch 2: 1 Dec 2010 (r 2(b))


20, 2011

10 Mar 2011 (F2011L00408)

Sch 1: 11 Mar 2011 (r 2(a))
Sch 2: 11 Mar 2011 (r 2(b))
Sch 3: 9 Dec 2011 (r 2(c))


120, 2011

30 June 2011 (F2011L01364)

1 July 2011 (r 2)


9, 2012

23 Feb 2012 (F2012L00394)

Sch 1 (items 3, 4): 24 Feb 2012 (s 2(a))
Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 8 Mar 2012 (s 2(b))


as amended by




18, 2012

8 Mar 2012 (F2012L00545)

8 Mar 2012 (s 2)


10, 2012

24 Feb 2012 (F2012L00405)

Sch 1: never commenced (s 2)


as repealed by




284, 2012

11 Dec 2012 (F2012L02412)

s 3: 11 Oct 2013 (s 2)


50, 2012

20 Apr 2012 (F2012L00903)

21 Apr 2012 (s 2)


211, 2012

31 Aug 2012 (F2012L01818)

Sch 1: 1 Sept 2012 (s 2(a))
Sch 2: 17 Sept 2012 (s 2(b))
Sch 3: 12 Dec 2012 (s 2(c))
Sch 4: 11 June 2013 (s 2(d))


278, 2012

11 Dec 2012 (F2012L02391)

1 Jan 2013 (s 2)


51, 2013

11 Apr 2013 (F2013L00649)

Sch 1 (item 58): 12 Apr 2013 (s 2 item 2)


113, 2015

10 July 2015 (F2015L01130)

Sch 1 (items 2-6): 11 July 2015 (s 2(1) item 1)


137, 2015

14 Sept 2015 (F2015L01426)

15 Sept 2015 (s 2(1) item 1)






Application, saving and transitional provisions

Courts Administration (Consequential Amendments) Regulation 2016

10 May 2016 (F2016L00767)

Sch 1 (items 3, 4): 1 Jan 2018 (s 2(1) item 3)


Family Law Amendment (Registered Relationships) Regulations 2017

31 July 2017 (F2017L00976)

Sch 1 (items 2, 3): 1 Aug 2017 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Amendment (Family Violence Measures) Regulations 2019

25 Feb 2019 (F2019L00184)

26 Feb 2019 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulations 2019

22 Mar 2019 (F2019L00344)

Sch 1 (items 14-25, 27-65): 23 Mar 2019 (s 2(1) items 2, 4)
Sch 1 (item 26): 25 Apr 2019 (s 2(1) item 3)


Family Law Amendment (Prescribed Court) Regulations 2020

29 June 2020 (F2020L00812)

30 June 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Regulations 2020

7 Aug 2020 (F2020L00998)

1 Sept 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Legislation (Consequential Amendments and Other Measures) Regulations 2021

30 Aug 2021 (F2021L01204)

Sch 2 (items 64-85, 107): 1 Sept 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Amendment (Recognition of Surrogacy Parentage Orders) Regulations 2022

10 Jan 2023 (F2023L00024)

11 Jan 2023 (s 2(1) item 1)


Veterans' Entitlements (DFISA-like Payment) Repeal Regulations 2023

31 May 2023 (F2023L00647)

Sch 2: 1 June 2023 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Regulations 2023

29 Jan 2024 (F2024L00102)

6 May 2024 (s 2(1) item 1)


Family Law Amendment (Arbitration) Regulations 2024

14 June 2024 (F2024L00668)

1 Aug 2024 (s 2(1) item 2)




Number and year



Application, saving and transitional provisions

Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Self-Employment Programs and Other Measures) Act 2022

42, 2022

7 Oct 2022

Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 7 Oct 2022 (s 2(1) item 1)



Endnote 4--Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part I


r 1.....................

rs 1998 No 270

r 2.....................

rep LA s 48D


ad F2021L01204

r 3.....................

am 1996 No 71; 1999 No 39; 2000 Nos 81 and 207; 2001 No 31; 2006 No 128; 2007 No  82; 2008 No 182; No 76, 2010; No 242, 2010; No 290, 2010; No 278, 2012; No 113, 2015; F2016L00767; F2021L01204

r 3AA...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 3A....................

ad 1998 No 222


am 2010 No 242


rep F2021L01204

Part II


r 4.....................

am 2000 No 207; F2021L01204

r 6.....................

am F2021L01204

r 7.....................

rep 1996 No 71


ad 2006 No 128


rs 2007 No 82


am No 51, 2013


rs F2021L01204

r 7A....................

ad 1991 No 401


rep 1996 No 71

r 7B....................

ad 1992 No 376


rep 1996 No 71

r 8.....................

rs 2006 No 128; 2007 No 82

r 8A....................

ad 2007 No 82

r 8B....................

ad 2007 No 82

r 9.....................

rep 1996 No 71

r 9A....................

ad 1991 No 401


rep 1996 No 71

r 10....................

am 1988 No 164


rep F2021L01204

r 10A...................

ad 1988 No 165


am 1989 No 8; 1998 No 329; 1999 No 39


rs 2006 No 128

r 11....................

am 1985 No 183; 1987 No 175; 1988 No 44; 1989 No 155; 1995 No  419


rs 1996 No 188 (as am by 1996 No 201)


am 1996 No 253; 1998 No 39; 2000 Nos 16 and 207; 2001 No 264; 2005 No 207; 2006 Nos 128 and 256; 2007 No  293; 2010 Nos 165 and 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 11A...................

ad 2010 No 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 11B...................

ad 2010 No 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 11C...................

ad 2010 No 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 12....................

am 1999 No 39


rep 2010 No 76

r 12A...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1994 No 86; 1996 No 71; 1998 No 329; 2000 No 16; 2004 No 370; Act No 42, 2022; F2023L00647

r 12AB..................

ad 2001 No 31


rep F2021L01204

r 12AC..................

ad 2001 No 264


rs 2006 No 128


am 2008 No 104


rep 2012 No 211

r 12B...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1996 No 71; 2006 No 128

r 12BA..................

ad 1992 No 287


am 1992 No 404; 1996 No 71


rs 1998 No 329


am 2001 No 117; 2003 No 339; 2004 No 370; 2006 No 128; 2011 No 20; F2019L00344

r 12BB..................

ad 1996 No 71


am 2006 No 128

r 12BC..................

ad No 17, 2009


am No 322, 2009; No 255, 2010; No 9, 2012; No 211, 2012; No 113, 2015; F2017L00976; F2019L00344

r 12C...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1996 No 71


rs 2009 No 17


am 2009 No 322; 2010 No 255


ed C64


am F2020L00998

r 12CA..................

ad 1989 No 74


am 1996 No 71


rs 2009 No 17


am 2009 No 322; 2010 No 255; F2020L00998

r 12CAA.................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182


ad 2009 No 17


rs 2009 No 17


am 2009 No 322


rs 2010 No 255


am 2011 No 20; No 113, 2015; F2020L00998; F2023L00024

r 12CAB.................

ad 2009 No 17

r 12CB..................

ad 1996 No 71


am 2005 No 207; 2011 No 120; F2019L00344; F2020L00998

r 12CBA.................

ad F2024L00102

r 12CBB.................

ad F2024L00102

r 12CC..................

ad 1996 No 71


rs 2006 No 128


am F2019L00184; F2021L01204

r 12CD..................

ad 2006 No 128


rep F2024L00102

r 12CE..................

ad 2007 No 212

r 12D...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1994 No 343; 1996 No 71

r 13....................

am 1996 No 71


rs 1998 No 329


am F2019L00344

r 14....................

rs 1988 No 164; 1996 No 71


am 2006 No 128

r 14A...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 15....................

am 1988 Nos 42 and 164; 1989 No 74; 1996 Nos 71 and 188

r 15AA..................

ad 2004 No 319

r 15AB..................

ad No 17, 2009


am No 255, 2010; No 9, 2012; No 211, 2012; No 113, 2015; F2017L00976; F2019L00344

r 15A...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2004 No 370


rs 2006 No 128


am 2012 No 211


rep F2021L01204

r 16....................

am 1985 No 183; 1987 No 175; 1988 Nos 44 and 164; 1989 No 155; 1995 No 419; 1996 No  188; 2000 Nos 16 and 207; 2005 No 207; 2006 No 128; 2010 No 165


rs 2010 No 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 16A...................

ad 1996 No 188


am 2010 No 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 17....................

am 2000 No 207; 2006 No 128

r 17A...................

ad 2012 No 211

r 17B...................

ad 2012 No 211

r 17C...................

ad 2012 No 211

r 17D...................

ad 2012 No 211


ed C64

r 18....................

am 1999 No 39; 2000 No 207; F2021L01204

r 18A...................

ad 1990 No 294


rep 2001 No 31

r 19....................

am No 183, 1985; No 393, 1986; No 175, 1987; No 164, 1988; No 74, 1989; No 205, 1989, No  235, 1989; No 251, 1997; No 370, 2004


rs No 128, 2006


am No 259, 2008; No 20, 2011; No 9, 2012; No 211, 2012; No 137, 2015; F2019L00344

r 19A...................

am F2019L00344

r 20....................

am 2000 No 207

r 21....................

rs 2000 No 81



Part IIAAA...............

ad 2006 No 128

r 21AAA.................

ad 2006 No 128

r 21AAB.................

ad 2006 No 128



Part IIAA................

ad 1996 No 188


rep 2012 No 278

r 21AA..................

ad 1996 No 188


rs 2010 Nos 165 and 242


rep 2012 No 278

r 21AB..................

ad 1996 No 188


am 1996 No 253; 2010 Nos 165 and 242


rep 2012 No 278



Part IIAB.................

ad 2010 No 76

Division 1


r 21AC..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AD..................

ad 2010 No 76

Division 2


r 21AE..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AF..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AG..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AH..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AI...................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AJ...................

ad 2010 No 76

Division 3


r 21AK..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AL..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AM..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AN..................

ad 2010 No 76



Part IIAC.................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AO..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AP..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AQ..................

ad 2010 No 76

r 21AR..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

r 21AS..................

ad 2010 No 76


am F2021L01204

Part IIA


Part IIA..................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265

Division 1


r 21A...................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265

r 21B...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1989 No 74


rs 1996 No 265

r 21C...................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265


am 2006 No 128

r 21D...................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1989 No 74; 1992 No 404


rs 1996 No 265

Division 2


r 21E...................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265

r 21F...................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265


am 2001 No 117; 2004 No 370

r 21G...................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265

r 21H...................

ad 1996 No 265

r 21I....................

ad 1996 No 265

r 21J....................

ad 1996 No 265

r 21K...................

ad 1996 No 265


am 2001 No 117

r 21L...................

ad 1996 No 265

Division 3


r 21M...................

ad 1996 No 265

Division 4


r 21N...................

ad 1996 No 265


am 2004 No 370; No 51, 2013; F2021L01204

Part III


Division 1


Division 1 heading..........

ad 2000 No 81


rs 2004 No 371

r 22....................

rs 1999 No 39


rep 2000 No 81

r 23....................

am 1987 No 85; 1996 No 71; 1999 No 39; 2004 No 371; 2006 No 128; F2021L01204

r 24....................

am 1996 No 71


rs 2004 No 371


am 2006 No 128; F2021L01204

Division 2


Division 2 heading..........

ad 2000 No 81

r 24A...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2008 No 258

r 26....................

am 1987 No 85; 1999 No 39


rep 2000 No 81

r 27....................

am 1990 No 373; 1999 No 39


rep 2000 No 81

r 28....................

am 1987 No 85; 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 207; F2021L01204

r 28A...................

ad 1987 No 85


am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2008 No 258

r 28B...................

ad 2000 No 81

r 28C...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 207; F2021L01204

r 28D...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2008 No 258

r 28E...................

ad 2000 No 81

r 29....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2008 No 258

r 29A...................

ad 2000 No 81


am F2021L01204

r 29B...................

ad 2000 No 81

r 29C...................

ad 2000 No 81

r 30....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 207

r 31....................

am F2021L01204

r 32....................

am 2000 No 81; F2021L01204

r 33....................

am 1987 No 85; 1999 No 39


rep 2000 No 81

r 34....................

am 2000 No 81; F2021L01204

r 35....................

rep 2000 No 81

r 36....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


ed C62

r 37....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81

r 38....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 254

r 38A...................

ad 2000 No 81


am F2021L01204

r 38B...................

ad 2000 No 81


am F2021L01204

r 39....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 207

Part IIIA.................

ad 2000 No 81


rep 2007 No 293

r 39A...................

ad 2000 No 81


rep 2007 No 293



Part IIIB.................

ad 2000 No 81

r 39B...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2007 No 293

r 39BA..................

ad 2007 No 293



Part IIIC.................

ad 2000 No 81

r 39BB..................

ad 2012 No 50


am 2012 No 211; F2021L01204

r 39C...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2007 No 293

r 39CA..................

ad F2019L00184


ed C64


am F2020L00812


rep end of 31 Dec 2020 (r 39CA(3))

r 39D...................

ad 2000 No 81


rs 2007 No 293

Part IV


r 40....................

am 2000 No 81

r 41-44..................

rep 2000 No 81

r 45....................

rs 2000 No 81


am F2021L01204

r 46....................

rep 2000 No 81

r 47....................

am 1985 No 183


rep 2000 No 81

r 48....................

rs 1995 No 400

r 49....................

am 1999 No 39


rep 2000 No 81

r 50....................

am 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81

r 50A...................

ad 2000 No 81


am 2008 No 258

r 50B...................

ad 2000 No 81

r 51....................

am 1999 No 39

r 52....................

rep 2000 No 81

r 53....................

rs 2000 No 81


am 2000 No 207

r 54....................

am 1999 No 39; 2000 No 81

r 55....................

rs 2004 No 371

Part 4A..................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 1................

rep 2008 No 182

r 57....................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 2................

rep 2008 No 182

r 58....................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 58A...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 58B...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 58C...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Part 4B..................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 1................

rep 2008 No 182

r 59....................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 59A...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 59B...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No, 182

Division 2................

rep 2008 No 182

r 60....................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60A...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60B...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60C...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60D...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60E...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60F...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60G...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60H...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60J....................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60K...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60L...................

ad 2007 No 82


am 2007 No 293


rep 2008 No 182

r 60M...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 60N...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 3................

rep 2008 No 182

r 61A...................

ad 2007 No 82


am 2007 No 293


rep 2008 No 182

r 61B...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

r 61C...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Part 4C..................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 1................

rep 2008 No 182

r 61D...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Division 2................

rep 2008 No 182

r 61E...................

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Part V


Part V heading (prev Part 5


Part V...................

rep 1989 No 326

Part 5 heading.............

rs 2006 No 128; 2008 No 182




ed C62

Part 5...................

ad 1996 No 71

Division 1................

rs 2006 No 128


rep 2008 No 182

r 57....................

rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 58....................

rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 62....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rs 2006 No 128


rep 2008 No 182

r 62A...................

ad 2007 No 82


am 2007 No 293


rep 2008 No 182

r 63....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rs 2006 No 128


rep 2008 No 182

r 64....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rs 2006 No 128


rep 2008 No 182

r 65....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


am 2001 No 31


rs 2006 No 128


rep 2008 No182

Division 2................

rep 2006 No 128

r 59....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 60....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


am 1998 No 270; 1999 No 173


rep 2006 No 128

r 61....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 66....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 67....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

Division 2 heading..........
(prev Division 2A)

renum 2006 No 128
rep 2008 No 182

r 67A...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128; 2008 No 182


ed C62

r 67B...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128


rs F2024L00668

r 67C...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67D...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2004 No 370; 2006 No 128

r 67E...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67F...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67G...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67H...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67I....................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67J....................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67K...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67L...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67M...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67N...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2004 No 370; 2006 No 128

r 67O...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67P...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67Q...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

r 67R...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67S...................

ad 2001 No 31

r 67T...................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

Division 3................

rep 2006 No 128

r 68....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


am 2001 No 31


rep 2006 No 128

r 69....................

rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 70....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 71....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

r 72....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


rep 2006 No 128

Subdivision 4 heading........

rs 2001 No 31


rep 2006 No 128

r 73....................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326


ad 1996 No 71


am 2001 No 31


rep 2006 No 128

r 74....................

rep 1989 No 326

r 75-77..................

am 1986 No 140


rep 1989 No 326

Part VI


Part VI heading.............

am F2024L00668

r 78....................

rep LA s 48C

r 79....................

am 2000 No 207


rep F2021L01204

r 80....................

am 2000 No 207

r 81....................

ad 2000 No 81

r 82....................

ad 2006 No 128


rs 2007 No 82


rep F2021L01204

r 83....................

ad 2006 No 128


am 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182


rs 2012 No 278

r 84....................

ad F2024L00668

Schedule 1AA.............

ad 2010 No 165


rs 2010 No 242


am 2010 No 290


rep 2012 No 278

Schedule 1


Schedule 1 heading..........

rs 1989 No 74

Schedule 1................

am 1988 No 42; 1989 No 74; 1996 No 265; 1997 No 376; 1999 No 39; 2000 No  207; 2001 Nos 31 and 117

Heading to Form............

rep 1989 No 74


1984 No 426

Heading to Form 1..........

ad 1989 No 74


rep 2010 No 76

Form 1..................

am 1999 No 39; 2000 No 207; 2001 No 117


rep 2010 No 76

Form 1A.................

ad 2010 No 76

Form 1B.................

ad 2010 No 76

Form 2..................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265; 2001 No 117; 2004 No 370

Form 3..................

ad 1988 No 42


rs 1996 No 265


rep 2001 No 117

Form 4..................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1989 No 74


rs 1996 No 265


am 2001 No 117

Form 5..................

ad 1996 No 265


am 1997 No 376; 2001 No 117


ed C67

Form 6..................

ad 2001 No 31

Form 7..................

ad 2001 No 31


am 2006 No 128

Form 8..................

ad 2001 No 31

Form 9..................

ad 2001 No 31

Schedule 1A


Schedule 1A heading.........

rs 1996 No 71

Schedule 1A..............

ad 1988 No 164


am 1992 Nos 33 and 160; 1996 No 71

Schedule 2


Schedule 2................

am 1985 No 183; 1986 No 393; 1987 No 175; 1988 No 164; 1989 No 53; 1992 Nos 33 and 160; 1995 No  400; 1996 No 71; 1997 No 232; 1998 No 121; 1999 No 39


rs 2000 No 81


ed C62


am F2019L00344

Schedule 4


Schedule 4 heading..........

rs 2007 No 293

Schedule 4................

am 1995 No 400; 1996 No 71; 1999 No 39; F2019L00344

Schedule 4A


Schedule 4A..............

ad 2007 No 293

Schedule 5


Schedule 5................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1989 No 74; 1992 No 404; 1995 No 297


rs 1996 No 71


am 1996 No 265; 1998 No 329; 2001 No 117; 2003 No 339


rs 2006 No 128


am 2011 No 20


ed C64


am F2019L00344

Schedule 6................

ad 1988 No 42


am 1989 No 74; 1996 No 71; 2003 No 339


rep 2009 No 17

Schedule 7................

ad 1989 No 74


am 1996 No 71


rep 2009 No 17

Schedule 7A..............

ad 2007 No 82


rep 2008 No 182

Schedule 8


Schedule 8................

ad 1996 No 71


am 1996 No 265; 1997 No 251; 2003 No 339; 2004 No 370


rs 2006 No 128


am 2008 No 259; 2011 No 20


rs 2012 No 9


am 2012 No 211; F2019L00344

Schedule 9................

ad 2006 No 128


am 2011 No 20


ed C64


am F2019L00344


rep F2024L00102

Schedule 9A


Schedule 9A..............

ad 2007 No 212

Schedule 10


Schedule 10...............

ad 2006 No 128

Schedule 11


Schedule 11...............

ad 2006 No 128


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